Today I’m going to show you how to build muscle, burn fat and get ripped in record time with Vince GiRonda’s ‘Honest’ 8×8 Workout.
The 8×8 workout was the brainchild of legendary fitness pioneer Vince GiRonda.
The workout consists of exercises performed with 8 sets of 8 repetitions and very little rest between sets.
The 8×8 workout was one of the the best for building muscle quickly due to its high intensity.
I’ve tried it myself and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that it works. It’s my go-to workout when I want to spice things up or get in beach-body condition quickly. The pump is unreal and its effectiveness is undeniable.
Anyway, back to the man of the hour –
Vince GiRonda: The ‘Iron Guru’
Vince was an old school bodybuilder and badass trainer. He specialized in make the physiques of mere mortals look like greek gods. The ‘Iron Guru’ had a knack for always knowing what to do for each individual to get the best results possible.
The legacy began when ‘Vince’s Gym’ opened in Hollywood in 1948.
Vince got major attention for his ability to create impressive bodies. A-list actors, fashion models and competitive bodybuilders all flocked to Vince’s gym during the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s to train under his guidance.
Vince produced more Mr. America and Mr. Universe champions than any trainer in history. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Larry ‘The Legend’ Scott were among his star pupils.
Not only that, bu Vince personally trained Clint Eastwood, Denzel Washington, Kurt Russell, Gordon Scott and other pop culture icons.
Vince’s contribution to bodybuilding and fitness culture cannot be understated. Vince created all kinds of exercises that gave muscles beautiful shape and sticking appearance. He even went so far as to built custom training equipment to suit his unique training methods.
He was something of a madman and had a reputation for being a dictator.
All that being said, the man knew his shit and didn’t much care what anyone else though of it. Even his worst critics couldn’t argue with the stunning results he achieved personally and with his clients.
Vince was lightyears ahead of his time in terms of his understanding of the human body and how to build muscle.
Vince is often considered the the greatest bodybuilding trainer of all time. he built an impressive client list as a result.
Vince GiRonda created the 8×8 workout for ultimate conditioning. Here’s how it works:
The 8×8 workout was Vince’s preferred method to get bodybuilders in competition shape. Because, as he put it, the routine was best for “maximizing muscle fiber growth in the quickest possible time”.
The 8×8 workout routine is a rare breed that builds muscle and burns fat simultaneously. It’s a muscle-building hypertrophy workout and cardio workout wrapped into one.
Uncommon Wisdom from an Eccentric Mad Genius
His results spoke for themselves. His knowledge and application of training principles far exceeded the understanding of science at the time.
In fact, many of Vince’s training methods where proven by science years after Vince started using them to transform average bodies to sculpted works of art.
Vince walked the walk and lived the fitness lifestyle. He was a competitive bodybuilder, wrote for muscle magazines and heavily promoted the sport of bodybuilding. All the while training hundreds of people at his gym in California.
The picture you see above was taken when Vince was over 50 years old – and he’s in better shape then most people half his age!
Vince possessed an impressive repertoire of bodybuilding methods. The 6×6 workout, the 10-8-6-15 routine, 15 sets of 5 reps and many others.
Decades of experience training 100’s of made Vince the undisputed muscle-building master. After over five decades of training Hollywood actors and championship bodybuilders, his ‘Honest Workout’ was his favorite method to get clients into elite shape:
“I have a definite preference for the 8 X 8 system of sets and reps. I come back to this high intensity “honest workout” more often than any other for maximizing muscle fiber growth in the quickest possible time for the advanced bodybuilder.
Keep to 8 X 8 and your muscle fiber will plump out, giving you a solid mass of muscle density as a result.” – Vince GiRonda
Vince GiRonda’s 8×8 Workout

Vince called it the “Honest Workout” because no cheating is allowed. 100% perfect form must be maintained. Even the biggest and baddest bodybuilders struggle with tiny weights during 8×8 workouts.
The 8×8 workout requires razor-sharp focus. All energy muscle be directed to maintaining perfect form and training the target muscle group.
That means:
- No cheating by shifting weight to muscles other than the target muscle.
- Eliminating momentum and making the muscle do all the work
- Focusing on both the lifting and lowering phase of each rep with maximum intensity.
The tempo is a slow and controlled lowering and lifting of the weight. This way no momentum is used and maximum tension is kept on the target muscle.
How to Perform the 8×8 Workout
Routine Duration: Perform the 8×8 Workout routine for 8-12 weeks. Take every 4th week off to allow your body to recover.
Frequency: Vince trained each muscle group every fourth or fifth day. This allows ample time to recover. I design my workout routine to do just that. Typically ends up being 2 days in the gym followed by one day of rest. Then 2 more days in a row of training, followed by 1 day of rest. Repeat.
Training Split: I like to train back and shoulders together, legs and chest, and arms (biceps, triceps and forearms) and abs.
Training Volume: 16+ sets per muscle group.
Exercises: It’s best to use compound exercises with 8×8. Barbells, dumbbells, pulleys and some machines work well.
Minimize Rest Between Sets: Rest 30 seconds between sets. First timers may need 60 seconds. Try to get down to 15 seconds of rest between sets as the routine goes on. This is a sign of progression.
45-Minute Workouts: Try to finish each workout in under 45 minutes. This ensures you’re pushing yourself and increases intensity.
Lifting Tempo: Lift to a 2-0-2-0 tempo (2 second to lift the weight and 2 seconds to lower it. Don’t lock out or rest at the bottom of the rep. You want constant tension on the target muscle. Each rep should be a controlled and deliberate movement. Completely eliminate momentum to maximize results.
Use Perfect Form: Lift with perfect form so your muscles are balanced and symmetrical.
Concentrate: Keep tension on the muscle. Imagine the muscle growing and see and feel it working. Commit 100% to the task at hand and attack your workouts with laser focus.
Sample 8×8 Workout Routine
It’s best to pick two muscle groups each workout, and do two exercises per muscle group for a total of four exercises per workout.
EXAMPLE 8×8 WORKOUT A (Back and Shoulders)
- Pull Ups 8×8
- Seated Row 8×8
- Shoulder Press 8×8
- Lateral Raise 8×8
8×8 WORKOUT B (Legs and Chest)
- Back Squats 8×8
- Leg Press 8×8
- Incline Bench Press 8×8
- Flat Bench Dumbbell flies 8×8
8×8 WORKOUT C (Arms and Abs)
- Barbell Curls 8×8
- Skull Crushers 8×8
- Close-Grip Bench Press or JM Press 8×8
- Wrist Curls 8×8
- Crunches 8×8
Workout Schedule Example:
- Monday – Workout A
- Tuesday – Workout B
- Wednesday – Rest
- Thursday – Workout C
- Friday – Workout A
- Saturday – Rest
- Sunday – Workout B
- Monday – Workout C
- Tuesday – Rest
- Wednesday – Workout A
8×8 Workout Starting Weight
Pick a weight that’s about 60% of your 1 rep max for the given exercise.
The weight will feel light for the first couple of sets. Then it will begin to feel heavier.
Around sets 5,6 or 7 the weight will feel very heavy. DO NOT LOWER THE WEIGHT. Even if you can only do 3-4 reps, use the same weight.
The correct weight is one where you can barely get 8 reps on your sixth set. and you’ll likely only get 5 or 6 reps on the last few sets.
If you can complete all 8 sets by doing 8 reps, you need to increase the weight next time.
You complete 7 sets fully but struggle on set 8 only, you can increase the weight slightly next time.
If you complete 6 sets fully but maybe do 5-6 reps on the 7th set and 3, 4 or 5 reps on the 8th. You have found a good weight. You can use that same weight next time you train. This is the ideal weight. Once it becomes easier to do, then increase the weight for future workouts.
If you complete 4 sets fully but can’t get all 8 reps on the fifth set, then reduce the weight slightly.
Adjustments will almost always need to be made when starting out the 8×8 workout for the first time. Lift as heavy as you can while still getting the workout. Always try to add weight each workout. Reduce the reps, not the weight!
The Best Exercises for GiRonda’s 8×8 Workout
Here you can build your own workout routine. Mix and match exercises as you see fit. Allow your self to mix things up if your routine gets stale.
Best Back and Lat Exercises
- Pull ups
- Lat Pull Down
- Seated Row
- T-Bar Row
- Dumbbell Rows laying on bench
Best Chest Exercises
- Flat/Incline Bench
- Dumbbell Bench Press
- Weighted Pushups
Best Leg Exercises
- Back Squats
- Leg Extensions
- Leg Press
- Hamstring Curl
- Calf Raise
Best Shoulder Exercises
- Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
- Standing Barbell Shoulder Press
- Push Press
- Barbell Upright Rows
- Lateral Raises (Both arms at the same time)
Best Arm Exercises
- Tricep Pressdown
- Close Grip Bench
- Floor Press
- Dumbbell Overhead Press
- Chin Up
- French Press
Vince didn’t recommend training deadlifts, bent over rows and front squats with 8 sets of 8. The high volume is very taxing on the lower back (deadlifts and bent over rows) and rhomboids (front squat). You’re likely to compromise form and not get a good workout plus risk injury.
You can absolutely do deadlifts, bent over rows and front squats just use a different rep scheme than 8 x 8 or increase the rest between sets.
Also avoid unilateral movements (one limb at a time) with this workout. It doesn’t work your body hard enough for this workout as it allows too much rest.
If you’re just trying 8 sets of 8 for the first time it might be wise to pick 1 or 2 main exercises and do 8×8 for only those lifts. for the other lifts do 4 sets of 10 reps or something like that. This workout is a killer so you might want to test the waters first.
Get Plenty of Food and Rest
Recovery is KEY to get results. Eat a balanced diet of all natural, wholesome foods. Plenty of quality meat, poultry, fish, eggs, fruits and vegetables are in order.
You can also try Vince’s very own 36 Eggs a Day Diet for a boost of testosterone and essential protein. It’s perfect to jumping up a weight class.
Poor diet and lack of rest are saboteurs of progress in bodybuilding. Check out my Shopping List for healthy food options and give meal prep a try to ensure you have healthy meals available and ready to eat when you’re hungry.
Nothing kills your progress like burn out. The easiest way to avoid burnout is to stay energized by eating right and getting restful sleep.
If you’re really hardcore you can try Vince Gironda’s old school steak and eggs diet for maximum results! This is the same diet Vince used to build massive muscle and get that shredded look.
Nutritional Supplements
Vince advocated a robust supplement regimen. He commonly prescribed the following items be taken daily with each meal:
- Kelp (Source of natural Iodine, needed for cellular health.)
- Liver Tablets (Amazing muscle builders and energizer.)
- Vitamins and Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc were top items.)
- Protein powder (extra protein to build muscles. TransparentLabs makes the best protein money can buy.)
Why supplement? Vince was convinced that our food is denatured beyond belief and stripped of vital nutrients. It’s best to supplement the modern diet in order to nourish our bodies properly.
Benefits of the 8 x 8 Workout Routine
Build Muscle Fast
8×8 routines are unparalleled in terms of muscle building potential. (German volume training is a close contender.)
The 8×8 workout is intense and the large volume completed in a short time elicit muscle growth.
This puts tremendous stress on your muscles and forces them to grow.
Burns Fat
8 sets of 8 has you moving constantly for 45 consecutive minutes of hard work.
You your heart rate will be jacked. Sweat will drip from your skin. Your lungs might burn from the air rushing in and out of your esophagus.
Just know that you are getting the ultimate conditioning workout.
The rapid fire reps blast fat and build endurance. Your cardiovascular and respiratory systems will get stronger and more efficient. Athletic performance will improve.
Build Muscle Definition and Density
Muscle definition is created by having low body fat and dense muscles. Muscle density is build by keeping muscles under tension.
The slow, controlled movements in 8×8 training keep muscles under constant tension.
Minimize Rest Between Sets
8 sets of 8 is not enough to ensure muscle gains. Perform the workout fast is critical. Therefore “Minimum rest between sets is a must“.
Your goal is to reduce your rest intervals to 30 seconds or less, ultimately cutting them down to just 15-20 seconds between each set:
“To acquire larger muscles you must increase the intensity of work done within a given time. This means minimum rest between sets.
Push yourself. I feel workouts should be timed and you should constantly strive to shorten the time it takes to get through your routine.
This is another form of progressive resistance, and is more important than raising your weights.
This principle of overload explains why sprinters have bigger muscles than distance runners.
Although it’s more work to run a mile than it is to run 100 yards, the sprinter is doing more work per second. Consequently, his muscles will become larger.” – Vince GiRonda
Short rest periods ensure high intensity. Keeping your muscles working without full recovery and pushing beyond their normal limit is how you reach hypertrophy.
After a while you’ll need just five to ten deep breaths between each set.
30 seconds is extremely quick. If you time it, you’ll realize 30 seconds feels like nothing. Focus only on recovering as from your previous set and focus on your next set.
Don’t fiddle with your phone, or get lost in wondering thoughts or sidetracked by conversation or distracted by the baddie in yoga pants.
Pick your workout playlist ahead of time to eliminate distraction and put your headphones on to discourage conversation. Get into a meditative state during this workout.
Who Should do the 8×8 Workout?
He also warned that the 8×8 method is an advance technique and not suitable for beginners:
“You have to build up to the stage where you can benefit from this extremely advanced form of training. I doubt if anyone with less than two years of training experience could benefit from this method.”
So, if you’re a beginning training, stick to a linear strength program like Starting Strength to build a muscular foundation.
Or, if you can handle more volume, try my beginner weight training routine to accelerate your muscle and strength gains.
Enjoy Your New Muscles
Upon completing a cycle of 8×8 training I guarantee you will gain bigger, fuller and more defined muscles.
This workout is an absolute grind at times but once you start seeing results it’s easy to stay motivated and be hungry for more!
There will be days where your heads just not into it. You need to force yourself to have a great workout. Focus everything you’ve got into your training and workout with a purpose!
Keep those abs of steel envisioned in your mind – that’s what you’re working for and don’t forget it!
Train hard. Train Often.
Leave a comment below if you need help.
Nice article! I think Vince was one of the smartest and most interesting bodybuilders out there. I’ve spent a lot of hours browsing his website, there’s a lot of good knowledge there.
I agree with you completely. He was a genius in his own sense. Thanks for your comment.
Thank you for the article. Vince was indeed ahead of his time.
Excellent! Good job on putting together this info! After 2 weeks I see good gains (I am also doing the steak and eggs diet). This stuff is basic and it works! The fitness world makes it too diificult to understand and everyone has a diiferent approach. The “old school” approach still works. The girls have started to look at me as I walk in the mall….what a great feeling!
Greetings from Malaysia.
Excellent news, Rico!
I’m glad you are seeing results! I agree with you – the fitness world overly complicates things – The basics are all you need to get great results.
Keep up the good work – Wish you all the Best with your training!
Kudos for Rico up there, nice to see someone getting benefits.
I have a question!
How do you think about this
– Dumbbell Row 8×8 , Supported Pull ups 8×8 , Bench Press 8×8 , Push ups 8×8 , Curls 8×8
– Back Squat 8×8 , Calves Raises 8×20 , Barbell Shoulder Press 8×8 , Lateral Raises , Dips 8×8
Please, help me out with this one.
Hi Ricky,
I like your workout. It’s a balance workout split that hits all body parts evenly. As long as you can keep up with the volume and get a quality workout each time, then go for it! Try it for a month and see how you like it. You can always adjust. Let me know how it goes!
Thanks for your comment.
hey. would it be possible to do one body part per day. day 1 shoulders. day 2 chest etc etc.?
Hey James,
Yes, it’s certainly possible to do one body part per week. It could look something like this: 1. Shoulders, 2. Chest, 3. Back, 4. Arms, 5. Legs and Abs.
On the sample routine you provided, I do not see any arm workout. Is this Workout C ? Do 1 or 2 exercises for biceps and triceps at 8×8 format for arm day ?
Hi Chad,
You can add an arm workout. In fact, I just did an 8×8 arm workout today:
8×8 Preacher Curls
8×8 Seated Dumbbell Curls
8×8 Tricep Overhead Press
8×8 Tricep Pull Down with Rope
I really want to give this 8×8 routine a try. I definitely will be starting the steak and eggs diet on Monday. I have seen this split on another site for 8×8. It’s a lot more volume. What are your thoughts ? Below is the link..
I’ve done high volume workouts like that before (24 to 32 sets per muscle group). It will definitely shock your muscles and make them grow. Make sure you get enough recovery (i.e. food and sleep) between workouts and you’ll be fine.
If you find it’s too much volume and you get really tired after a week or two on the program, you can scale back the volume a bit. Hope this helps!
Good ѡrite-up. I certainly appreciate this websіte.
Stick with it!
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Thanks a lot for the interesting article!!
Read a lot about Vince the last couple of weeks and decided to go for it..
But i do it in another fashion.
3 days a week, Full body, 1 exercise/muscle group, selecting 1 different exercise for each day. I must say, heart rate when’t up in seconds, sweat started pouring out, and the next day i was sour as hell. Long time i had that feeling again, so i think my muscles were pretty accustomed to what i was doing the past months..
The first week has passed and feeling great, but to early to see yet any benefits..
I wonder…
Hi Bjorn,
That sounds great! Keep working at it, you should see results soon as long as you’re getting enough nutrition.
Let me know how you progress!
I do 8 sets of 8 but I don’t use the same weight on most sets. Instead I add weight on each set until I get to the to the 6th set where I stay with the same weight for the last 3 sets of an exercise. I keep my rest periods short on the first few sets (say no more than 30 seconds or less) and increase the rest time as each set gets heavier. I only rest a minute on sets 6 to 8 (the last 3 sets). I add 10-20 pounds on the large exercises like squats, leg press, bench and incline press, chins, rows, deadlifts and 5-10 pounds on the small exercises like flys, laterals, curls, extensions etc. Works very well and get a great pump.
Yes, this is an excellent routine, Mark!
Increasing weight is fine. It sounds like you know what you are doing. As long as the intensity is high enough to elicit muscle growth, you’re doing it right! Gotta love the pump with this workout, too!
Dude. I love this old school approach. The ways of the past were always proven to be the best. All the new stuff can’t compare. I’m definitely gonna give this a go. I love using volume and going really quick. I’ve been bodybuilding for 20÷ years and always looking for a good shock to the system. I’m gonna use the 2 on 1 off split and see how that goes.
Thanks Jason! Glad to hear you’re still going strong after 20 years! Guys swear lifting keeps them young! This workout is definitely a change of pace. Let me know how you like it.
This is the right blog for everyone who wants to understand this topic.
You realize a whole lot its almost tough to argue with you (not that I personally will need to…HaHa).
You certainly put a new spin on a subject that
has been written about for decades. Great stuff, just wonderful!
Studied Vince training for past year. Most impressed with 8×8 . Use this regularly with Steve Holm “Old School New Body” program. Am in early 60s focusing on staying strong and healthy without injuries.
Staying Strong in Southern Utah
Sorry some misinformation here. I’ve trained Gironda style since mid 80s and talked to Vonce and Nick about some of this. 8 x 8 was most often 1 or two exercises for a TOTAL of 8 x 8. Not 16 sets, or 32. 33 sets was Makkawy Olimpia training. also Vince is 38 in that picture. At 51 he was even more ripped.
Within the same muscle group, after finishing one exercise, how much time of rest would you say is optimal before doing the next exercise? I personally find myself needing 3 minutes but I been pushing to make it 2 minutes.
Rest as little as possible between sets during an 8×8 workout. 30 seconds maximum.
The whole point is to increase workout intensity by doing a lot of volume in a short amount of time.
I used to be regular to gym during my college days…Now I am 42 and on the obese side having 35 % body fat…. Thinking about starting weight training again.. But your article says I need to start with body weight training….,
Now I had never done pull ups before and still have doubt if I could do 1 pull up at least…
So my a person like me who is starting strength training after long time, can he 1). start withthe Vince Gironda 8*8 training and 2). Can he start doing weighted strength training without doing the body weight exercises first …
Sorry for the long question and Thanks,
Great questions Umesh. I would start a diet immediately to help reduce weight. I would train with a mix up bodyweight exercises and weight training. Do sit-ups and planks to strengthen your core, plus bodyweight squats and lunges. Go on a long walk everyday (While listening to the Iron & Grit Podcast:)). Ease into weights with deadlifts, squats, curls, rows and presses. 3 sets of 10 reps. Let me know if you have any other questions!
Hi I was just wondering I’m doing the 8×8 fullbody routine. My question how long of a rest do you take when you go to your next exercise. Thanks
Can we do push pull leg split 8×8
If you’re just talking about a Push-Pull-Legs split, then yes.
It it’s a PPL routine then technically you still could, but strictly speaking no. You could incorporate principles of the 8×8 workout into a Push-Pull-Legs routine.
What did you have in mind?
Hi. First of all, I apologize for my bad English, I hope you understand me.
How do you see a split A) chest-back; B) legs-shoulder; C) arms.
2 exercises 8×8 for each muscle group? Would training frequency be lost if the weekend was rested?
Thank you, greetings
Can I do 8×8 full body 2-3 days per week alternating that with 2 days of martial arts for 45 minutes?
Yes, just adjust the program according to your overall training if needed.