In this article I’ll share the benefits of morning workouts, tips to wake up early, and my kick-ass morning routine.
Your morning sets the tone for your entire day
Now that I experienced the benefits of being a morning person there’s now way I could go back.
My morning workout routine improved my life in many ways. I became healthier, stronger, more fit, more productive, and more focused.
I look and feel better than I ever have before.
I get more done before noon each day than I used to in two full days.
Morning Routines can Change Your Life
I was stuck in a rut for a long time.
My personal and professional progress became stagnate.
Responsibilities kept falling in my lap, and I constantly felt like I was playing ‘catch-up’ with my life.
No matter how busy I was, it never felt like I accomplished anything.
I was becoming discouraged. I felt like I should have been doing more but I didn’t know what to do. This led to terrible anxiety.
I couldn’t live my life a nervous wreck. I knew I was meant for more and wanted (much, much) more. All I knew is that I had to do something to change the way things where going.
I don’t remember exactly what gave me the idea to start a morning workout routine, but it was something new I wanted to try.
And I’m very glad I did.
My life improved almost immediately.
I was in a blissful, calm mood all day after my first morning workout.
My anxiety was significantly reduced. I used to barely speak up at work or in social situations around people I didn’t know. This has changed big time. Now I have no problem talking or getting on a soapbox.
Since I’ve starting training in the morning, a chain reaction of positivity has cascaded into my life.
My finances, relationships, self-esteem, and confidence are at an all-time high (and only going up from here).
My body transformed from skinny-fat to jacked in a matter of months.
Prior to training in the morning, I was always an after work workout-guy. Not any more. Early morning gym sesh or bust, friend.
The benefits are just too good to let slide.
10 Benefits of Early Morning Workouts
Morning Workouts are quicker, more efficient, and more effective.
They’re just plain better.
#1. No Crowds
You don’t have to fight the crowd in the morning. Most folks are still fast asleep while you’re at the gym putting in work.
That means you can thrash iron at warp speed.
Want to use two machines for your superset? Go for it. There’s literally no one physically there to stop you.
Avoid the 5:00 P.M. gym rush, and don’t wait for a piece of equipment ever again.
#2. Morning Workouts are Faster
Morning workouts take half the time compared to afterwork workouts.
The gym is packed after work. Therefore the equipment I want is almost always occupied.
Plus, I would see people I knew that wanted to talk. This can kill your momentum in the gym. Especially if you’re limiting your rest between sets.
(Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy talking to fellow gym-goers. It’s a community of people working to bettering themselves. There’s a sense of camaraderie. It’s a pretty cool thing.)
There’s a different attitude in the early hours. The morning gym crew gets in, gets it done and attacks their day. There’s no time for idle chatter. They are pleasant, polite, and usually successful professionals. They say “Hi”and ask how you’re doing but keep the chit-chat short so they can get back to their workout. I love their all killer no filler attitude.
Morning workouts allow you to go to the gym and take care of business fast.
#3. Better Gym Vibe
The morning folks are all on the same frequency. Everyone makes their fitness a priority, so automatically you have that in common. It gives great vibes and makes for a great workout environment.
You meet some great like minded people. And since everyone there takes their training seriously, you can learn a thing or two watching them or talking to them.
#4. Better Workouts
You workout faster because you have the added pressure of being to work at 8A.M. so you won’t dilly-dally.
This results in a great workout where you pushed yourself to get more done in less time.
Which means your workout intensity will increase. Doing more work in less time is what makes your muscles grow.
#5 Increases Productivity
Your best work happens in the morning.
This is true in and out of the gym. You’re mentally sharp, fresh, and focused in the morning hours.
Early workouts enhance your productive hours because it primes you physically and mentally.
You breathe deeply and get the blood pumping. Your body gets warm and muscle get loose. Your central nervous system is firing on all cylinders, making you mentally sharp and focused.
This eliminates brain fog better than coffee ever could.
#6. Win Your Morning, Win the Day
In Lou Zhu’s Art of War, he talks about how the first army to the battlefield has the advantage.
It’s no coincidence that the best athletes practice early. Or that the best employees get to the office early.
Arrive first and you are ahead of the curve. You set the tone. While others will be just warming up, you’ll be running at full speed.
You’ll feel at home. You’ll feel in control. Those who arrive later are already in a reactive state.
When you start strong you end strong.
#7. Better Mood and Stronger Mindset
Self-esteem and confidence will directly impact your success in life.
There’s nothing like breaking through barriers that previously held you back.
If you can do this, what else could you do? (Anything you want.)
For me, working out has paved the way to a more confident life.
Working out makes me feel great. It’s the best way to boost my mood. Each workout gives you a dopamine / endorphin hit that makes you feel fantastic.
This feeling sticks with you all day. The positivity will spill over into everything you do.
And the long term results? What’s better that looking good and feeling confident and strong all the time?
#8. Burn More Fat
Morning workouts are effective fat burners.
You will stay leaner and more limber since you’re moving your body throughout the day after a morning workout. Rather than laying around the house or sleeping like you probably would training afterwork.
This enhances the ‘afterburn’ effect. The afterburner effect is the time after a workout that your body is burning an increased amount of calories in order to recuperate after the workout. Being awake for this enhances the afterburner effect just by moving about though your day.
You can workout fasted for greater fat burning benefit. Plus, the added bonus of building more muscle.
#9. More Muscle Building Potential
Not only will your morning workout be more intense, but you can workout in a fasted state to build more muscle.
Fasted workouts increases human growth hormone production by 1000% (That’s ONE THOUSAND PERCENT. 3 zeros.)
(Source: National Institute of Health)
Your body is fully focused on working out, not digesting food. everything is stored and in it’s place ready to be used to maximize your workout. Make sure you get enough protein to maximize growth.
After several months of early morning workouts (I workout each weekday) I put on 5 pounds of lean muscle and burned fat during the same time.
The only thing I had was water and coffee before and during my workout. I am amazed at the result!
When restricting calories is very important to make sure the calories you do eat are good ones.
Meal prep is a good way to make sure you get the nutrition you need to build muscle, recover from workouts, and keep your energy level up throughout the day.
#9. Better Sleep
Starting your day earlier will naturally make you tired earlier in the evening.
I’m ready for bed at 9 P.M. every night.
I used to be restless and lay in bed for hours before falling asleep.
Now, I fall asleep within minutes of laying in bed and sleep like a rock.
I wake up rested and jump out of bed like a rocket each morning. (Well, most mornings at least)
My body adjusted to waking up early so getting out of bed became easier. Within a few days I was waking up on my own minutes before my alarm went off.
Evening workouts often made me too tired to do anything productive, yet too restless to fall asleep at a decent hour. I’d lay in bed for hours still wound-up from my workout. I wasted time just laying in bed trying to fall asleep plus I’d be worn out the next day because I slept like poop.
#10. Keeps You Consistent
The best workout routine is the one you can stick to.
By working out first thing in the morning, you get it done before your work day starts. After it’s done, nothing can get in your way to completing it.
Whereas unexpected events occur that can prevent you from working out later in the day.
Nothing can stop your workout if it happened already. You won’t miss a gym session because something pops up unexpectedly.
You’ll have no excuse or opportunity to miss a session if you workout early in the day.
#11. Reduce Anxiety Naturally
You burn off all the extra ‘nervous’ energy during your morning workout. Anxiety is caused by over-activity in the mind.
A hard workout first think in the morning clams and soothes your mind.
I always feel calm, cool, and collected after a good morning workout.
You can eliminate anxiety by regaining control. Get up, workout, get to work and get shit done, and you’ll feel in control. There’s no room for anxious thoughts while you’re systematically destroying every task in front of you.
#12. Builds Discipline
Discipline allows you to get sh!t done.
Waking up early to workout builds discipline. Sometimes in life you have to do things you’d rather not do, but are necessary to do.
Forcing yourself out of bed in the wee hours prepares your mind for powering through tasks you loathe.
It’s all about mindset and working out gives you enthusiasm to get just get it done.
There’s some pride that goes with waking up early. It makes you feel like you’re in CONTROL. Taking charge and getting stuff done is easy when you feel in control.
Everything in life is relative. And everything is easier after you deadlift 400 pounds.
#13. More Free Time
The rest of your day is wide open when you workout in the morning.
You can put in more hours at work. You have more time to get ahead professionally or financially. You can start your own business. You can go to the beach or the park or out for a hike. Or take your girlfriend on a weekday dinner date (she’ll love it and you’re new muscles).
How to Become a Morning Person
Establishing a morning weight training routine can be challenging, especially if you’re not a morning person.
But, Becoming a morning person is easy if you have something to look forward to.
It’s addicting after a while, and you won”t be able to wait for your next day to start so you can get after it again.
Getting to the gym is hard enough as it is sometimes. Dragging yourself out of bed at 5 A.M. can be 10x harder.
It’s much easier to stay in your comfy bed and snooze a few extra hours. It’s a tough go to begin with but your day is much easier once you do it.
I treat my morning workouts as a ‘primer’. Getting my body and mind fully activated and ready for the day.
Morning Workouts Turned my Life Around
Not so long ago, I was overweight, broke and unhappy. I weighed 230+ pounds, had low energy and was moody. I lived with my parents and worked a job I didn’t like. The house was cramped, crowded and I had no privacy. This is not where I wanted to be as a guy in my mid 20’s.
I was quickly approaching my wits end and had to take action fast. It was time to take control of my life and live the way I wanted to without interruption or unwanted influence. I wanted to get back in shape, get back out on my own, and I wanted to make more money.
I made up my mind to get in great shape, In less than 6 months I did the things that I wanted to do: Moved into my own apartment, I lost 20 pounds of fat, and I landed a better job with better pay and more opportunity.
Early morning workouts were a major factor in my success. Waking up early to workout every day gave me the discipline, time and energy I needed to accomplish my goals.
I woke up and hit the gym by 5:30 AM every weekday. I would shower and dress at the gym, then go straight to work feeling great.
My optimism and elevated mood lead to personal inspiration and better results at work. I started networking, taking on projects, and interviewing for better roles.
Early Morning workouts allowed me to start my day on a positive note and I kept that optimism with me all day.
Working out in the morning gives you a psychological advantage. You’ve already accomplished something and you’re ready for more action. You’re fired up, energized and have a sense of calm control.
Three Steps to Get Into A Morning Workout Routine
A great morning workout starts the night before.
“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” – I’m sure you’ve heard that one before. It sounds trite, but it’s true. It takes effort to build a habit, you need to have a system or you’ll likely fail.
#1. Mentally Prepare Yourself
Commit to wake up early and get to the gym.
Tell yourself you are going to get to the gym by 5:00 AM no matter what. There’s no way around it. Your mind is made up so there’s certainty and no indecision. Surprisingly, committing in advanced makes it easier to wake up in the morning!
#2. Plan Workouts in Advanced
Write down your entire workout at least a day before you actually perform the workout. Write down every exercise, every set, and every rep you will do.
Use an app, use a pen and paper notebook, use whatever works best for you.
I track my workouts with google sheets using my iPhone. Type workouts ahead of time and fill in the reps/weight used after completing each set. I also use it to take notes to help improve. Like if I change my foot position on squat and it felt better, I jot it down.

#3. Prepare Your Gym Gear the Night Before
Put all of your gym clothes next to your bed so you wake up, put them on and get out the door.
These 3 steps are important to make early morning workouts work for you.
Make it easier on yourself by setting a plan in motion prior to going to bed. When you invest time into something you’re less likely to give up. All you have to do is be on autopilot when you wake up. That’s by design, you want to wake up, get ready and get to the gym without having the think. The more you think, the more likely you are to talk yourself out of going to the gym.
Remember, the goal is to get to the gym AS SOON AS POSSIBLE after you wake up.
The longer you hang around, the more time you have to talk yourself out of going to the gym. Don’t give yourself the chance to think of an excuse not to go to the gym.
Don’t think. Just go. Do all your prep work the night before so you can just wake up and go!
If you drink coffee, have it automatically brew 10 minutes before you wake up. Get a nice, inexpensive coffee maker and some good coffee.
Set all of your gym clothes out before you go to bed. I put all my gym clothes on my dresser. Shirt, shorts, underwear all ready to go.
If you go straight to work after the gym, pack your gym bag before bed so you can just grab it and go.
It might be hard at first but it gets easier. After a few workouts you’ll look forward to waking up early and hitting the weights. You’ll feel amazing and be super productive during the day. It’s an awesome feeling.
My Morning Routine
(The Night Before)
9:00 PM: Set out my gym clothes for the next morning. Plan my workout. Pack my gym bag with work clothes and toiletries. Load and set my coffee maker.
9:30 PM: Go to bed.
(The Morning of)
4:30 AM: Wake up. Weigh myself. Then Slam 32 oz of water.
I fill up water before bed and set a full glass on my night stand. First thing I do in the morning after I wake up is sit up in bed and slam some water. This wakes up your body “from the inside out” and rehydrates you after hours of being dehydrated.
4:32 AM: Piss Excellence (name that movie).
4:33 AM: Put on gym cloths. I set out my gym clothes the night before. I set out shorts, a shirt and socks. This way I don’t have to think about what to wear or look for what I need. It’s waiting for me on my dresser.
4:34 AM: Pour freshly brewed coffee into a to-go cup. I set my coffee maker on a timer to brew 10 minutes before I wake up. This way I have hot, strong coffee waiting for me each morning.
4:35 AM: Put on gym shoes and my headphones. Fully charged and ready to rock. Then it’s off to the gym to crush my workout.
I usually workout for about an hour. Sometimes 75 minutes depending on the day.
I might sit in the sauna for a bit after my workout. I use this sauna time to stretch and meditate. Then I will shower and get ready for work at the gym.
From the time you wake up to the time you leave your house should take less than 5 minutes. Don’t give yourself time to talk yourself out of going to the gym!
Working out first thing in the morning changed my life for the better. I’ve started my day with a morning workout for the past few years now. It’s a foundation to my success over that time. I’m happier, healthier and feel more in control of my life.
If you’re nervous or anxious during the day, try working out in the mornings before work. You’ll notice the difference immediately. You will cruise through the day with greater grace and ease.
The world’s greatest producers and influencers are earlier risers. Pro athletes, CEOs and other high performers all wake up early in the morning.
Hitting the weights first thing in is a jolt of endorphins rushing through your body.
There are some tremendous mental and physical benefits from working out early in the morning.
Make the most of your morning hours and hit the ground running. Magic happens in the morning before the sun comes up.
Throughout the day everything seemed more relaxed and less hectic. I had focus and more energy. I could think clearly and moved from task to task with ease. My confidence and mood elevated and I was eager to engage in meetings at work.
So what are you waiting for?
A written invitation sealed with a kiss?
This is your wake up call.
It’s time to get up and take what’s yours.
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