Alternate title: How to Get Shit Done.
You only have one life.
You get one ride on this globe, then it’s lights out.
That’s it.
What will you do with the time that’s been given to you?
The most valuable things in life are given to us for free:
Our body, our mind, our health, our family, and our time.
We didn’t have to pay a single cent to receive these things. They were given to us with the gift of life.
They are our most valuable assets, even thought they were free
Yet most of us take these things for granted.
Time is especially precious: How you use your time determines your destiny.
We don’t know how much time we’ve got, but we know that time waits for no-one.
So what are you waiting for?
What a raise? Go ask for it.
Want to take little miss Caroline on a date? Go ask her.
Do you want to get in shape? Drop and give me 10.
Quit bullshitting around. The longer you wait, the more likely you’ll end up buried in the ground before accomplishing what you want.
It’s not too late to make a change, no matter where you are in life.
But you need to act now! Now is all we’ve got.
Stop Procrastinating! Take Action NOW
YOU PUT IN THE WORK AND YOU GET RESULTS. Results take TIME. So, the time to get started is NOW.
Right now is the best time to get started.
Because if not now, then when?
“But I don’t know what to do!”
That’s because you’ve never tried!
You just have to get started and learn as you go.
Don’t know where to start your fitness Journey? Start right Here, Start right Now.
Never touched a weight in your life? Doesn’t matter. Start Now.
Have you been out of the gym for a while and don’t know how to get back into it? Good, Start Now.
Never worked out before in your life? Now is the perfect time. Start Now.
You need to take action to make a change. Make a change for the better and start RIGTH NOW.
Here is how you get started:
Start now by doing one push up.
Seriously, drop to the ground and do one single push up. Just lay your body flat on the ground and push yourself up as high as you can.
Tomorrow do two pushups.
The day after that do three.
Each day do one more push up than the day before.
Do this for three months straight and come back to let me know how you progressed. I think you will like the results.
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