Today we will discuss the many benefits of intermittent fasting like:
- Fat loss
- Muscle gains
- Weight management
- Increased testosterone
- Improved health
- Improved appearance and attractiveness
- Better mood and sense of well being
- And much, much more.
All of these benefits await you once you learn the power of intermittent fasting. Here you will learn how to incorporate intermittent fasting into your life for maximum results. I’ll also share my personal experience from over a decade of practice and experimentation. You also get many tips and tricks you unlock results fast.
Intermittent fasting has improved my life in many ways. Fasting helped me lose 30 pounds of fat and built a chiseled physique. I even boosted my testosterone by over 200 points naturally with the help of intermittent fasting.
In addition to that, my focus and energy levels were off the charts while fasting. I worked all day, trained hard in the gym, and still had energy left over to take care stuff that needed taking care of.
The best part is anyone can do intermittent fasting. You don’t need to buy anything. You just need try it and see for yourself.
I’ve done various forms of fasting including eating one meal a day and periodic 2-day fasts. I’ve also done 8/16 fasting for years at a time. I’ll tell you about these fasting methods and my experience in this article.
Here’s what you will learn in this post:
- What is Intermittent Fasting?
- The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
- My experience with intermittent fasting
- Intermittent Fasting Methods
- How Fasting works for weight loss
- How Does Intermittent Fasting Work?
- Intermittent Fasting for Bodybuilding
- The Intermittent Fasting ‘Diet'
- My Intermittent Fasting Results
- Intermittent Fasting Tips
- Should You Workout when Intermittent Fasting?
- Frequently Asked Questions
What is Intermittent Fasting?
In general, fasting is when you go an extended period of time without food.
Intermittent fasting is the term used for planned periods of eating and not eating.
Intermittent fasting is broken into two parts:
- The first part is the ‘feeding window’ or eating window. This is the time that you eat.
- The second part is the fasting period, or the timeframe that you don’t eat.
The length of each period varies depending on the type of intermittent fasting you do. The point is to have a period of continuous calorie restriction. Fasting reduces your calorie intake to zero so your body burns fat mass for energy instead of food. This is how the weight loss happens.
(This video provides a brief overview of fasting, if you prefer video format.)
The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
The two biggest benefits of intermittent fasting are how quickly you can lose weight doing it and, if you keep doing it, the weight loss can be sustainable.
Fat loss and weight management
- Lose weight quickly – The moment you stop eating your body burns calories from what’s in your digestive system. After all calories are extracted from there your body shifts to burning stored body fat.
- Sustainable weight loss – Fasting consistently will keep you lean once you get there. Once you have an intermittent fasting schedule that works for you, you will be able stay at your target weight by scaling your fasting efforts up or down as needed.
- Intermittent fasting will burn fat faster than you thought possible. It’s especially effective for losing belly fat. Belly fat is stubborn. Intermittent fasting is a healthy way to lose belly fat quickly. Your body burns fat for energy when you reduce your food intake. Making intermittent fasting the best way to get ripped.
- It doesn’t matter how big your muscles are, they won’t show if they’re covered by fat! To get ripped you must be lean. And intermittent fasting gets you lean fast. If you’re concerned about losing your hard earned muscle get a high quality protein powder and some BCAAs.
- What else do you know that can improve brain function, blood flow and burn fat?

Better health and well being
- Better health – Intermittent fasting provides numerous health benefits proven by scientific research. Intermittent fasting boosts testosterone. This is scientifically proven through various accredited studies. Fasting also keeps you healthy, focused, and extends your life.
- Cellular health – Fasting repairs cells, improves body function, and boosts immune system. It also reduces risk of type 2 diabetes. Fasting lowers blood sugar, reduces insulin resistance, and decreases inflammation.
- Improved heart health – Intermittent fasting also improves heart health. It lowers blood pressure, reduces LDL cholesterol, and lowers blood triglycerides.
Become more physically fit
- Better general fitness – In addition to that, intermittent fasting is great for overall fitness. Fitness isn’t about how huge and jacked you are. It’s also not about how lean and shredded you are. Fitness is about health. Fitness is about capability. It’s about how ‘fit’ you are to thrive in your environment.
More energy and focus
- More energy – For me, fitness means being fit for every aspect of my life. There’s only so much time in a day. You only have so much energy. I want to make the most of each day. Intermittent fasting is a good strategy to eat healthy, increase productivity, live lean, and live longer.
- Enhanced focus – Sharper Focus and Mental Clarity – Fasting helps you focus. My mornings are way more productive when I’m fasting. Your mind is clear and sharp. Brain fog disappears. Digestion takes a lot of energy. When you’re full, you’re content and satisfied. That’s why you just want to nap after a big lunch. When you go a long time without eating, your mind goes into survival mode and you enter a heightened state of awareness. This heightened awareness gives you extreme focus, just like it gave your ancestors focus when hunting hungry. They needed laser focus to get a kill or else they would starve. Being physically hungry makes me ambitiously hungry. You’ll be more assertive. There’s a reason people who are driven and motivated are referred to as ‘hungry’. They go without food to chase their dreams. They are literally and figuratively hungry. No, they don’t have a belly full of filet migon weighing them down. They are light nimble, ready to fight and take what’s rightfully theirs.
Improved Willpower and self control
- Willpower is a muscle that needs to be trained. Controlling your biological need to eat is a powerful way to train your willpower. The willpower transfers to work and life.
- Increased Self Control – Why would anyone intentionally starve themselves? First of all, being hungry isn’t starving. Don’t confuse fasting with an eating disorder or malnourishment. Well planned fasting is nothing short of a miracle. You see, we’ve been conditioned to overeat. We are obsessed with food. We are told to eat, eat and eat some more by or families, friends and businesses. Unless that food is wholesome and nature, you’re eating yourself into ill health and an early grave. The truth is, it’s OK to be a little hungry at times. It makes you appreciate the food you eat and practice temperance. Self control separates us from animals. If you eat slop like a pig you’ll look like a pig. If you eat as nature intended humans to eat you’ll be lean, strong, healthy and fit. Our ancestors thrived on very little food. human lifespan hasn’t improved much over the last century even though food is more available than ever and medical advances have skyrocketed. We have too much of a good thing and are eating ourselves to death. It’s up to you to educate yourself. You are responsible for your food choices.
- Pride and Self Discipline – There are mental benefits and morale victories to fasting. When you put yourself through hard things. life gets easier. You have pride in what you can accomplish. If you can discipline yourself to prolong the satisfaction of basic human needs you become a more confident person. You are in control of yourself. You have conquered self. Controlling urges and self mastery will allow you to take on the world. Things like hunger and lack of sleep become minor inconveniences. they don’t through you off. You’re better than that. You’re conditioned to be mentally strong and push through. If you whine about being tired or being hungry you’re a cry baby. Only babies cry about being hungry or tired. If you’re fortunate enough to live in a town with a grocery store you should never complain about being hungry.
Live Longer and better
“To lengthen thy life, lesson thy meals.” – Benjamin Franklin
Intermittent fasting can help you live a longer, healthier life. Reducing your meals will inherently cut out saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol that clogs your arteries. You’ll also eat less poison, pesticide, genetically modified food that damages your health. You’re also less likely to be overweight, suffer from type 2 diabetes or have high blood pressure if you fast regularly.
- Reverse aging – Intermittent Fasting helps Keep You Young! feeling and looking younger. Fasting reduces oxidative stress. Oxidative stress creates free radicals. Free radicals are sub-atomic particles gone rogue. They bounce around your body punching through DNA and causing other mischief. This leads to disease, cancer and early aging.
- Live Healthier – We eat way too much bullshit. Eat like shit and your health will be shit. Eat well and you’ll feel well. Eating clean and avoiding junk food makes you healthy. That’s no secret, yet so many people are fat, sick, and nearly dead from gluttony. With intermittent fasting you inherently eat less junk food. You will also eat healthy foods your body craves. Fasting gives your body a break from digestion so it can focus on healing. You’ll feel better, stronger, and enjoy life more. The health crisis in America is directly related to the sheer quantity of bad foods available.
“One quarter of what you eat keeps you alive. The other three quarters keeps your doctor alive.” – Ancient Egyptian Proverb
- Fasting is a Natural Detox – Fasting is part of natures healing process. Cultures have practiced fasting for millennia for its health benefits. It’s a safe and effective method to heal your body naturally. Most body detox or ‘cleanse’ require you to be in a fasted state. That’s because every bite of food puts trace amounts of toxins into your body. Food additives, artificial ingredients, and chemicals build up in your body over time making you sick. Intermittent Fasting gives your body a break from digestion so it can focus on repairing your body and flushing out toxins. Eat nothing during fasted periods. Drink fresh, clean water to aid the detox process.
Fasting is a simple and effective way to lose fat
Simple, efficient and low maintenance way to get fit.
- Flexibility – Plus it’s flexible enough to fit into your lifestyle no matter what.
- Save Time – Time spent on food is time you won’t get back. With intermittent fasting, you will save time preparing, searching for and eating meals. But you gotta eat. So, try meal prepping to save even more time. Plus it will ensure you always have healthy meals ready to eat.
- Don’t have to Count Calories – You don’t have to count calories, macros or measure your food. All you do is eat all your food within a certain window each day. However, I do recommend that you do because nutrition knowledge benefits you. Learn about macros and how your body responds to certain nutrients. This is valuable data to have and will be your only real source of truth when making adjustments to keep improving.
- Stay Lean Long Term – Intermittent fasting is perfect if you want to stay lean and can’t hit the gym as much as you’d like to. You can maintain your ripped-ness by practicing intermitting fasting daily and traIntermittent fasting is a good plan to cut weight for spring break or summer or if you want to look ripped for the beach. You can also use intermittent fasting for extended periods of time or 2-3 times a week.
Build muscle and improve hormones
- Increase Growth Hormone Production – Intermittent fasting significantly increases natural growth hormone production. Without food readily available, your body taps into ‘primal’ reserves to protect muscle and increase strength.
My experience with intermittent fasting
It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. I was hangry and did feel tired at times. That’s normal. Especially during the adjustment period. You need to dig deep and stay motivated during these tough moments. Luckily they pass and get less frequent the more you do it.
Intermittent Fasting Methods
There are several types of intermittent fasting. We’re going to cover 5 of the most effective right now. Each method has its pros and cons, but each works well for losing weight and a myriad of other benefits. You may be better suited for one type of fasting method over another depending on your goals, lifestyle and individual factors.
The intermittent fasting methods are:
- 16/8 Intermittent Fasting
- 5/2 Intermittent Fasting
- One Meal a Day (a.k.a. the ‘Warrior Diet’, or ‘Snake Diet’).
- Alternate day fasting
- Extended fasting
One method may be better for you than others depending on your lifestyle, ability to endure hunger, and dietary needs. The fasting schedule is kept every day for as long as necessary until the desired results are achieved.
16/8 Intermittent Fasting
16/8 intermittent fasting is a daily fasting program that calls for 16 straight hours of fasting and 8-hour eating periods. Select your feeding window and fasting periods that works best for you.
When I did 16/8 intermittent fasting, I ate my first meal around noon and finished eating my last meal around 8PM. I used the 16/8 method when fasting because it fits my schedule and lifestyle nicely.
At the time, I woke up at 6:30AM, skipped breakfast, ate lunch around noon and dinner around 8 PM. I’ll typically have a few snacks in between meals.
I kept snacks on hand at all times. I keep a huge bag of unsalted almonds at my office for a snack. Hard boiled eggs are also great in-between meals. and protein shakes and bars. You can eat any number of meals while intermittent fasting, as long as all the meals are consumed within your feeding window.
Depending on your schedule, your feeding window can be 10AM – 6 PM, 8AM – 4PM, or any 8-hour window that works best for you.
16/8 intermittent fasting work extremely well with the old school steak and eggs diet to get shredded fast. A simple way to put 16/8 fasting is to skip breakfast and just eat lunch and eat dinner. Or if you eat breakfast then eat lunch and skip dinner.
16/8 fasting is a good starting point for most people. Eating within the same eight hours 7 days per week is sustainable for most people. You get into a rhythm. People that try this eating plan for eight weeks usually incorporate into their lifestyle for good.
16/8 Intermittent Fasting Pros and Cons
Purpose: The best intermittent fasting diet for building muscle and keeping low body fat.
Pros: Quick results, low maintenance, sustained energy, focus in the morning.
Cons: Takes time to get used to. Adjustments can take a week or two.
The 5:2 Intermittent Fasting Method or “The FastDiet”
The 5:2 intermittent fasting method is where you eat regularly for 5 days straight then fast for 2 days in a row. On ‘fasting’ days, you eat nothing all. Or, eat only 500-600 calories each of those two fasting days.
5:2 intermittent fasting is good for fat loss and detox. It’s also increases you body’s efficiency for utilizing protein. The 5:2 diet is more of a deep detox and fat loss technique and is more for overall heath rather than bodybuilding.
It’s great if you want to be super lean but, I don’t recommend doing this often if you want to maintain muscle size. If you’re curious you can read about my 48-hour fast here.
5:2 Intermittent Fasting Pros and Cons
Purpose: Increased fat metabolization and deep body detox.
Pros: Eat normally for most of the week.
Cons: Fasting 2 days a week back to back is tough for many people.
One Meal A Day Intermittent Fasting – The Warrior Diet
The Warrior Diet is where you fast all day and eat one huge meal at night. With the Warrior Diet, you are basically fasting for 22-23 hours a day.
This is a challenging diet and may be hard for many people to get used to but can prove effective.
Many high performers eat one meal a day. General Stanley McCrystal used a ‘Warrior Diet’ to stay lean for years while physically training 2 hours every morning. Legendary bodybuilder Serge Nubret and Pro NFL running back Herschel Walker thrived on one meal a day.
The ‘Warrior Diet’ Pros and Cons
Purpose: Ultra Low maintenance diet for those who want to stay fit and lean.
Pros: You WILL get lean fast.
Cons: Requires mental fortitude and will power of an ancient Karate Master.
Alternate day fasting
Alternate day fasting is just what it sounds like. Eat regularly one day and fast the next day. Repeat this cycle for as long as you want. Your non-fasting day you just maintain your normal eating schedule. Then just don’t eat the next day. Simple.
Extended fasting
Extended fasting are any fasting period that last for a day or more. Typical extended fasts are one 24-hour fast per week, or a 48-hour fast per month or 72-hour fast per quarter. It just depends on the individual and the outcome you’re looking for.
How Fasting works for weight loss
Here we answer the question, Why is fasting so effective at burning fat?
Caloric restriction – Eating one or two meals per day cuts on calories consumed. Eating few calories as part of a time restricted eating plan is also linked to longer lifespan. This makes sense because fasting is like changing the oil in your car. You get more miles out of it.
Improved insulin sensitivity – Makes your body’s blood sugar regulation more efficient, so your cells absorb and use blood sugar better.
Naturally a healthy diet – Humans weren’t designed to graze all day. We are hunter gatherers. You will naturally crave healthy foods when fasting. Food becomes tastier too. Once you rid yourself of chemical additives, etc. the real flavor of natural food and wholesome nutrition shines through and it’s glorious. You can sense it. Your body just knows.
Fasting shields you from illness – Many non-genetic illness and chronic diseases are diet related. Obesity, diabetes, you name it. Fasting coupled with healthy eating can help reverse negative effects of a modern diet and lifestyle. Human studies and animal studies have both shown fasting decreases blood glucose levels and reduces insulin levels. Research shows that bloating and stomach issues and inflammation improve drastically with a fasting regimen.
Skipping meals gets a bad wrap. Saying ‘skipping meals’ out loud just sounds bad. Skipping meals has a negative idea about it but when people say not to skip meals they are usually pandering. Skipping meals is hard and no one wants to be told they can’t eat.
Simple and low overhead – eating three meals a day or trying to count calories everyday adds mental burden which makes other diets fail. Fasting is easy. Just pick eating windows that work for your schedule and eat healthy food. It’s an easy “diet” to stick to.
How Does Intermittent Fasting Work?
Your body gets energy from food. Normally you’ll eat 3 meals a day, morning, noon and night. If you don’t eat your body needs to get energy from somewhere and if there’s no food in your belly your body begins to use your fat stores for energy. Your body burns fat in a fasted state.
“But won’t I lose muscle mass!? if I don’t eat for such a long time?” You might lose a little if any at all.
If you used to eat 3000 calories in 6 meal and now you eat 3000 calories in 2 meals do you think you’ll lose muscle? Most likely you will gain more muscle eating two meals a day because of the growth hormone production increase when fasting.
There have beens studies done where people did just this – They at the same number of calories but one group ate calories throughout the entire day and the other group ate within a feeding window.
The intermittent fasting group lost an average of 3 pounds more body fat compared to the other group that ate all day. Most of the weight lost will be fat if you lift 3 times a week.
Intermittent fasting helps put your growth hormone production into overdrive. Up to 1000%+ in some cases. This protects your muscles from breaking down and will actually help them grow if you eat enough. Plus there are plenty of examples of high-performing athletes that build muscle and stay top of class by eating only one meal per day!
Pro football legend Herschel Walker and Bodybuilding Champion Serge Nubret preformed at elite levels eating 1 meal a day. That being said you might lose 1 or 2 pounds of muscle for every 10 pounds of fat. You can minimize or eliminate this effect by eating enough protein and strength training regularly. Even if you lose a small amount of muscle you will actually look more muscular because your losing fat which allows your muscles to show through.
Intermittent Fasting for Bodybuilding
Intermittent fasting provides unique benefits for bodybuilding. These benefits include increased growth hormone production, increased testosterone, and fat burning.
Natural bodybuilders can ‘hack’ their biology with intermittent fasting to amplify results in the gym. Intermittent fasting builds lean muscle mass and keeps body fat low. The perfect combination for natural bodybuilders.
Intermittent fasting is a great way to achieve a natural, lean physique. Intermittent fasting works best for men over 25. At this age, your metabolism begins to slow and lifestyle changes, such as desk jobs, begin to take their toll. The result of sitting around all day is extra body fat which will ‘cushion’ your muscles from deteriorating.
If you’re a skinny guy trying to build muscle, I do not recommend intermittent fasting and suggest you eat as much as possible instead. You’re goal is to bulk up and you need all the calories you can get.
Intermittent Fasting Preserves Muscle
Losing muscle mass is every bodybuilder’s worst nightmare. The thought of losing an ounce of hard earned muscle keeps them up at night. (Not good, you need your sleep.) People that lost weight while on a calorie restrictive diet kept more muscle while intermittent fasting compared to those that ate the same amount throughout the entire day.
How is this possible?
Fasting increases human growth hormone levels by 5-10x, that’s 500-1000%! This growth hormone ensures muscles are rebuilt and maintained.
The Intermittent Fasting ‘Diet’
This section is about what to eat while intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is technically not a diet although it’s often referred to as one. Intermittent fasting is an eating schedule. However, to benefit from intermittent fasting, it’s best to eat all natural, whole foods. Since you are fasted for a long time, you want to eat plenty of nutrient rich foods.
If you fill your body with processed garbage, you will feel tired and run down. As a rule, avoid refined sugar and save carbohydrates like bread, pasta and rice for the evening. Eat healthy snacks like fruit with peanut butter or greek yogurt. Anything processed, frozen, or from a drive-through should not be consumed.
The steak and eggs diet is the perfect diet for intermittent fasting for maximum fat loss and muscle definition. You can eat as much as you want while intermittent fasting. A high-protein, low-carb diet works best for fat loss. Get at least one gram of protein per body weight to build muscle. Just because you’re fasting doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want. Eat all the healthy snacks you want but don’t go overboard on candy and pop. It defeats the purpose.
When I’m intermittent fasting I have 2 BIG meals each day and several snacks within my feeding window. To ensure you’re making gains, have an all-natural peanut butter protein shake at the end of your window for extra lean protein. Intermittent fasting is your ticket to fast fat loss, better health and more muscle (if you workout).
Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan
The beauty of intermittent fasting is that you don’t need strict meal plan. However, I’m going to assume the reader has no prior knowledge of nutrition. You MUST have a plan or you will fail. To create your meal plan, first you need to know your baseline energy requirements. go to and fill it out. It tells you how many calories you need each day. Once you know your calorie needs. You need 1.25-1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. Then dive up the carbs and fat any way you see fit for the remaining calories.
My Intermittent Fasting Results
I’ve lost over 20 pounds of fat intermittent fasting. It blasted my belly fat to expose a rock-hard six pack. It just took a few months. During those few months, I didn’t workout any harder or restrict calories. You’ll notice an improvement within days. Your belly fat begins to melt away. Sometimes I notice a difference after one day of 16/8 fasting! I’ll wake up and see that my abs are more visible than the day before. You’re also likely to consume fewer calories when intermitting fasting since you’ll have less time to eat and snack so chances of storing body fat are reduced. As a result my body craved nutrient dense foods. Everything started to taste better. Eating became more enjoyable and satisfying. Plus, I could eat as much as I wanted without guilt! Fasting is your body’s natural way to burn fat, and it’s better than any pill or supplement. Intermittent fasting is great for people with busy schedules, travelers, or for those who enjoy a low maintenance lifestyle.
Increased Strength
I continued intermittent fasting for several months and stayed around 190-195 pound range. During this time I kept my strength. In fact I got stronger. I repped 100 pound dumbbells 6 times in a row for flat bench press – a personal best at the time. This is surprising because normally when you lose weight you will also get weaker. This was not the case for me while intermittent fasting.
I’m More Productive
My mornings are hyper-productive when I’m fasting. I think faster and get a lot more work done. The combination black coffee and an empty stomach keeps me sharp.
Intermittent Fasting is Low Maintenance
Intermittent fasting fits those with busy lifestyles. I work full time, have a career, Own a business, workout 5 times a week, have a serious girlfriend I see often, family obligations, etc. Intermittent fasting saves me a lot of time. I don’t have to cook or buy food often. So less clean up, trips to the grocery store, etc. Plus, I love to eat, so when I do eat, I eat as much as I want! It’s very filling and satisfying.
Intermittent fasting is perfect for people with a busy lifestyle. I want to be lean but I also want to have energy to workout and nutrients to build muscle. Finding the balance between sustainable energy all day and not overeating is challenging. Intermittent fasting makes it a little easier.
Intermittent Fasting Tips
Intermittent fasting might take a few days to get used to. Especially if you’re used to eating several times a day. If it’s too hard to go 16 hours without eating fast for 14 hours instead. You might feel hungrier than usual the first week or so until your body adjusts to your new eating habit. If you do get hungry just eat eat more food within the window.
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
Stay hydrated! Drink a gallon or 2 of water each day. Drink coffee to curb your appetite. Fasting can make you feel tired if you let it. A cup or two of coffee will fix that.
Eat Wholesome Food
You want to pack as many wholesome calories into your feeding window as you can. Especially if you have a workout routine – you must eat enough to recover and stay energized. Learn about macronutrients and learn how to cook!
Skinny Guys Shouldn’t Do Intermittent Fasting
If you’re a skinny guy building muscle do not do intermittent fasting. You need to lift heavy and eat all the time. You need many calories to overcome your fast metabolism to gain weight. Intermitting fasting won’t help you do that. However, if you’re skinny-fat then intermittent fasting can work wonders.
Meal Prep Keeps You on Track
As your fasting window draws to an end, you will be very hungry. You will be tempted to eat whatever you can get your hands on and may crave fatty or sugary foods. This is where Meal prep can save you. Your body will adapt to whatever you expose it to. 1 meal like Serge Nubret or 10 meals a day like Rich Piana. Your body will work with what you give it.
Intermittent Fasting Perfect for the “Casual Trainer”
If you’re a hardcore bodybuilder or trainer that lives in the gym and you eat 6-7 meals a day and that’s all you do then by all means eat 6 meals a day and God Bless. That’s your life and your choice. That is also a lot of time spent cooking and eating.
You always have to carry your meals around with you. Eating a meal every few hours is a chore. Intermittent fasting is perfect if you are busy and still want to be ripped. Fitness is about creating a lifestyle that works for you. Intermittent fasting is an awesome choice for busy trainers on the go.
Should You Workout when Intermittent Fasting?
Workout timing while intermittent fasting is up for debate. It comes down to personal preference really. It all depends on what your day looks like, when you wake up, work, workout and go to bed.
I find that I’m extremely hungry after a workout. If I wake up at 5AM and workout then I’m going to eat around 8AM. That means I can’t eat after 4PM if I’m doing 16/8 intermittent fasting. If I don’t go to bed until 9 PM, that means I went without food for 6 hours before bed.
I will likely get very lean with this method, but I prefer to eat a big meal before bed because it helps me sleep. So people on the other hand, can wake up, work out and not eat for hours without any draw backs. Like I said before, It’s completely up to you and how your body responds. I find that waking up early, skipping breakfast, eating lunch at noon working out after work at 5 then eating a big dinner at 8PM works best for me. It keeps me satisfied, energized and I rest easy.
When intermittent fasting I find it best to weight train in the evening around 5:30PM. I wake up at 6 AM, work until 5 or 6 in the afternoon and train right after work. After training I eat a big dinner and then go to bed within two or three hours. With this schedule, my feeding window is 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM. I do it this way because I like to eat a big meal after I workout. If you train in the morning, between 6-8AM, try a feeding window 8AM – 4PM.
Frequently Asked Questions
Medical Disclaimer: Always consult a trusted medical doctor or licensed physician before starting a new diet, training routine, or fasting method.
Sources: 1. Intermountain Medical Center. “Routine periodic fasting is good for your health, and your heart, study suggests.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 20 May 2011. <>.
This is a really concise and motivational piece!
My question, How about drinking natural juice(pressed, vegetables…fruits) is it good for this regiment? drinking them during the non eating hours?
Thanks, Hector! I hope it’s helpful.
To truly fast you shouldn’t take in any calories, chemicals, or substance besides water (black coffee is acceptable, too). The idea is to give your digestive system a rest so that your body can heal itself and metabolize fat for energy instead of food.
For fasts longer than 24 hours, you can drink fresh pressed natural vegetables and fruit juice for energy.
What type of fasting are you planning on doing?
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