The Steak and Eggs diet is the best fat loss diet on planet Earth.
The steak and eggs diet will build muscle and turn you into a fat burning machine. Many people have seen massive fat loss results in just a few weeks. All while getting shredded, enjoying high energy, and boosting testosterone levels through the roof.
All you do is eat a big plate of steak and eggs cooked in butter twice a day and watch your belly fat disappear.
The steak and eggs diet has been an old school bodybuilding secret for almost a century, yet it is still widely misunderstood and surprisingly overlooked when people try to find a way to lose weight.
This article takes a look at this incredible fat loss diet in detail.
[This is a long post, and we cover a lot. This is likely the most thorough and detailed post anywhere on the internet about Steak and Eggs Diet. Feel free to read this post top to bottom or scroll to the section that interests you most.]
- What is the Steak and Eggs Diet?
- Benefits of the Steak and Eggs Diet
- Steak and Eggs Diet Benefits (Continued)
- How the Steak and Egg Diet works
- Steak and Eggs Diet Before and After (Photos)
- The Steak and Egg Diet Results
- Steak and Egg Diet Origins
- Vince GiRonda's Steak and Eggs Diet
- How to Burn Fat with the Steak and Eggs Diet
- The Steak and Eggs Diet Calories and Macros
- Steak and Eggs Diet Plan
- The Steak and Eggs Diet Cost
- How to Cook Steak and Eggs
- Steak and Eggs Recipe
- Steak and Eggs Diet Frequently Asked Questions
- How long should you do the steak and eggs diet?
- What other foods are allowed on the Steak and Eggs Diet?
- Should you workout while on the Steak and Eggs Diet?
- Should you take supplementing during the Steak and Eggs Diet?
- Is the Steak and Eggs diet healthy?
- Is the Steak and Eggs diet Keto?
- But aren't Dietary Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Bad for You?
- What if I can't cook steak and eggs everyday?
- The Steak and Eggs Diet Review Conclusion
What is the Steak and Eggs Diet?
It’s exactly what it sounds like with a few rules.
First get yourself a couple of pounds of fresh all American beef steak. Ribeye, New York strip or porterhouse steaks are best but any red meat will do.
Season your steak with salt and pepper on both sides and toss it in a skillet with melted butter. Sear both sides then add more butter and crack some farm fresh eggs into the pan. Top with more salt and pepper and eat while it’s hot.
Eat two meals of steak and eggs each day. The two meals can be eaten any time during the day. It’s best to eat the two meals back to back meals – like eat breakfast and lunch, or lunch and Dinner. But it’s up to you.
The steak and eggs diet is best used when you need to shed fat quickly. Do the steak and eggs diet for a few weeks when you want to look extra defined.
Benefits of the Steak and Eggs Diet
The benefits of the steak and eggs diet are enormous.
- Weight loss – There’s no better way to lose weight quickly.
- Boost testosterone – Eggs and steak are high in saturated fat and dietary cholesterol which you need in order to increase testosterone naturally.
- Boosts fat burning – Low carb diets like eggs and steak transition your body into fat burning mode.
- Build muscle – The high protein intake helps build lean and healthy muscle mass.
- Lost fat – Losing fat has never been easier. You eat tasty whole foods and shed fat as a result. Simple.
- Satisfying – Eggs and steak are pakced with essential nutrients you need to thrive. The high fat, high protein diet keeps you content all day without feeling hungry. Name another weight loss diet that can do that.
The health benefits of losing weight and having a healthy body composition are well documented.
This list is just the tip of the iceberg. I could talk at length about the benefits of the steak and egg diet.
Below I’ve outlined some significant but lesser known benefits of the steak and eggs diet.
Steak and Eggs Diet Benefits (Continued)
Better Sleep – I sleep wonderfully when I eliminate carbs and eat a high protein, high fat diet. I have more energy and need less sleep when eating eggs and steak. I usually wake up right before my alarm clock goes off at 4:30 A.M.
Getting up in the morning is effortless when eating zero carbs. My eyes just pop open and I immediately put my feet on the floor. I am awake, alert, and ready for action.
I think it’s because you’re burning clean fuel so your body does’t need all the extra sleep to recover.
More Energy – I have steady energy all day while eating the steak and eggs diet. No carbs means no crash.
Maybe it’s because my body doesn’t have to deal with processed garbage. Who knows for sure. What I do know is I’m bursting with energy all day and night.
The only other time I’ve experienced this level of energy and alertness is when eating the Carnivore diet which is an all meat diet.
Fat Loss – I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: The steak and eggs diet turns you into a fat burning machine. Reducing carbohydrate intake to zero shifting your body into fat burning mode.
People struggle terribly with weight loss and with good reason. Their metabolism is shot. The steak and eggs diet fixes that.
Increase Metabolism – Most people who struggle to lose weight could benefit from the steak and eggs diet. It allows your body to self heal and clear out all the junk that accumulates through eating modern processed foodstuffs.
Once you’re metabolism increases your body burns fat and weight loss becomes easier. The steak and eggs diet provides similar weight loss and health benefits as intermittent fasting which is well backed by research.
Build Muscle – The Steak and eggs diet is a high protein diet to help build muscle. Muscle is important because not only is it an important metric for overall health and wellness, but the more muscle mass you have the more calories you will burn, and the more calories you burn the great your weight loss potential.
Better Focus – Experience incredible mental clarity and focus. I felt sharp and could think fast. I have no need for coffee, energy drinks or naps.
I cook, clean dishes and eat in under an hour a day. Plus I get a fresh meal that I look forward to and that fills me up every time. As mentioned, you’re doing intermittent fasting when eating an egg and steak diet which is known to increase focus and mental alertness.
Fast and Effective – You’ll notice a difference in weight and/or appearance within a few days.
It’s perfect for building a beach body by losing weight quickly before summer or spring break.
Cooking two meals a day is easy and there’s almost no clean up. It’s very efficient and honestly makes life a little more enjoyable because you’ll have more time to do things you love.
Lean Gains – The steak and eggs diet have every thing your body needs to build lean muscle mass while burning body fat.
The potential for muscle growth and fat burning is unmatched. This makes it the perfect body recomposition diet.
Boost Testosterone – Oh yes. Last bet not least, the steak and eggs diet has helped increase my testosterone by 200 275 points naturally.
How does the steak and eggs diet boost testosterone?
It’s because it provides all the healthy fats, dietary cholesterol, saturated fat, and other essential nutrients men need for healthy sex hormone levels and to boost testosterone levels naturally.
How the Steak and Egg Diet works
It works initially by whisking away water weight. It’s a zero carb diet consisting solely of eggs and steak and no carbohydrates, so there’s nothing for the water to hang onto. It’s normal for the first several pounds of weight loss to be from losing water weight.
This can have a tremendous psychological benefit because the results will be noticed quickly. But you need to keep at it because as soon as you reintroduce carbs you regain the water weight.
I’ve noticed less inflammation and less bloating which makes you look thinner. My body begins to take a more toned and tighter appearance.
It’s the easiest way I’ve found to lose weight because the meals are filling and delicious.
However there is a carb ‘cheat day’ every 4th day or so to replenish muscle glycogen.
The steak and egg diet is not a conventional bodybuilding diet. While you can build muscle mass on it, it’s primarily designed to lose fat. You keep your carb intake low so your body burns fat for fuel.
Steak and Eggs Diet Before and After (Photos)
Steak and eggs has been the bulk of my diet for over three years and has helped me completely transform my physique:

Left: Me eating Ramen Noodles. Right: Me eating Steak and Eggs.
Steak and eggs are true superfoods. They are a killer combo that builds lean muscle, boosts testosterone levels and burns fat quickly.
It works like magic.
I’m never hungry, I’m more productive and extremely focused all day when I eat steak and eggs.
The Steak and Egg Diet Results
The steak and egg diet helped me increase my testosterone, build muscle, lose fat, and go from skinny fat to fit while eating as much as I wanted. So that’s cool.
Steak and Egg Diet Origins
The steak and eggs diet gained popularity in the 1950’s and 60’s.
Steak and Eggs was the meal NASA Astronauts eat prior to launch.
United States Marines ate steak and eggs as their pre-landing meal in preparation for a long day of kicking ass.
I can see why – It’s a hearty meal that keeps you mentally calm and clear, and is easy on your gut (no gas or bloating).
It was brought to the fitness world by legendary trainer Vince GiRonda. He called it the ‘Maximum Definition Diet’.
Vince GiRonda had his clients eat a steak and eggs diet in the weeks leading up to their contest or movie shoot. He used the diet to get his clients absolutely shredded in record time.
Vince GiRonda’s Steak and Eggs Diet
Vince GiRonda gets most of the credit for making the steak and eggs diet mainstream.
Vince GiRonda was a legendary trainer during the Silver and Gold Era’s of Bodybuilding. Vince was high sought after for his uncanny ability to mold human beings into statue like greek dieties. Vince GiRonda’s client list was a mile long and packed with the world’s top bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzanegger and A-list celebrities.
Steak and eggs was his secret weapon to get his clients chiseled.
They sought Vince because he was The Man to get them in prime shape for the stage or screen.
Vince’s ability to transform regular folks into elite physical specimens earned him the nickname ‘The Iron Guru’.
Vince was light-years ahead of his time and was on the cutting edge of fitness science. His methods set a standard for bodybuilding and fitness that still exists today.
Vince dedicated his life to perfecting the human physique. He proved that proper training and nutrition keeps you youthful, strong, healthy and attractive.
When Vince was in his 40’s, he beat men half his age in bodybuilding competitions – a testament to his methods.
Vince is famous for creating a variety of workouts and diets. He distilled much of his bodybuilding knowledge in his book, ‘The Wild Physique‘. Definitely worth the read.
How to Burn Fat with the Steak and Eggs Diet
The steak and eggs diet is very simple. Just follow the five rules below and watch your fat vanish, your energy skyrocket, and your muscles appear like you have never seen before.
Only Eat Steak and Eggs
This should be a no brainer but just so we are clear – if it’s not steak or eggs, don’t eat it! I’m speaking hyperbole here but people always try to find a loophole or a short cut.
Eat just steak, eggs and butter to cook it in and you will become a fat burning furnace.
Prepare your meals any way you’d like.
Steaks can be baked, broiled, grilled, pan-seared or eaten raw.
Eggs can be poached, scrambled, fried, over-easy or sunny side up. Or crack raw eggs into a glass and drink them like Rocky.
I prefere mine pan seared with real butter.
Eat Two Meals a Day
Meals can be eaten any time of day. Meal timing doesn’t matter, just eat your meals whenever your schedule allows. After a workout is probably a good time to eat. There is an anabolic window where muscle protein synthesis is peaked after a workout. but don’t stress out over it. I probably wouldn’t scarf down
The steak and eggs diet is perfect for Intermittent fasting.
If doing Intermittent Fasting I eat one meal at noon at the other at 8PM.
Eat as Much Steak and Eggs as You Want
What other diet lets you eat as much as you want?
There’s no need to measure your food or count calories. Just eat until you are comfortably full each meal. Your body will tell you when it has had enough.
There are no carbohydrates in steak and eggs, so the risk of getting fat is zero.
In fact, the opposite will happen – you will get lean and chiseled.
The protein and healthy fat will nourish your body and keep you full and satisfied.
Eat a Carb Meal Every Fourth Day
Okay, I know I said only eat eggs and steak. But you actually do get to eat something that’s not an egg or steak every few days.
Eat a carb-only meal every fourth day of the steak and eggs diet.
Pasta, baked potatoes, oatmeal, or rice are fair game. No refined carbs like Doritos, Cheetos, or Fritos. That means no Mountain Dew, Mr. Pib or Diet Coke. Yes even Diet Coke because it will make you bloat and your hard work will be for naught.
A big, fresh salad loaded with greens is also a good idea. Your body will appreciate the vitamins and minerals in the green vegetables.
This carb meal will replenish your glycogen stores. By day four of the steak and eggs diet your glycogen stores will be zapped.
Starchy carbs provide the much needed glycogen to keep your muscles pumped and your strength up.
Eat this carb meal in addition to your two daily steak and eggs meals.
The carb meal is best eaten 3 hours before or after a steak and eggs meal. If you eat them to close together it will interfere with digestion.
Eat carbs as a way to promote muscle growth
Only Drink Water and Black Coffee
There’s no faster way to destroy your diet than by drinking calories. No pop, booze, juice, or soda.
Anything other than water and black coffee contains sugar or artificial ingredients. Avoid these drinks because they will sabotage your progress.
That’s all there is to it. Just follow the rules outlined above for 2-3 weeks and watch your body transform.
Steak and Eggs Diet Increases Testosterone
Testosterone levels in males are plummeting world wide.
You can thank the vegan diet, xeno-estrogens, and the snowflake mentality for this problem.
One thing you can do to reclaim your manhood is to eat like a man.
Men ate meat for millennia and were stronger, smarter and had more stamina as a result.
Attila the Hun’s army only ate meat and they where athletic, fierce, sharpshooters who ran down their enemies over long range. The Hun’s diet of horse and lamb caused them to stay strong through years campaigning.
I increased my testosterone naturally by 200 points while eating mostly steak and eggs.
My body got harder, my jawline got stronger, and my mind got sharper in the process.
If you want to be leaner, stronger, more productive, more focused then I suggested trying the steak and eggs diet.
The Steak and Eggs Diet Calories and Macros
I hate counting calories and macros. It feels like such a chore and a bore.
There’s no need to count calories with the steak and eggs diet. This cuts done on the overhead significantly. Reducing friction so you’re more likely to stick to the diet and succeed.
One of the benefits of the steak and egg diets is that you don’t have to track anything. Just stick to the script and you’ll get results.
But, out of curiosity I counted the steak and eggs calories and macros so you can see what you’re eating on a daily basis.
A typical steak and eggs meal consists of 12-20 ounces of steak and 4-6 whole eggs.
- A 16 ounce sirloin steak has about 40g of fat and 85g of protein.
- 4 large whole eggs contains 20g of fat and 28g of protein.
This meal has a combined 113g of protein60g of fat and 0 carbs.
If we add all it all up that’s 990 calories for the meal. Plus an extra 100 calories for the butter. So you’re looking at about 1,100 calories per meal.
Double that number to account for your second meal and that’s a grand total of 2,200 calories per day consisting of 226 grams of protein and 120 grams of fat.
Steak and Eggs Diet Plan

Here’s a sample steak and eggs diet plan. It’s similar to what I would eat at 200 pounds and training 4-5 times per week.
Week One:
- Monday – Wednesday: Two meals of steak and eggs. Each meal equals a 12-16 ounce steak and 4-6 whole eggs.
- Thursday – Two steak and eggs meals plus a meal of pasta and salad.
- Friday – Sunday: Same as Monday – Wednesday.
Week Two:
- Monday – Two steak and eggs meals plus a meal of pasta and salad.
- Tuesday – Thursday: Two meals of steak and eggs. Each meal equals a 12-16 ounce steak and 4-6 whole eggs.
- Friday – Two steak and eggs meals plus a meal of pasta and salad.
- Saturday – Monday of week three : Same as Tuesday – Thursday.
Repeat this for a few weeks until desired results are achieved.
The Steak and Eggs Diet Cost

The steak and eggs diet is surprisingly affordable. It costs about $10 a day.
Sirloin steaks can be purchased at $5-6 per pound and eggs are dirt cheap.
Most people eat 1.5 to 2 pounds of steak and 8-12 eggs per day. Sometimes more or less depending on your appetite.
It cost roughly $10 a day. Maybe $15 a day if you splurge.
That price is hard to beat. You can’t get a salad at a restaurant for less than $10.
How to do the Steak and Eggs Diet for Cheap
I get it, you’re not made of money. Luckily there are cheap ways to eat well.
- First, you can shop for deals. Just wait for steak to go on sale and stock up.
- Or, you can buy in bulk. You can buy 10, 20 pounds of meat, even a whole cow, and save a ton by buying in bulk.
- The third option is to eat ground beef instead of steak.
Where to buy cheap meat?
Local Butchers – Search for butcher shops online. Find a good deal and stock your freezer with steaks.
Local Farms – Google ‘farmers’ in your area. You can buy large amounts of beef for cheap and they will process it for a fee. Recruit friends to split the meat and cost.
Local Market – I’ve found New York Strip steaks on sale for $3.99 a pound at my hometown grocery store.
I typically buy 20-30 pounds when I find a deal like this. I pick out a big chunk of meat and the butcher cuts it into 1 pound steaks:

You can go even cheaper by replacing steaks with ground beef. Ground beef provides the same fat loss and muscle building benefit.
85-90% lean beef is best for this diet. It’s a good balance of flavor and nutrients. (The package shows either 85/15 or 90/10 – the second number is the total fat percentage by weight.)
Not All Steaks and Eggs are Created Equal
I’ll start by saying any beef and eggs will get you ripped with the diet. That being said, some people might want to spend more on higher quality meat and eggs.
It’s much more enjoyable to eat a nicely marbled filet pan-seared in butter than it is to eat hamburger meat. The results are the same, but the experience is much different.
Depending on how the animal lived impacts the food quality. Happy cows make tastier beef. Chickens allowed to live off the land lay eggs with rich yokes.
The more naturally the animal lived the better the food they produce will be.
Natural means the animal was raised in its natural environment, ate natural food, and wasn’t pumped full of hormones or antibiotics.
Quality Levels of Steak and Eggs
Good: Steaks and beef from your local super market and generic eggs. Buy meat and eggs from animals not treated with hormones.
Better: Organic fresh steaks from your friendly local butcher and organic, free-range eggs.
Best: Farm fresh, free-range eggs and grass fed local beef slaughtered and butchered within the last few days. The fresher the better.
Just pick the steak and eggs that best suite your taste.
How to Cook Steak and Eggs
I created this video to show you how to cook steak and eggs step-by-step. Just follow the instructions and your steak and eggs will turn out perfectly every time.
Steak and Eggs Recipe
Now that you’ve got your steak and eggs it’s time to EAT. Take your steak out of the refrigerator an hour before cooking so the meat is closer to room temperature before cooking. This will cook the steak evenly.
Here’s how I cook my steak and eggs. First you need all the ingredients:
- 1 big fat juicy steak
- 4 free range whole eggs
- Grass-fed butter
- Salt
- Black pepper
Toss a knob of butter in the pan and set heat to 7.
Season meat with salt and pepper while the butter melts. Once the butter start to bubble add the steaks to the pan.
Let it sizzle for a few minutes then flip it to the other side for another few minutes.
The steak should be brown with a nice sear on both sides. Remove from heat when it’s at the desired doneness and chow down.
I like fresh ground black pepper and Himalayan pink salt. But you can use your favorite seasoning blend.
I recommend getting a nice non-stick skillet and a spatula if you don’t have one already.
Having the right tools for the job will make your life easier. Cooking is more enjoyable and clean up is much faster with good cookware. It will also last forever if you take care of it.
Steak and Eggs Diet Frequently Asked Questions
- How long should you do the Steak and Eggs Diet?
- What other foods are allowed on the Steak and Eggs Diet?
- Should you workout while eating a Steak and Eggs Diet?
- Is Steak and Eggs Diet healthy?
- Is Steak and Eggs Diet Keto?
- Can you take supplements on the Steak and Eggs Diet?
- Aren’t steak and eggs high in fat and cholesterol?
- What if I can’t cook Steak and Eggs everyday?
- Is steak and eggs diet a good diet for bodybuilding?
- Who should eat the steak and eggs diet?
- Is the steak and eggs diet a carnivore diet?
- Is the steak and eggs diet good?
- Does the steak and eggs diet work?
- Can I eat other meat or only steak?
How long should you do the steak and eggs diet?
Start with 2-3 weeks. If you want to keep going then keep going. Some find it hard to go more than a month with such a restrictive diet. And that’s fine. A month is more than enough. You can still eat eggs and steak along with other foods you enjoy. It all depends on your goals.
What other foods are allowed on the Steak and Eggs Diet?
No foods are allowed other than steak, eggs and butter. Every fourth or fifth day you can eat a carb only meal.
If you get hungry in between meals, eat a few hard boiled eggs.
Should you workout while on the Steak and Eggs Diet?
You should do light exercise at a minimum. A brisk 30-minute walk everyday at the very least.
Lifting 3 or 4 days a week with moderate volume should be good for most people. It will also positively impact your results in a big way.
You don’t need to kill yourself in the gym, just train hard a few times a week and let the diet do most of the work.
Should you take supplementing during the Steak and Eggs Diet?
Steak and eggs gives you everything you need but there are a few supplements that you could take while on the diet.
I recommend these supplements for daily use regardless of if you do the steak and eggs diet or not.
Kelp – One or two kelp tablets a day is good for overall health. It’s a natural source of Iodine and keeps your cells healthy.
Beef Liver Tablets – Liver tablets are a great way to boost energy, stamina and endurance while getting extra protein into your system. These are my favorite supplement and an open secret that it totally overlooked.
Multi-vitamin – Get yourself a quality multivitamin to cover all your nutritional bases. Or, opt for a Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc plus Vitamin D supplement.
Vitamin C – Is a great idea since that’s one of the only downfalls of this diet is that there’s not much Vitamin C.
Fiber Supplement – Add in a fiber supplement. It’s good practice for overall health and I would consider it if doing the diet for more than two weeks.
Nutritional Yeast – Sprinkle this stuff on your carb-meal for a boost of vitamins and minerals.
What about protein shakes?I wouldn’t drink protein shakes unless it’s your carb day. If you do want a shake on carb day, get a quality whey protein concentrate. Or you can drink egg white straight from a carton for extra protein.
Is the Steak and Eggs diet healthy?
The steak and eggs diet is probably one of the healthiest diets out there if you use your body like you are supposed to and if you don’t eat anything else other than green vegetables.
Is the Steak and Eggs diet Keto?
Yes. Steak and eggs fits into a ketogenic diet because it is low carb, high fat and high protein diet.
But aren’t Dietary Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Bad for You?
Your great-grand parents ate meat and butter and lived to be 90 years old. That’s because they used their body and ate natural diets high in fat and cholesterol.
I’ve been eating steak and eggs doused in butter everyday for over three years and guess what? My blood cholesterol levels are at healthy ranges.
My ‘bad’ cholesterol levels actually dropped since eating steak and eggs. Likely because steak and eggs replaced the processed foods I was eating and because I lost 30 pounds of fat.
Know what else I do everyday? I move. I use my body. I go for a walk, a jog, a bike ride, a lifting session. Something, anything to move my body like nature intended.
High cholesterol is a huge problem, but it’s caused by lifestyle choices – like not moving much, being a couch potato, and eating processed crap. Not by eating real foods.
If you’re fat you’re likely to have high cholesterol. Cut out the processed foods and move 30 minutes a day and watch the magic happen.
Animal fat is good for you. Red meat is good for you.
So about fat…
Fat gets bad rap because people believe fat will make you fat. This is wrong, but many people allow others to do their thinking for them. Eating natural fat does not make you fat. Sitting on your ass all day eating Cheetos makes you fat.
Eating processed foods and refined carbohydrates makes you fat. This is why people that eat reduced calorie and ‘diet’ foods just keep getting bigger. There’s no nutrition, and now your body has to process all the bullshit filler ingredients.
Bottom line: You need dietary fat and cholesterol. They are necessary for optimal health, energy, and testosterone production.
What if I can’t cook steak and eggs everyday?
Pre-make beef patties and hard boiled eggs.
Portion them out into microwavable glass containers and you’re good to go wherever life takes you.
The Steak and Eggs Diet Review Conclusion
I love the steak and eggs diet because it’s simple and it works.
No other diet lets you eat as much food as you want and still build muscle and burn fat. None.
People hate dieting because diets are a hassle and it makes them hungry all the time. You’ll rarely be hungry eating steak and eggs because the meals are so filling.
People love steak and eggs because it’s easy and you eat delicious food every day.
You don’t count calories, track macros, or trade ‘points’ for food.
Steak and Eggs are Superfoods
While researching nutrition, performance and trying steak and eggs for myself, I’ve come to the conclusion that they are true superfoods. Eggs and steak contain essential nutrients.
There’s no better source of nutrition to be found anywhere.
The best way to use steak and eggs diet is for 2-3 weeks, when you need to get into great shape quickly. It’s also a great way to kick start a diet. Seeing that fast improvement really energizes you to keep going.
Steak and eggs is great for those with weight to lose or who want to lose fat to show off their physique.
But if you’re a skinny guy wanting to bulk up, I would eat steak, eggs, plus everything else you can get your hands on.
All in all, the Steak and Eggs Diet is simple, straight forward, low maintenance, and inexpensive. It’s definitely not vegan, but at least it’s gluten free.
Kings eat meat, serfs eat wheat. Remember that.
If you want to learn more about the Steak and Eggs Diet, check out my podcast episode about it on the youtube video below. Or, get ahold of me on Instagram @ironandgrit
All About the Steak and Eggs Diet for Fat Loss (Iron & Grit Podcast)
‘Til next time.
I’m trying this diet right now. I was 219.7 lbs on july 16th…on Sept. 3rd I was 207. What I’m finding is that compound lifts like the deadlift are brutally hard. I am struggling with 350×3 where as two months ago I was doing 365×4 and 360×5…Am I not eating enough fat or something???
That’s to be expected since your calorie and carb intake is usually lower with the steak and eggs diet.
This diet is good for losing fat, getting ripped and having those muscle lines show through. All things considered, your strength was maintained fairly well over the passed 6 weeks. Make sure you are getting plenty of carbs every 5th day of this diet. That’s your chance to refuel your muscles with much needed glycogen and to regain some energy. From a health standpoint, make sure you’re getting a lot of green veggies and fiber on the 5th day as well to keep your organs healthy.
If and when you go back to a diet with more frequent carb intake, you can expect to regain your strength quickly.
Vince used this diet and you carb up every 3rd day ,5 days is to long and don’t eat any carbs even in small amounts on your no carb days or you will stay smooth
Hey Tiger,
I’ve gone 4 days without carbs and had no problem. Carb-ing up every third day is probably fine, if you are training hard and already shredded.
I haven’t personally seen anything that shows Vince suggested carb-ing up every third day. If you have any information, please share! I’m curious to learn more about the Iron Guru.
I agree with you, no carbs on no carb days! The most ripped I’ve ever been was when I went no-carb for a few weeks.
Then you should find a copy of vince original course The High Definition Diet and besides that I got it directly from Vince himself but it’s used like that for competitions ,5 DAYS IS FINE IF YOU DON’T COMPETE
Am I able to use mustard and hot sauce on this?
Mustard and hot sauce is fine as long as it’s zero calorie.
Hey Jordan, I tired this Steak and Egg diet and I cooked my steak and eggs in only butter… Only cooking it in butter really affected me on this diet… How can i season my Steak and Eggs, I’ve researched on this, but have come up short… Thank you ahead of time!
Hi Jonathan,
Off hand I would recommend seasoning with salt and pepper. I like to use the coarse stuff and grind it over my steak and eggs.
You can also check out different seasoning blends like Roasted Garlic and Herb. Google “Weber Seasoning” and you’ll find something you like. Hope that helps!
Thank you Jordan for your help… I will definitely try this to see if it helps, thank you again for your help
My pleasure, Jonathan. Happy to help – Let me know how it goes!
Can I incorporate veggies like garlic, onion, peppers, herbs, and tomatoes into the steak and eggs? For flavor mostly I don’t see how it would effect the diet greatly as there’s very few carbs and sugar. Tomatoes might have too much.
Hi Bryan,
Sure, you can incorporate veggies into this diet. Tomatoes are fine. They won’t hurt too much.
what type of steak to eat in this Diet ?
Hi Tony,
You can eat any type of steak you want on this diet.
Prime rib, T-Bone, sirloin or you can even cook a chuck roast in a crock-pot with seasoning and a little water to make it tender.
The type of steak you eat mostly depends on your taste and how much money you’re willing to spend.
great article!
Keen to give it a go
Q- currently doing OMAD ( IF), wanting to train in mornings, any advice on what to do before my first meal approx 7:30pm.? Or do I train in mornings and eat at 11/12 noon?
Hi Nem,
Whether you workout in the morning, afternoon, or evening I would eat shortly after my workout. That would work best for me because I’m very hungry after my workouts. Try it and see how you feel. Let me know what you end up doing.
Hi Jordan,
Quick question. Can you still take preworkout before lifts, bcaas during your workout, and then some whey protein with water after lifts?
I consider myself an experienced lifter. I’ve competed in shows, and have been into bodybuilding for about 6 years now. This meal plan sounds interesting to me and I wanted to switch it up and try something new.
Anyway I use optimum nutrition products and their gold standard preworkout and bcaas contain a very minimal amount of carbs per serving. I think I’d consume a total of 8g if I took the preworkout, bcaas, and whey protein as I normally do now.
Is that okay?
Hi Frank,
Yes, you should be fine taking pre workout, BCAAs and whey protein. 8g of carbs is very low and I doubt you’ll see any negative effects. Thanks for the question! Good luck with your training!
Trying this diet right now and currently eating three ribeye steak per day and eight eggs usually scrambled.
But I notice I’m still hungry. Is it okay to add in like 30 carbs per day to this plan?
Hi Andrew,
You can add carbs just keep the amount low. I would recommend beans because they provide fiber and a low amount of “net carbs”. A cup of kidney, black, pinto or garbanzo beans will provide extra energy and curb your hunger. Thanks for your comment!
Mix water and cream to make milk or 1 cup of milk with 1/4 cup of cream and 1 cup of water then you will be just fine
Hi Jordan,
Is it ok if i get my cheat day on the 7th day?
Also, can i still eat lots of carbs at night or should i just eat steak and eggs again so that i wont be hungry in the morning the next day. Thank you!
Hi Pete,
Thank you for your comment. Sorry it took so long to respond!
I would recommend keeping cheat days every 5 days opposed to 7. Use cheat days to replenishing your body with essential nutrients from vegetables, etc.
The point is to eat as few carbs as possible so that your body burns fat for energy instead of the carbs. So, I would not eat carbs unless it’s a cheat day.
Hope this helps! Let me know how you’re progressing.
I have begun this diet using bacon.
It seems like bacon would have the same overall effect. I ate 5 eggs and 4 strips of bacon in the morning, same in the evening. I could do turkey bacon also.
I feel the calorie count is low, but i am worried this won’t work, basically. I could definitely do this diet everyday.
You’re substituting almost a pound of beef for 4 strips of bacon? That’s not nearly enough protein.
Hi Jeff,
I’m glad you’re trying the Steak and Eggs diet!
If you need more calories, I would eat a 6-8 ounce lean beef patty for breakfast with your eggs.
what about cheese with the eggs and shaved steak, is cheese okay with my steak and eggs
Hi Dav,
All other things held constant, adding cheese to you steak and eggs diet will not hinder it much. Thanks for your question.
Thank you so much for suggesting this useful diet. I’ve started it since 2 weeks ago. I just wanted to know if it is possible to substitute beef with seafood (salmon or tuna in oil) at least once or twice a week.
Hi Ahmad,
I’m glad you are trying the Steak and Eggs Diet!
Yes, you can substitute beef with salmon or tuna in oil a couple times a week (good choices because of the fat content).
Let me know how it goes!
I’ve started the s and e diet but have a concern. Adequate potassium is extremely important to healthy organ function. Minimums are 4700mg and my 1st Steak and egg day showed a days end potassium of 360 mg! I don’t think this is safe. Any thoughts from experienced s and e dieters on this issue?
Hi Seb,
1.5 pounds of steak and 12 eggs contains 2,639 mg of potassium. If you’re concerned about potassium intake, perhaps try a potassium supplement. Remember, every 5th day is a cheat day on the steak and eggs diet. Use this cheat day to get your potassium.
Also, The steak and Eggs diet can be effective quickly and may only take a few weeks to get ripped. Then you can go to any diet you choose after you’ve achieved your goal.
How are you taking your potassium intake? And How much steak and eggs did you eat your first day?
I am very picky eater and have always had a hard time going on a diet because I just don’t like most ingredients. This diet, however, seems like one I can stick to! I do have a question though.
I work in an office from 8am to 6pm 5 days a week. Having steak and eggs for lunch during working hours is out of the question. We have a policy on smelly food. I workout every morning (5 days a week) from 6am to 7am at a gym that is far from home but close to my workplace. I usually wake up at 5am.
My question is, when should I have my 2 meals? Dinner is easy. That would be around 7pm at home. Breakfast or lunch are tricky. Lunch is out of the question because of work and this seems like too heavy of a breakfast to have at 5am, just one hour before my workout – or is that fine? I don’t mind waking up earlier to cook my breakfast to make sure that there is a full hour between my breakfast and my workout. I am not sure if that is enough though.
Any suggestions would be more than welcome!
Hi Ed! Yes the steak and eggs diet is tasty and easy to stick with!
For lunch, you could do ground beef, steak tips, or burger patties. Are eggs too smelly for your coworkers? No problem – try liquid egg whites. No smell and no time to prepare! If the meat is too smelly, then you could make your own beef jerky in the oven.
For your situation I would modify the diet a bit. You could try eating lunch and dinner like normal. Something else to consider: Keep hard boiled eggs on hand and eat them in addition to your two meals if you need a snack. Two or three hard hard boiled eggs right after your morning workout might be a good thing to get some extra protein. Let me know your thoughts or if you have other questions.
Can the two meals be divided in half and have 4 smaller meals?
Hi Ted,
Yes they can. You might not get the extra benefit from an intermittent fasting aspect, but eating 4 meals a day will have similar results to 2 meals.
Hi Maceo,
Glad yo hear you’re trying the Steak and Eggs diet!
You can eat 2 pounds of steak and 12 eggs is under 1,600mg of sodium. This is lower than the maximum recommended daily amount of sodium.
Obviously, if you season your steak and eggs with salt the sodium will be higher. You can use garlic and black pepper to season your meals if sodium is a concern for you.
how much calories, protein and fat per pound of bodyweight is optimal on this diet?
Your example of daily intake would put me well over my maintenance.
I’m 120lbs currently but skinny fat. Wanna become lean and mean
Great question –
For your weight, it usually takes about 1,680 calories to maintain your weight.
That being said I would start with this in mind:
1.1 pound of sirloin steak = 1200 calories. Which breaks down to:
138 grams of protein (552 calories)
72 grams of fat (648 calories)
7 eggs = 483 calories. Which breaks down to:
42 grams of protein (168 calories)
35 grams of fat (315 calories)
Total Protein Calories = 720 (divided by your weight, 120 pounds, equals 6 grams of protein per pound)
Total Fat Calories = 963 (divided by your weight, 120 pounds, equals 8.025 grams of fat per pound)
This does not include calories from butter. Butter contains 100 fat calories per tablespoon.
Start at this amount of food and adjust if needed. You may want to increase or decrease the amount of food depending your metabolic rate.
Let me know how it works out!
Ok so I’ve been on this diet for 3 days .. I own a barbershop and work around 10-12 hour days .. I typically run 2.5-3.5 miles fasted in the am.. Then eat steak and eggs before work .. I then work for a minimum of 10 hours then go to the gym for about 1.5-2 hours then get home and eat steak and eggs.. So that’s about a 12 hour difference.. Should I fast until say 230 or 3 eat steak and eggs then eat again after the gym instead so it will be in a 8 hour period instead of a 12? Please let me no fitness is my life and I have a competition in April I want to push myself as hard as I can .. Thank you
Hi Rocco,
If you can get your meals within an 8-hour period each day then try that. You might experience low energy for a few days if you eat your first meal later in the day.
If you can’t fit both meals within an 8-hour period for whatever reason, then stick to the diet but don’t worry too much about timing. You need to make the diet work for you. And you need to keep your energy up throughout the day. So, if you end up eating your meals within a 12-hour period that’s OK. Just make sure you have the energy to train hard and keep your muscles!
Best of Luck in your competition!
would you still consider 2meals a day for someone like me having lean bodyweight of 110 lbs and having macros according to lean gains at 1300 cals rest day 1900 cals training day – both 110g protein a day
Also what is the rate of actual fat loss on this diet?
Hi Lubor,
Yes, I would still eat two meals a day. The calorie suggestion I gave is right in the middle of the training day/rest day calorie suggestion from Lean Gains. If you want to follow Lean Gains suggestion, then eat two meals each day, but make the meals a little smaller on rest days and a little bigger on training days.
I’ve seen noticeable results in less than a week with this diet. Be sure to take a picture of yourself and weight yourself each day to track your progress. You should notice a difference soon if you’re training properly.
regarding training what would you suggest?
I usually do 5 sprinting sessions of 15 100m dashes a week and 5 weight lifting 5×5 sessions with progressive overload
Is that enough?
Also I practice IF warrior diet eating once a day. Is it good approach? How to wake the metabolism in the morning? With water?
Hi Lubor,
I hope you are well! Sorry for my delayed response. The end of the year is a busy time for my with work and holidays.
Your workout sounds good. I like that you do sprints. They are a great leg workout and good for cardiovascular and respiratory conditioning.
What do your 5×5 weight lifting sessions consist of? (What exercises for each day?) If you want to be lean and mean, IF warrior diet is good if you want to lose fat. Just make sure you are getting enough calories to recover and grow muscle. Muscle will help you get lean and look strong. How much do you eat and drink each day? (to answer your question about metabolism, you can get your metabolism going with fresh, cold water. 24 ounces first thing in the morning should do it.
Are you getting stronger with your workout routine? Are you getting leaner? Are you building muscle? Let me know and I can give you a proper response about diet and training routine.
Want to follow up on the cheat day question.
What if I don’t do them until I lose all the weight I want? So no carbs at all is it harmful?
If I do carb up won’t it stop the ketosis for 3-4 days thus slowing the fat loss rate significantly?
Hi Lubor,
I recommend taking a cheat day because it allows you to get essential nutrients your body needs for healthy function. Be sure to eat a lot of vegetables on cheat day. If your only carbs come from veggies, you should be fine. It will not slow fat loss much at all because the carbs you eat won’t provide enough energy for very long, so your body will go right back to fat burning mode.
Hi, I am starling the egg and steak diet soon. I just want to know if adding lots of onions and one Avocado to this diet will help lose lots of weight. Please let me know. Thanks
Hi Amy,
Adding onions and avocado is fine. You will still lose fat.
Hi Jordan,
I’ve Tried the steak and eggs diet now for a couple of weeks and everything is fine.
Only the cheat day is a Kind of a problem. You said, that every 5 day it’s time, is there any problem if I’ll place it at every saturday? So it’s 7 days but on Weekend it’s more pracitcal.
I’m also doing the 8×8, 5 Times a week.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Andi,
Glad you are trying the steak and eggs diet!
Why do you say the cheat day is a problem?
Anyway, you can make the cheat day every 7th day if you want. However, I prefer to have a cheat day every 5 days because it allows you to fill up on fruits and vegetables to get much needed vitamins and minerals into your body.
If you are fine doing a cheat day every 7 days, then do a cheat day every 7 days! Just make sure you eat a lot of green vegetables on cheat day. And make sure you have enough energy to train hard, stay healthy, and get results!
Hi Jordan,
Thank you for your Reply – I´m sorry, that I´ve read it so lately.
To explain myself – I´ve got an 7 to 6 job, which hardly allows me to “cheat” on a working day, because I´d like to enjoy the cheat day 😉
I´ve got another question:
Sometimes I think, my calorie deficit could be to high (round about 1.500 – 1.800 calories per day) – could this be a problem regarding cortisol e.g. which doesn´t allow to lose fat? I´m round about 198lbs at 1,93m height and approximately 13% body-fat.
And last but not least: the cheat day – is it a High Carb Low Fat day on maintenance calories to push leptin or is it not necessary to load up with such an amount of carbs? Last saturday I had about 700g carbs…but it fills me up with such an amount of water so I´m feeling pretty uncomfortable the following days.
Thank you!
Hi Andi, sorry it took me so long to respond!
Having low calories will not cause cortisol to keep body fat. However, make sure you are getting enough protein to keep your muscle mass and recover from workouts!
You don’t need that many carbs on cheat day unless your body craves them! Eat anything you want on cheat day but I would eat as many vegetables as you can on cheat day. You need the vitamins and minerals.
What is the source of the 700grams of carbs? If you’re eating a lot of sodium, that could cause water retention.
Want to follow up on the cheat day question.
What if I don’t do them until I lose all the weight I want? So no carbs at all is it harmful?
If I do carb up won’t it stop the ketosis for 3-4 days thus slowing the fat loss rate significantly?
I recommend a cheat day because you can eat vegetables. Vegetables are a good source of essential vitamins and minerals that keep you healthy and strong.
Just stick to fresh vegetables and you won’t need to worry about losing ketosis. The vegetables will give your body the nutrients to keep everything functioning properly.
How are things progressing for you, Lubor? Are you lean like you want to be? How long have you been doing the Steak and Eggs diet?
Hi Jordan, this seems to be exactly what I need, just one question please. I see the whole article talks about getting ripped.. is removing fat so your muscles show. What if you don’t have much muscle and actually want to gain a lot of mass can this still work?
I have a very fast metabolism and and hyperactive so usually need a ton of calories just to maintain what I have let alone gain any mass. I’m on 4,000 calories a day right now with a normal carb diet, and have very little body fat.. surely dropping to just 2,,000 or 3,000 will make me lose even more muscle mass?
Could you help me with my macros please? I really want to make this zero carb thing work for me.
Thank you for your time.
Hi Chris,
I would recommend eating even MORE than you are to gain a lot of mass. I would not do the zero carb diet until you have extra body fat you want to lose.
Just keep lifting hard and eating a lot of food to maximize your muscle mass. Make sure you get a lot of protein in your diet. When your metabolism slows down later in life, you can try the zero carb diet to burn fat. I hope that helps! Thank you for your comment.
Hi Jordan, interesting article and the diet seems an interesting spin on traditional ketogenic, cyclical ketogenic or targeted ketogenic diets.
I have a couple of queries with the S and E diet. One is due to the loss of salt/sodium caused by a ketogenic diet, and the initial loss of “water weight” as opposed to fat, it is important to adequately supplement with salt such as Himalayan or such like. So, I would have thought advice in previous posts of the thread should be to supplement and not reduce.
Also, this dietary approach is very high in protein, yet you haven’t mentioned the action of gluconeogenesis where the body converts protein to carbs/sugar as a source of energy when the protein levels are high.
I am not necessarily arguing with the efficiency of the S and E diet as I have yet to try it (which I plan to), all I know is why standard ketogenic diets are high fat and moderate protein as opposed to having such a high protein content so as to avoid gluconeogenesis. I would be interested to hear you experience or thoughts on this.
Hi Craig,
Great questions! The sodium content in steak and eggs is more than adequate for your body. Plus, if you season your meals with salt, you will be at or above the Daily Recommended Value for sodium.
To your second question – Your body will use carbs and fat as an energy source before using protein. Since this diet is basically zero-carb, your body burns the fat from your meals and your stored body fat, in that order.
Gluconeogenesis is not a concern with this diet if you are weight training and putting your protein to work building muscle instead of being stored as additional fat.
i just have a question about this diet. i usually make my lunch the day before after my dinner. usually take the left over of the dinner. but my question is it ok to make the steak and eggs the day before and put it in the microwave to heat up the next day?
Hi Josue,
Yes, you can heat up your steak and eggs in the microwave the next day.
Good that you’re planning ahead. It makes things easier!
You can re-heat steak or lean ground beef in the microwave the next day. It will work the same.
Getting ready to start this diet. Do you train fasted and then start your 8 hour eating period post workout? Or workout in between my 2 feedings?
I worked out between my two meals when doing this diet.
Either way will work though. It just depends what works best for you and your schedule.
I was wondering if I should reduce the amount of beef/eggs being eaten? I’ve done a calorie restricted diet for about 3.5 years at 1200 calories and lost 85lbs. But I’ve been training much harder and was feeling like I wasn’t lifting at my full potential because I was always so tired. So now I’ve reversed dieted and am eating 1500-2000 calories a day, varies per day depending what my workout is. I’ve made some gains that I’m very happy with but I’ve plateaued at 154lbs and would still like to lose some more fat and make my muscles look more cut. I’m just wondering as a girl on this diet if I should eat less for it to work? I work out everyday and take 1 rest day every 2 weeks. Also for seasoning the steak is anything without carbs aloud?
Thanks for any info you can provide!
Hi Kiran,
Congratulations on your weight loss! 85 pounds lost – wow!
I would aim for 1300-1500 calories a day. You could try that for a few weeks and see if you make progress. Then adjust the calories up or down 100-200 daily as needed. Any seasoning you want is allowed as long as there are no carbs! Unless it’s cheat day. In which case you may have carbs.
I hope this helps. Keep me posted on your progress!
Hey man, just a question. Does this really give you more energy? I’m sick of bulking on carbs, it makes me tired and i feel like crap. carbs make me really puffy too. maybe this will help? thanks man
Hey Finisher,
Yes, eating steak and eggs will make you feel great. You may be a little hungry since you’re eating two meals. BUT, since you’re bulking, just eat more meals.
Whenever I eat carbs I feel tired and have a really hard time waking up in the morning. When I don’t eat carbs, I have more energy, my focus is better, and I need less rest/sleep.
Is it okay to substitute Steak for Ground Beef?
Yes, you can eat ground beef instead of steak. 85-90% lean beef would be ideal.
Hello, my name is Benjamin and I’m am 17 years old and I am skinny-fat. I have been doing these compound workouts (Squats, Deadlifts, Rows, etc) for a while now and have gained a good amount of muscle. I struggle to lose the fat however. Would this diet work for me and how long do you recommend doing it? Also can I replace the steak with ground beef?
Hi Ben,
That’s great you made progress building muscle! Try this diet for a week. You should see results by then. Repeat for a second week if necessary.
To the writer of this article! No dumbass, if u don’t workout while on this diet cholesterol will not build up, TRUST ME! I researched the shit out of this diet (literally everything on it) for 8 months before deciding to do it. I was 448lbs at 6′ tall and hadn’t worked out in many years and ate like Shit (thus the weight gain.) I seen during my research that u can eat all the cholesterol and fat u want and as long as u don’t eat any sugar or carbs with it u won’t gain or retain any of it, the exact opposite happens, u get rid of cholesterol and fat, it beings your cholesterol and blood pressure to perfect levels, evens out all your hormones and sends testosterone thru the roof, fact. I had high blood pressure and cholesterol and my test was deadly low, I ate this way for a year and lost all that weight and went back to the doc for blood work and my cholesterol and blood pressure was PERFECT and my testosterone was sky high and I look like swartzennegger! So don’t even be saying that horse shit because its a lie and learn the facts, I promise u I know more about this by far than u do for certain! And don’t be saying if you’re a fatass this diet is not for u because thats exactly who this diet is for dumbass! And don’t be telling people if u don’t have a year of training this diet isn’t for u, because its for them and anyone as well. This is literally how the body was designed to eat and I can’t stand uneducated people that don’t fully understand what they’re talking about and don’t know everything about it. And no idiot cholesterol will not build up if u don’t workout or run. If u eat this way without any carbs or sugar it will bring your cholesterol and blood pressure to perfect levels and even out all hormones rather fast (which has to be done to lose weight because if you’re hormones are out of weight I don’t care what diet you’re on or how hard u work out u won’t lose weight, that has to be done to lose weight and this is the only diet that does that,) and it boosts your test thru the roof (women u don’t need worry this will not happen to u, it will bring all your hormones to where they need to be, perfectly.) So fella don’t be saying shit that u don’t know for fact and that isn’t true because a lot of the shit u said is just that, horse shit! Folks trust me on everything I say, I know literally everything about this and am living proof myself!
Workout and diet everyday is the only secret.
Awesome guide lad !
Hey man quick question. on the day of the carb meal, do we eat our regular two steak and eggs meal and then have the carb meal or should we replace one of our regular meals with the carb meal?
Hey Luis,
You can eat the carb meal in addition to your two steak and eggs meals. Eat the carb-only meal at least 3 hours before or after a steak and eggs meal.
Awesome Thank you so much thats what I did this sunday. My main concern was usually when I do a carb up it tends to be advised to keep fats low. what do you think about this on the steak and eggs diet? Thank you for your quick responses
Normally you’d want to keep fat low when carbing up, but Steak and eggs is a different animal.
One or two carb meals a week keeps carbs very low overall, since you’re not eating any carbs the other days, so no need to worry.
so how exactly do you do this diet? I understand steak and eggs 2meals a day , then on the 4th or 5th day you eat a carb up meal in addition to the steak and eggs meals. Is this the “cheat day”? or is the 7th day an all day cheat? please clarify and thanks for the info.
Eat an all carb meal every 4th or 5th day in addition to your two steak and eggs meals. Eat your carb meal at least three hours before or after a steak and eggs meal so you get the best results. No ‘cheat’ day on this diet if you’re only doing it for 2-3 weeks.
Hey man,
A question – How do you avoid looking ‘flat’ on low carb diets? I tend to look terrible when I drop the carbs down. Do I need more salt? more fat? Appreciate any advice. Cheers!
You’re going to look ‘flatter’ on low carbs. This is normal. While on the steak and eggs diet, you can eat a carb meal every third day if that gives you the look you want.
Thanks for the reply, I have recently found a solution it seems. I eat 100 grams of carbs per day but I do OMAD. It keeps me looking fuller but I also get the same pumps, energy and well being as before.
Excellent! Glad to hear that.
6 raw organic eggs, 100ml cream, 1 scoop of vanilla flavour whey isolate powder, 5g of creatine and 0.7g of HMB powder…wiz it up in a blender….ahhhh now that’ll pack on some damned fine muscle post workout 🙂
I’ll bet!
I didn’t know what HMB was until you posted this comment. But I looked it up and will give it a try.
Hey Jordan, I’ve been using HMB for a while and I definitely think it adds an edge, probably minimal short term but the iron game is for life!
Also really useful when cutting!
Yeah, from what I read it helps you keep your hard earned muscle when cutting!
I’ll give it shot when the gyms re-open here. I don’t really use supplements but that shake you mentioned sounds pretty good!
And for sure, wouldn’t have it any other way #IronGameForLife
I’m thinking of doing this diet but red meat as risen up higher, so I’m looking at an alternative for 2-3 weeks an requesting your opinon and a few questions. After counting macros up from using fatsecret this is the add in both meals each day:
The alternative is 4 eggs with 1/2 cup half and half (its said that gironda used this in a shake) and scoop of protein powder as a drink with eating 3 mcdoubles(patty only, no chese). You said steak and eggs are nutrient dense in the podcast, would this keep me from being hungry or maybe add a third meal? Does it seem unhealthy, if so I’ll look at another alternative? Will it still put me in ketosis? Is it okay with taking creatine cause I may do that?
I’m 188lbs and probably looking to drop 15-20,I’ve already been drinking more and more water.
Thanks for your time, David.
Hi David,
Steak and Eggs will definitely help you lose weight. I recommend making your own burger patties at home with fresh ground beef. You can eat fast food patties if you absolutely have to, but making your own is much better.
Eating two big meals of beef and eggs should keep you full all day. If you do get hungry then you can eat another beef patty or a few boiled eggs.
Don’t do the 4 eggs with Half and Half unless you want to gain weight or build muscle. You must workout regularly for the Eggs + H&H to work.
Only use creatine if you are trying to get stronger or want to build muscle. Creatine does make you hold water so you’ll gain water weight while on it.
Bottom line: If you want the best/fastest fat loss possible, then ONLY eat steak/beef and eggs. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks for the great tips here. Can chicken breasts replace steak? How much lbs would you suggest shredding down without losing muscle mass?
Chicken breast is too lean to eat for a long period of time. Stick to steaks as much as you can. Chicken thigh is fine every so often.
Lose as much fat as you can until you see your ab muscles.
Hi Jordan,
Steaks are not that easy to cook and consume in my case.
Could i stick to chicken and pitch in something else that would substitute for the leanness? Possibly veggies?
Thanks, MA
Hi MA,
Chicken thigh is fine. Lamb, salmon, turkey and duck are all suitable substitutes. Veggies are not a substitute but green leafy vegetables may be eaten.
Why are steaks not easy to cook and consume in your case? (Just curious.)
Well, first off, I apologize for mentioning the ‘cook’ part. I had not tried cooking meat when i first commented. And now that i have gone through the cooking process, I can say that they both take almost the same amount of time.
But, for the ‘consume’ part; It is easier to eat chicken breast than it is to steak – at least for me it is! There is the fat and bones that i gotta cut out before eating that do not exist in chicken.
Then there is the budget part that i did not mention, Meat is three times more expensive. – at least where i live 🙂
Eat chicken thigh. Chicken breast is too lean! You need animal fat in your diet.
Wow you got so much wrong, just like the other tards who only repost this same info for clicks. I could make a huge list but you don’t pay my Bill’s so I will give you a freebee: vince said on your carb day you have only one meal and that’s the high carb meal for lunch. You do not eat steak and eggs for breakfast and lunch that day as you wrongly advised. How do I know this? I trained with vince 40 years ago and he put me on this maximum definition diet. Like i said i could go on but i would have to write a book correcting your mistakes. I mean sheesh do some research.
Why do you sound so angry Earl?
The proof really IS in the eating! Although you may have some excellent knowledge (I mean who wouldn’t benefit from training with the Iron guru!) but the fact is the diet works!
I had real problems with fat reduction which I tired to sort with several diets, supplements, meal replacements, cardio etc. when I switched to the Steak & Egg Diet I lost 17lbs of fat in a month, reduced my fat percentage to 7’5% and ended up weighing slightly less but looking way bigger!
I am Gym Owner and Personal Trainer with 20 years of hard training, trial and error experience have lot’s of positive comments from clients who have changed their physiques with this diet, including more than one meal on their carb day.
If you really see major problems with the advice posted hear I’d advice you to do what good gym-junkies do – share your knowledge. Why not post a few more freebies?
Does it have to be steak? What about other parts of the cow? What about red meat from other animals, such as deer, boar, duck, lamb, etc?
Good question. It can be other parts of the cow. Organ meat is an excellent option.
Wild game, water fowl, lamb, and boar are all good choices as well. Any fresh meat will work as long as you get enough fat from it.
Hi, you said that o can eat as many steak and as many eggs as I want till I’m full.
What about amount of butter used to cook them? Is there a min amount and maximum amount to be used?
Target here to loss as much fat as possible .
I look forward to ur reply.
Thank you
1 tbsp of butter per steak meal should be fine. Make sure it’s 100% real butter.
Thank you for your reply.
What about the Eggs? Is 1 tbsp also be enough for the eggs?
By the way, I est only once a day ( OMAD ), so I have 1 nice Steak and eggs.
How many Eggs would be the right number to eat for max fat loss so it’s not too much or too little?
Appreciate your reply Jordan.
Hi Hani,
Eat until you are full. Your body will tell you when you’ve had the right amount. You will lose fat this way with steak and eggs.
How many eggs do you usually eat each meal with your steak?
Appreciate ur answer, Thank U
I personally eat 3-4 whole eggs per meal.
Hi, this diet will work for woman too? I want to shed the lockdown weight and I want to look, leaner, not ripped, but I wont mind if that happened too lol
Thank you in advance.
And great article, Jordan!
Also yeah the veganism, snowflake mentality and processed soy garbage needs to go away already. Strong, healthy and critically thinking people need to make a come back. 🙂
Hi Mara, Yes, this diet works for women too. You might have to make some adjustments but listen to your body and switch it up accordingly. Eating a leafy green salad with light vinaigrette or fresh squeezed lemon juice at dinner every night is good idea too. I would try it for a week and see who you respond to it. Make sure to have a carb only meal every 4-5 days (potatoes, rice, or quinoa with steamed green vegetables). Let me know if you have any other questions!
Yeah it’s a shame what our food has become. The best we can do is focus on what we can control – try to cook your own food as much as possible. The fresher the food the better!
Is it possible to do the steak and eggs diet during the week and use both days of the weekend as cheat days? I’m skinny fat and want to lose my belly.
If so, can I eat whatever I like at the weekends (excluding junk and processed crap), or is there some guidance you give as to what would be sensible?
Thanks a lot!
Hey Leonard good question – I would eat potatoes, rice or quinoa with steamed green vegetables. Think of cheat day as a ‘carb refuel’ day – to restore your muscle glycogen and give your body additional nutrients.
Can I do the steak and eggs 6 days a week and then have one day where I can just relax, go out to eat lunch and dinner with friends and eat whatever I want? Basically like a cheat day where I don’t stuff myself stupid, but I let loose and enjoy snacks and restaurant foods.
Hey Matthew,
You can try that approach. If you find that the one cheat day cancels out the progress from the previous 6 days then you will have to adjust. I would also have a leafy green salad each night with dinner. Make sure you use all natural dressing like a light vinaigrette or fresh lemon juice. That way you get some additional nutrients throughout the week so you’ll have a little slack on the weekends.
hey jordan, me and my brother started the steak and eggs diet 5 days ago, and i have lost 2 pounds give or take already from 146 to 144 pounds. Now my brother has as well and I follow this diet to a T as I eat about 1.5 pounds of steak and 8 eggs a day, along with ur compound training schedule for beginners and I have noticed the weight loss but no fat loss as I am skinny fat, I dont see any results 5 days into it. I am pretty good with the compound lifts as I can do more then body weight for each exercise. I was just wondering if I was still gonna end up skinny fat as I am losing weight still and seeing no fat loss. I unfortunately don’t intermittent fast as my schedule is too crazy to plan out the meals. Also I find it very hard to eat such fattening foods with water, can I have coke zero or something with my meals to wash it down?
Hey Jack,
It may take more than 5 days to see results. You’re probably losing fat but need time to notice it.
A Diet Coke or two is fine, but not ideal. It might make you bloat. Try lemon water instead.
Good work with the compound lifts. Keep going.
How are things going now for you and your brother? Are you still on the diet? Also, how often are you training?
Is it possible to alternatively switch to tuna? I usually buy it in brine and two cans are 50 gr of pro.
Your’e not getting enough good fat from Tuna.
Tuna is too lean. You need healthy fat with all that protein.
Hi Jordan, thanks for being a great inspiration. I’m very skinny fat and looking to start a steak & eggs diet plus workouts A & B. Problem is I don’t eat steak (beef) or fish or pork meat. I do take chicken. Is it advisable to replace steak with chicken thighs. Is chicken suitable to be eaten daily?
Would a protein shake be permissible with the steak and egg diet? I’m just thinking of keeping my protein intake up???? Thanks
You probably won’t need a protein shake while doing the steak and eggs diet. Two meals of steak and eggs per day is a lot of protein. Just eat more steak and/or eggs and you will be fine.
I don’t like eggs. Is it ok just to eat the recommended amount of steak each day and substitute the eggs with a multivitamin?
I’m not aware of a multivitamin that is capable of substituting eggs in this diet. You could do a straight up Carnivore Diet instead and supplement that with multivitamins.
What is it about eggs that you don’t like? There are many ways to prepare eggs to change their taste and texture.
I just stumbled upon your site and have been reading heavily. I’m currently on a very strict keto diet, consuming about 11g of carbs per day. I count my calories and macros as well. My current daily calorie count is around 2450 and I’m 159lbs. My BF% is currently around 15 – 17% with a currently monthly fat loss of around 0.3% and I’m looking to get down to 10 – 12%. I could be wrong, but from reading the article, it seems like this is more beneficial to people who are just getting on to a low/ no carb + high fat/ protein diet. I mostly eat salmon, eggs, and pork with greens for fiber. Do you think switching to the steak and eggs diet would be beneficial for me? Really looking to break this barrier, take my fat loss to the next level, and hit 12% sooner rather than later!
You are already fairly lean, and it’s natural for the rate of fat loss to slowdown as your body fat percentage gets lower. If you are making steady progress on your current diet I would keep doing that. You can try the steak and eggs diet for a week or two and see how it impacts your progress. people make progress with the steak and eggs diet whether they are new to low/no carb or not. The results may be faster and more significant for someone how is new to low/no carb diets, but it’s effective for almost anyone.
You seem to be well measured in terms of tracking your numbers so you would know within a few weeks if steak and eggs works better for you or not. My first inclination is that it will move you toward 12% body fat sooner because you will likely eat less calories on the steak and eggs diet.
Do you know what your daily calorie expenditure is? If so, what is it? Also, what is your current workout routine?
I like this diet plan, I did something very similar for a few weeks and it felt great.
183Lb, 32 y/o Male
I’m sitting at 11%~ BF according toa dexa scan ~6 months ago.
6.7% BF according to a Bioimpedience Analysis (BIA) scale, recently.
Since the BIA scale is less accurate than the dexa, I figure I’m still at around 11~9%.
My goal is to be 7~9% BF, here’s the kicker.. I train Muay Thai 2-34 days a week.
My usual exercise involves 10-15k runs / week. and moderate weight training 3-4 days a week. (Most days I train Muay Thai and do either running / weight training on the same day. (so extra calories being burnt in that 24 hours)
I’ve recently gone from 1 cup of rice per day as my only carb to 1/2 cup (just at dinner)
Anyways my question is. How can I enjoy a high protein, high fat, low carb diet, while maintaining my energy levels for my active lifestyle?
I usually eat a banana, and was messing around with lactose-free yogurt (both of those are relatively high carb for what they are)
To add further complications LOL, I’m trying to go for a non whey diet too. Id like to keep my protein up with only whole foods.
bit of fibre/iron from mixed greens.
Because I need the carbs for the cardio activities right?
Just looking for your thoughts on this.