There are a million products you can use at the gym.
Other than weights, these are the top three essential items I use every workout.
I want to maximize my time and effort spent at the gym.
The best workout gear is designed to help you do just that: Make the most of your time in the gym.
It takes many, many hours of weightlifting to build a great physique.
Everything you do will either help you or hurt you in pursuit of a great physique. These items will help you.
It’s not fancy attire or some bullshit bracelet with a dumbbell on it. (Although there is a psychological benefit to wearing clothes that make you feel good, so I can’t rule that out completely.)
The best workout gear adds value by building more muscle, strength, keeping you safe, ad making you healthier.
When you are busy you need to use tools that will help you get the most out of your effort. I create my lifestyle to make things as convenient and beneficial as possible.
Let’s get right to it – these items help me make the most of my workouts:
The Best Workout Gear that Every Weight Lifter Should Own
1. Gym Shoes
Everything you do starts from the ground up, that’s why good gym shoes are required.
You need solid footing to generate force and keep your balance.
A solid foundation is KEY for balance. Balance is key for power. Power is key for strength.
You cannot get a good leg workout in running shoes.
Running shoes are meant to absorb impact and dissipate force out across the landing surface as your foot impacts the ground.
Try to squat heavy in running shoes and you’re at a disadvantage. The soles squish and your leg drive suffers.
If you want to lift maximum weight, you want to drive into the ground with your heels and you want the ground to ‘push’ back.
With running shoe, you lose energy outward with lessons the amount of force you generate from the ground. For example, You drive down on your heels and the shoe spreads energy in all directions, meaning less force is generate back up.
In addition to that, running shoes are sloped down from the heel to the toe.
This is not optimal for squats and deadlifts as they will make you lean forward when performing these lifts (not good).
This forward lean strains your back. You’re better off lifting barefoot (which is great by the way. As long as you don’t drop weight on your toes).
Solid footing is important to maintain body alignment and lift properly. Remember, your body is one ‘kinetic chain’. Everything connects to everything else. having imbalanced footing could cause problems elsewhere.
You need a comfortable pair of solid, sturdy shoes for lifting.
The Best Gym Shoe: Chuck Tailors
A pair of Chuck Taylor’s will last you many years. They are stable and comfortable and put you in a natural lifting position.
Get the High Tops for added support.
They are the best shoe I’ve found for lifting. You can pick up your pair here (amzn)
2. Large Water Bottle
You should drink like a fish when lifting. I drink more than a gallon each workout.
A large water bottle with promote adequate hydration.
I have a 32 oz Nalgene bottle. I take it with me everywhere. To work, the gym, anywhere I go really.
A large water bottle also keeps you from having to fill up your bottle 10+ times a day.
Hydration is Key to Heath
Workout hard and you will sweat. A lot.
For starters, your muscles are 70% water.
Your body also needs water to bring nutrients into the muscles and to flush out waste.
If you are dehydrated even the slightest bit, your performance will suffer.
A big water bottle keeps you hydrated and saved you time. Having fresh water within arms reach at all times is a good thing.
Plus, I save time in the gym by not running to the water fountain every time I want a drink. I can finish my set, chug some water, then immediately start another set.
The type of bottle doesn’t really matter as long as it’s big – it should have a liquid volume of at least a quart. I use a Nalgene water bottle it because it’s basically indestructible and easy to clean.
3. Blender Bottle and Natural Whey Protein Powder
This is a two-for.
Protein is pretty much a given if you want to maximize your gains. It’s not the most important thing, but it does help, no doubt.
The best time to get nutrients into your system is immediately after a hard workout.
At this time your veins are dilated and your body is starting its recovery process.
I take a Blender Bottle with 2 scoops of protein with me to the gym.
As soon as my workout is done, I fill the bottle with water, shake it up and drink it.
I started doing this a few months ago and have noticed good results. I’m cutting fat while maintaining/building muscle so protein is especially important to protect muscles.
To build muscle, you need a lot of protein. And since I’m also losing fat, I’m eating less calories.
Your body needs calories to maintain muscle and if you’re in a calorie deficit you risk losing muscle. So for what I’m going to accomplish, body mass recomposition, supplemental protein is important.
4. Tall Sock or Leggings
Deadlifts will chew up your shins without protection.
Deadlifts are a must for every weight lifter so you might as well buy a few pairs of tall socks, shin sleeves or leggings to protect your shins.
5. Weight Belt
Although I train for raw strength and lift unassisted (I do not use lifting straps, and very rarely use belts or other products that make lifting easier), weight belts have a their place in the gym.
However I cannot deny that using a weight belt allows you to lift heavier.
When you are lifting 90%+ of you max, lifting belts can help support your mid-section, keeping your core and lower back safe.
Get a heavy-duty, thick weight belt that provides a lot of support. You want leather belt with double buckle.
A weight belt braces your core. This adds strength, stability and improve the transfer of energy.
You’ll notice a difference right away.
6. Chalk
I love chalk. The grip enhancement it gives you is unreal.
I can lift 100 pound more on a deadlift with chalk.
having your grip slip half way through a set is very frustrating. in fact, it’s dangerous for a variety of reasons.
1. You could drop the weight and crush some shit
2. As your grip slips, your form breaks down to accommodate the lift. This leads to back rounding.
Gym chalk helps you grip heavy loaded barbells.
Chalk is great for deadlifts and pull ups when you need your grip to stay tight and strong the entire set.
Some gyms get prissy about chalk and won’t allow it. In that case, straps may be in order. Just don’t use straps until you have to!
7. Fat Gripz
Fat Gripz are the #1 Arm building tool. I love them so much, I wrote an entire article about them.
Don’t overlook the power of these simple items.
A small investment on the front end will earn you dividend for years to come. The best workout gear is the simplest.
Don’t over complicate or over spend on unnecessary crap.
Focus your resources on what will really help you achieve your goals.
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