Vince Gironda’s Egg Diet shocks most people when they first hear about it. Rightfully so, because it calls for 36 eggs a day to be consumed.
Most people in their right mind can’t comprehend casually throwing back 36 eggs a week let alone 36 a day. Nonetheless, the egg diet works, and Vince’s track record proves it.
Vince GiRonada was a genius in his own rite. His methods where unconventional at times, but hey, unconventional is the only stuff that really works. And this diet works really, really well for building muscle and boosting strength.
In this post you’ll learn about Vince GiRonda’s famous egg diet and how it was used to increase lean muscle mass very quickly.
Eating 36 eggs a day is great for bulking up and making lean gains. It floods your system with nutrients, protein, healthy fats – everything you need for energy, muscle building and creating testosterone naturally.
What is Vince GiRonda’s Egg Diet?
It’s simple, you eat 36 eggs a day, everyday, until your desired results are achieved.
How the hell can anyone eat 36 eggs a day?
Eggs can be consumed anyway you like, cooked or raw. Poached, steamed, baked, boiled, fried, over-easy or sunny side up.
Cooking and eating all those eggs can be a chore.
Vince recommended cracking 12 eggs into a mug and mixing them with heavy cream. Stir the concoction with a fork to blend everything together, then chug.
This egg and cream mixture was consumed three times a day between meals for a ‘pick me up’.
Note: I do not recommend eating raw eggs. You can get very sick.
Drinking eggs makes it faster and easier to consume so many eggs. Why would anyone do it? People want results, in this case large muscles. And they are willing to do what it takes to get drastic results.
Why 36 Eggs a Day?
I don’t know why Vince decided 36 eggs was the magic number, but he didn’t give much detail about it from what I found. But rest assured, Vince knew what he was doing, and if he says it works, you can bet it works.
Yes, I know this sounds extreme. But moderation gets you nowhere. If you supplement your diet with 36 eggs a day, and train hard with the right workout routine, you can’t help but make gains.
Even the skinniest person can bulk up in a very short time with the egg diet.
If you can stomach 36 eggs a day, I can’t imagine any reason it wouldn’t work, unless of course you get salmonella from eating raw eggs, in which case you’d puke/poop your guts out for a while. Obviously this will not help your muscle construction cause. Factor this into your decision about how to prepare your eggs for consumption.
But if you can stomach all those eggs and dodge a food born illness then you my friend are on the fast track to being huge.
Eggs are a true superfood complete with all the nutrition you need to live a healthy life.
Eggs are a True Superfood
Eggs are nature’s most complete food. Eggs are an incubator for life. Everything needed to produce a healthy and strong life is within its shell – all the vitamins, minerals, protein, fats and plenty of cholesterol.
Protein – Eggs are packed with protein which is necessary to build muscle.
Complete Amino Acid Profile – Eggs contain all amino acids. Each amino acid serves a specific purpose in keeping your body healthy and strong.
Healthy Fats – Natural animal fats are good for you. They are nutrient dense and provide steady energy all day. These slow-burning fats also aid in protein digestion and nutrient absorption.
Cholesterol – Contrary to popular believe cholesterol is good for you. You need it to maintain balanced hormone levels. Cholesterol is a building block of testosterone.
Vital Vitamins and Minerals – Eggs have Iron for healthy blood, Calcium for strong bones (to support your strong muscles), and Vitamin A to promote organ health and hormone balance.
Electrolytes / Cell Salts – Eggs also contain the electrolytes sodium and potassium, which are important for the central nervous system, muscle contraction, and building mind-muscle connection.
Bottom Line: Eggs contains everything important for growth and nothing else. It’s the perfect mix of life’s purest essentials. They are nutrient dense and provide the perfect building blocks for building muscle, such as protein, amino acids, and essential vitamins and minerals.
All these vital nutrients required to create a healthy, complex organism, are combined in perfect balance and wrapped neatly in a protective shell.
Hell, even the shell is edible and provides a healthy dose of calcium.
36 Eggs a Day Macros
Below are the macros for 36 large eggs. Like I said, they are loaded with nutrients, protein and healthy fats.
- Total Calories – 2,520
- Protein – 216 grams
- Carbohydrates – less than 10 grams
- Fat – 180 grams
- Cholesterol – A LOT
- Saturated Fat – A LOT
- Iron – A lot
- Vitamin A – A lot
- Calcium – 72% daily value
- Sodium – 2,520 mg
- Potassium – 2,412 mg
You can see how if you ate 36 eggs a day your body would turn into a machine.
If you pump the iron religiously your muscles will soak up all these nutrients and GROW.
Is Eating 36 Eggs a Day Equal to Taking Steroids?
There’s a claim that eating 3 dozen eggs a day has the same muscle building potential as a steroid cycle.
Vince GiRonda himself claimed that eating 36 eggs a day was equivalent to a mild cycle of Dianabol. Dianabol (D-bol for short) was apparently the steroid of choice for bodybuilders during the 60’s and 70’s – a.k.a. “The Golden Era of Bodybuilding“.
While it’s true that eggs are the most anabolic food you can eat, they can’t produce anything near the effects of steroids. Unless you micro-dosed steroids, which doesn’t make much sense.
Steroids will get you jacked before breakfast. Eggs will help you reach your natural muscle building potential quickly, but at a certain point you’ll hit a wall.
You can still look damn impressive naturally, but forget about looking like the guys on the muscle magazines and ‘Natural’ bodybuilders on YouTube because they all plunge hypodermic needles into their glutes on a regular basis to keep their muscles from shriveling up.
That being said, as a natural, you can make significant progress eating 36 eggs a day.
Honestly, it’s probably the closest thing to taking steroids, but not the same. It’s healthier than taking drugs made in someones bathtub or a filthy factory in Bangladesh. It’s also legal and wayyy cheaper.
36 eggs will cost you $3, maybe $4, per day. Some people spend $500, even thousands of dollars a month on drugs.
How are Eggs like Steroids?
How do you even compare eggs to steroids?
It’s no contest in terms of building muscle mass – steroids win.
BUT eggs and steroids do have similarities:
Both eggs and dianabol increases protein synthesis efficiency.
Protein synthesis is the rate at which your body breaks down protein into usable ‘bits’. Those bits are what your body uses for muscle construction.
Eggs and D-bol both keep your nitrogen levels high, which puts your body in an anabolic state. (A state where muscle building thrives.)
Obviously, steroids are much more potent, but eggs do move the needle.
You’d eat yourself to death before you got the same muscle building effect as steroids.
Normal food cannot do what steroids do. Period.
If food could do what steroids do, people wouldn’t do steroids. They would just eat food to get the same effect.
It’s hard to choke down that many eggs, but it’s definitely possible and definitely worth it.
What Happens when You Eat 36 Eggs a Day?
Could eating a hatchery of eggs each day possibly create the same muscle-building effects as steroids?
I’ve never taken steroids, so I don’t know for sure.
What I can tell you for sure is that I eat 12 eggs a day and notice many benefits.
- More lean muscle mass
- Better recovery (less delayed onset muscle soreness a.k.a. DOMS)
- Appetite stays in check
- Better strength
- Increased musculature
- Increased testosterone
But my gains are nowhere near steroid levels.
Dianabol users have gained 20 pounds of muscle mass in one month. That is fucking outrageous.
Imagine 20, one-pound ribeye steaks added to your frame…in just 30 days.
I don’t think eating 36 eggs will have that drastic of an effect.
You could expect to maybe gain 5-7 pounds in a month eating 36 eggs a day, for 30 days straight.
That’s assuming you lift weights like a madman and eat other meals throughout the day to be in a calories surplus.
You should treat the eggs like a supplement to your diet.
36 Eggs a Day vs. Steroids: The BIG Picture
It’s clear that steroids build muscle faster than any natural method.
And we know that eggs have a similar effect but at a much lower magnitude.
Swallowing a pill or taking a shot is way easier than eating 36 eggs a day and works way better.
So why not pop a D-bol pill and stick a needle full of synthetic testosterone in your ass?
Because steroids mess you up. Sometimes so badly that users never recover.
Steroid users have higher injury rates and are prone to health complications.
Long term steroid users usually don’t live as long.
Short term steroid users have nasty side effects that could carry on for life.
Things like man boobs (gynecomastia), male pattern baldness, acne, and reproductive issues, and cry-baby mood swings are common among steroid users.
Introducing synthetic testosterone or other steroids into your system causes your natural hormone production to slow down. Meaning your testicles atrophy (shrink), sperm count and sperm quality plummets.
That’s right, all those steroid induced muscles come with a set of bitch-tits, exposed scalp, and shrunken testes.
Consider the trade-offs carefully if you’re temped to move to the dark side.
The Dangers of Steroids
Steroids fill your bloodstream with fake hormones which makes your body stop producing those hormones naturally.
Your body wants equilibrium, and once you’re saturated with fake hormones, there’s no signal to produce more.
As a results, once you go off steroids, the come down is hard.
People report being an emotional wreck. They become anxious and depressed as their body relearns how to function naturally.
Oh, and they lose all their muscle mass.
The muscle mass from steroids is artificial. Once the steroids go away, so does the muscle.
Steroids are also expense. Hardcore users spend all their money on drugs and all their time in the gym. Plus, they are illegal without prescription.
Eggs on the other hand are cheap, healthy, and boosts your natural testosterone production. The Vitamin A clears your skin
Now, it’s decision time.
You could either:
Spend an absurd amount of money on illegal drug that make you bald, impotent, and shorten your lifespan.
Spend $3 a day on eggs that are good for you and increases free testosterone naturally to sustain your gains.
It’s your choice.
The 36 Eggs a Day Diet
Eating 36 eggs a day is for those who want to bulk up quickly. You will likely gain some fat, as with any bulk, but the rate of muscle mass building compared to the low fat accumulation, it’s quite a good option.
36 Eggs a Day for Lean Gains
If you want to stay lean and trim while packing on some muscle fibers then keep carbohydrates low.
Under 50 grams of carbs a day is ideal. 200 grams maximum if your plan calls for it.
Reduced or eliminated as well if the goal was to build muscle and burn fat.
36 Eggs a Day for Bulking Up
However, if you’re a pencil neck kid that wants to gain weight and get strong as fast as possible, eat all the carbs you want.
Leave carbs in the diet if your goal is to gain weight, but eat as clean as you can. When I say eat clean I mean eat all natural whole foods. This will keep you healthy and allow for maximum results.
This is the perfect plan for skinny guys who want to gain weight fast. I recommend keeping your diet as clean as possible to allow your body to process all the nutrients from the egg as best it can.
This diet is for the most dedicate of athletes. You MUST workout on this diet. The cholesterol and saturated fat it settles in your blood stream if you don’t use it up.
How Do you Eat 36 Eggs a Day?
There are a couple ways to do it in a practical manner.
You could eat 2 hard-boiled eggs every hour you’re awake. So if you sleep 8 hours, you’re awake for 16 hours per day. Eat two eggs every hour on the hour and an extra 4 before bed.
Or, you could eat 2 or three giant omlettes a day.
Or guzzle down raw eggs like Vince claimed to do.
If you can’t get past the slimy texture, eggs mix well with protein powder, heavy creme or milk.
I’ve drank raw eggs in protein shakes without an issue. In fact it’s freaking delicious. It make the shake taste like cake batter.
*WARNING: I do not recommend the consumption of raw eggs as there may be a risk of getting sick.*
Some claim that salmonella bacteria is found on the egg shell and not within the egg shell.
For that reason, I washed the shells thoroughly with soap and hot water before cracking them into my protein shake.
After I wash the eggs, I crack them open into a blender and puree those would-be baby chicks.
You can drink the eggs puree plain, or you can mix with something to cut the taste and improve the texture.
However, there’s a chance you could get sick anytime you consume raw food.
Do You Really have to Eat 36 eggs a day to Build Muscle?
36 eggs is a lot of damn eggs.
But if you’re convinced that steroids are not the way to go, tt leaves you with a question:
How the actually fuck are you going to eat 36 eggs in one day?
As daunting as it sounds, eating 36 eggs every single day is definitely doable.
Eat 12 eggs for breakfast, another 12 for lunch, and the last 12 at dinner.
Vince GiRonda advised his students to drink 12 eggs, three times a day between meals.
He instructed them to mix it with a fork to gently mix the eggs and not denature them.
12 Eggs a Day
Okay, I get it. Most people don’t want to eat 36 eggs every damn day.
That would get old real fast.
But anyone can easily eat 12 eggs a day.
Eating 12 eggs a day would provide noticeable benefit for everyone that does it.
You’d still increase free testosterone, nitrogen balance, and load up on protein.
Eggs are fantastic for building muscle regardless of the quantity you eat.
The more the better. Eating a dozen eggs a day is manageable for most people. Eat six eggs for breakfast and six eggs before bed.
You’ll still see benefit without the struggle of choking down three dozen eggs a day.
Eggs can be eaten any way that you want: Scrambled, poached, fried, sunny side up or over easy. Prepare them according to your preference.
You could also try the boiled egg diet.
The Best Eggs for Bodybuilding
If you want to further the effectiveness of the egg diet use fertilized eggs.
Fertilized eggs contain a certain amount of bound and free testosterone that is more potent at building muscle.
Free testosterone is a factor for muscle building. The more free testosterone you have in your body, the more muscle you can build.
Fertilized eggs are more expensive than non-fertilized eggs, but you can find them if you look.
Like I said before, you need to crush the weights to see the real benefit, regardless of how many eggs you eat.
Put those eggs to work with this total body 6×6 workout routine inspired by Vince Gironda.
For more diet and training inspiration follow Iron and Grit on Instagram. I post tasty meals and workout tips you can try. Cheers.
That`s great idea. I will start with 4 eggs per day.
Gotta start somewhere! That’s the perfect spot. Ramp it up as you go. Let me know how it works for you.
I will certainly let you know….i am all in
I’ve recently started this mixing my eggs with almond milk and one scoop protein powder. Note: put the milk into the cup then powder mix well then add eggs.
Egg schedule.
Day 1) 3 eggs
Day 2) 4 eggs
Day 3) 5 eggs
Day 4) 6 eggs
Day 5) 7 eggs
Day 6) 8 eggs
Day 7) 9 eggs
Day 8) 3 eggs 3x a day
Day 9) 4 eggs 3x a day
Day 10) 5 eggs 3x a day
Day 11) 6 eggs 3x a day
Day 12) 7 eggs 3x a day
That’s where I decided to maintain for 30 days then gradually go back down. I have experienced increased strength, fat loss, more energy, it’s important to pay attention to your body as you go though this process.
Have an Eggsellent Day…..
Great comment, Joe.
This is a smart approach so your body gets used to all the eggs.
What about recovery from persistent and frequent injuries?
What about it?
As of this moment my favourite way to eat raw eggs is to mix 5 or so with Kefir (a fermented milk [which removes most if not all the carbs]), a splash of my own home-made Kombucha (fermented tea), some salt and tumeric. Delicious! And it’s so easy.
Thanks for your comment, Sherlock.
This is a great idea! I just recently started drinking Kombucha (on its own) and love it.
Mixing seasoning and spices is a fantastic way to kick up the flavor and get additional health benefits. Good stuff.
Yeah, the most interesting thing about Kefir is that (which I didn’t know until recently) part of process of making Kefir (if you let it go long enough) separates into Curds and Whey (the same stuff in protein shakes).
Here in Thailand I have a local supplier of Raw Milk (non-pastaurised) and for some reason it produces waaay more whey (excuse the pun) than store-bought milk. Living food vs. Dead food.
I’ve never tried raw milk but I’ve heard it’s way better. Both tastier and more nutritious.
Is this a good cutting diet? Not for getting shredded but just beach ready?
It can be part of an effective cutting diet. Let’s say you eat 16 eggs a day, that’s 1120 calories and 96 grams of protein. You will probably want to eat 300-800 additional calories per day depending on your size, activity level and goal. Just keep the carbs low and add some more protein and healthy fat, and this can be a good way to cut.