Serge Nubret was the king of high volume training.
Have you ever wondered ‘how much volume is too much volume’? Well, think of an amount of volume that you think is too much volume, then quadruple that amount. That’s a Serge Nubret’s Pump workout.
Each workout consists hundreds of reps to pump muscles to their max. It doesn’t take a lot of weight to build muscle with this approach. Which makes it a safe and effective way to train.
Serge Nubret’s training style goes to show that you don’t need to train with heavy weight to get results.
But before we reveal the pump routine, let’s take a look at the man behind the method.
Who is Serge Nubret?
Serge Nubret was a world champion bodybuilder in the 1960’s and 1970’s who competed against Frank Zane, Mike Mentzer, Franco Columbu, Arnold Schwarzenegger and many other elite bodybuilders during this ‘Golden Era of Bodybuilding’.
Despite intense competition, Serge Nubret always earned a top spot on the winner’s podium.
When Serge wasn’t crushing weights in the gym, he was playing the lead man in many French films and likely slept with every women West of the Maginot Line.
The Black Panther
Nubret earned the nickname the ‘Black Panther’ because he was big, strong and graceful.
He stood 6 feet tall and weighted a rock-solid 200 pounds during competition. Serge wasn’t a mass monster like you see today. Instead he looked like he was a sculpted by Michalagelo.
Rather than focusing solely on building muscle mass, he strived for aesthetics: “muscle symmetry, balance, proportion and overall shape”, were his aim.
And his specialized ‘Pump Training’ routine was uniquely suited to do just that.
What is ‘Pump Training’?
Pump training is proof that you don’t need to lift heavy weights to build muscle.
‘Pump Training’ is done with light weights and extremely high volume.
It’s all about chasing the ‘pump’. The pump is when your muscle fills with blood due to the constant lifting and lowering of the weight.
A pump is that tight feeling in your muscles, like your muscles are about to burst out of your skin.
The muscle pump is incredibly satisfying and addicting. Once you feel it, you want to feel it again and again. The pump is very motivating.
A muscle pump is a powerful bodybuilding technique. For example, catch a pump and take a look at yourself in the mirror.
Not only can you feel the pump, but you see the difference a pump makes immediately.
Actually seeing your body in this pumped-up state helps you visualize a larger version of yourself. Hold this image in your mind long enough and your body can’t help but follow suit and grow bigger.
Pump Training brings an onslaught of repetitions to flood muscles full of blood to the point they felt like they’d explode. When Surge picked up the weights he didn’t put them down for 2 hours straight.
The Serge Nubret Workout Routine
Serge trained hard 6 days a week. Each workout contained an absurd amount of volume. See for yourself – his workout split is as follows:
Monday & Thursday: Chest and Quads
- Squats – 8 sets of 12 reps
- Leg Press – 6 sets of 12 reps
- Leg Extension – 6 sets of 12 reps
- Bench Press – 8 sets of 12 reps
- Flat Bench Fly’s – 6 sets of 12 reps
- Incline Bench Press – 6 sets of 12 reps
- Incline Fly’s – 6 sets of 12 reps
- Dumbbell Pullovers – 6 sets of 12 reps
Tuesday & Friday: Back and Hamstrings
- Chin-ups – 6 sets of 12 reps
- Behind the Neck Lat Pulldowns – 8 sets of 12 reps
- Lat Pulldowns to the Front – 6 sets of 12 reps
- Barbell Bent-over Rows – 6 sets of 12 reps
- Lying Leg Curl – 8 sets of 15 reps
- Standing Leg Curl – 8 sets of 15 reps
Wednesday & Saturday: Shoulders, Arms, and Calves
- Behind the Neck Barbell Press – 6 sets of 12 reps
- Alternate Dumbbell Front Raise – 6 sets of 12 reps
- Barbell Upright Row – 6 sets of 12 reps
- Cable Lateral Raise – 6 sets of 12 reps
- Barbell Curl superset with Triceps Pushdowns – 8 sets of 12 reps
- Dumbbell Curl superset with Triceps Dips – 8 sets of 12 reps
- Standing Calf Raises – 8 sets of 12 reps
- Seated Calf Raises – 8 sets of 12 reps
Sunday was a rest day. Or maybe he did a few thousand sit ups if he felt like it
Train Abs Everyday
He also trained abs everyday for an hour straight. Sometimes working up to 2000 sit ups per day. He followed those up with 6 sets of leg raises.
Like I said, it’s a lot of freaking volume. This workout is pretty intense but a lot of fun. You can actually feel your muscles working and growing.
Rest between sets was kept to 30 seconds, making pump training excellent conditioning workout because it burns fat.
Try this routine for 3-6 weeks and see how it treats ya.
How You Lift is MORE Important than What You Lift
Use the Right Weight – The right weight for pump training is one you can rep 15-18 times in a set. If you would achieve muscle failure when lifting the weight 15-18 times in a row, that weight is OK.
This way when you lift for 12 reps, by the time you get to set 3 or 4 you should be struggling to get the full 12 reps.
Eliminate Momentum – Take reps nice and slow. Take 2-3 seconds to move the weight in each direction using a nice, smooth motion the entire time.
Make sure the muscle contraction is moving the weight and not momentum. Weight momentum is a workout killer and gains stealer.
Slow down and do it right. Use less weight if necessary. Quality matters more than quantity. Maintain full, deliberate control of each rep.
Keep Good Form – Aim for perfect form for the duration of each set. Good form results in full, balanced muscles and healthy joints and tendons. Bad form will saw holes in your tendons and grind your bones into dust.
Tension must be kept on the muscle at all times. No ‘resting’ at the top or bottom of the movement, or shifting the weight to joints or secondary muscles.
Keep muscles tight through the entire range of motion.
Squeeze Those Reps – Squeeze your muscles by flexing them hard at the top of each rep. Keep the muscle tight and tense all the way to the bottom of the motion.
Focus – Train with laser focus for best results. Zero in on your muscles and feel them working.
Benefits of Pump Training
There are many benefits to pump training including building muscle, burning fat, gaining size and getting stronger.
Build Mind-Muscle Connection with Pump Training
“Mind power gave me this body” – Serge Nubret
The pump sensation makes it easier to build mind-muscle connection. It allows you to hone in on the working muscle. Eventually you’ll be able to move the weight using only the power of your mind to contract the muscle you’re targeting.
The tight feeling will help you concentrate on the pumped up muscle group.
You should strive to be able to flex each muscle individually without engaging any other muscle around it.
Strong mind-muscle connection is KEY to building an otherworldly physique. It’s how you build well defined, nicely shaped, dense muscles.
The Pump is Proof
The pump is proof that you’re making progress. It’s feedback from your body. No need to wonder if you’re getting a good workout. If you have a pump, you are.
A pump your body’s way of telling you, “Yes! That was a great workout! Now feed me so I can grow!”
Pump Training Burns Fat
High reps and short rest between sets are a recipe for fat destruction.
Expect to burn a ton of calories each workout. Expect to burn a lot more as you grow new muscles. (Muscle burns calories 24/7.)
Pro Tip: Layer up for extra fat annihilation.
Pump Training is Safer
Serge Nubret’s bodybuilding career spanned 50 years. He is a testament that training hard is sustainable as long as you train smart.
Just use perfect form and your joints and tendons will stay healthy and you’ll stay jacked well into your twighlight years.
You Will Get stronger with Pump Training
Serge Nubret could bench press over 500 pounds even though he routine trained with between 70-100 kg.
The sheer volume forces your muscle to go stronger so you can hoist big weights.
Pump Training is Fun
What’s more fun then getting a great pump, feeling strong, and looking good with and without clothes?
Serge Nubret’s Diet
You can’t build an amazing body without proper nutrition.
When working out it’s importing that you get enough protein, calories and nutrients to recover from workouts and grow stronger.
What would Serge Nubret’s workout be without his diet to go with it?
Serge would eat one meal a day and ate mostly red meat, rice and beans. Horse meat was his dish of choice. Sometimes up to 6 pounds of meat a day!
As long as you eat when you’re hungry and eat clean, you’ll get results.
Many bodybuilders during Serge’s day took liver tablets to give them energy for tough workouts and provide protein for muscle recovery.
Legendary Motivation
How did he stay so motivated to workout this much?
Needless to say, lifting weights really turned Nubret’s crank. Lifting truly was a labor of love for Serge.
Bodybuilding was about brining the mind, body and spirit together in harmony.
He was passionate about training and that gave him the desire to workout hard for many, many years.
You don’t have to love training to give the Serge Nubret workout a try.
Try it for 4-6 weeks and see what you think. My prediction is that your muscles will shape up and become more defined and dense.
Another way to benefit from pump training is to incorporate it into your current routine.
Say you lift Chest heavy on Monday, then on Thursday you can do Serge’s training routine for your chest.
Just lighten the weight and increase the volume.
The Verdict on the Serge Nubret Workout and Pump Training
It works – there’s no doubt about that. The Serge Nubret workout isn’t practical for those with limited time to workout.
Pump training workouts can sometimes take over 90 minutes to complete.
Overall, I think pump training can be a great addition to a workout routine.
Lift heavy one or two days then try pump training on day three.
This is a good way to keep your muscles guessing and encoring them to grow by introducing a new stimulus.
I do recommend that you have a solid two years of strength training before trying pump training.
Do a linear strength building routine to build a good muscle foundation first.
You want to work on your total body strength and muscle gains and build a solid, strong foundation before moving on to more advanced techniques.
Give the Serge Nubret workout a shot if you want to get an amazing pump and shock your muscles into gaining more size!
I’m trying this routine now. I will say i’ve never employed a high volume, light weight training routine as my mentality has been orthodox and egotitstical in nature. As a result low reps and high loads have been a staple for years and yet my progress has not been astounding.
I’m on my 3rd week training Serge style (6 days a week, 1 day rest) and I’ve got to say this training style has held my interest. It’s certainly taken a couple weeks to get used to.
I use a stop watch to ensure rest periods are kept at 30 seconds between sets. Using weights which are right for a 20 rep max means I have to do drop sets. Ie. If I’m using 120lbs for bench at 30 seconds of rest I have to drop the weight significantly by the 3rd set and subsequent sets. I end up lifting 80lbs on the 8th set! My goal is ofcourse to be able to complete all 8 sets of 12 at 120llb with 30 seconds periods. For pull ups I’m able to do an easy set of 20 reps normally but after 2 sets of 12 reps I have to do assisted pull ups for the remaining 6 sets. It’s been a huge ego killer to go from doing solid 20 rep pull ups with 3+ minutes rest to having to place my legs on a step and doing assisted pull ups for 12’s. I have faith though and it’s my reasoning that by the time one can do any exercise for 12 reps x 8 sets with 30 second rest intervals their 20RM max will have become more like a 40RM and it’d be quite hard to imagine no improvement in muscle size and definition along with the increased endurance capacity.
It’s no surprise I have been sweating my ass off with this routine either and yet the workouts only run for around 60 mins despite the enormous volume. The pumps are insane to say the least and are certainly beyond anything I’ve experienced in 10 years of training.
It’s certainly a different way to gauge my progress than I’m used to. Rather than add a rep here and there or increase the weight on the bar I’m measuring progress by gradually reducing my drop sets. I’m at a stage in my training where the beginnner gains have long subsided so I’ll be impressed with modest improvements. In 12 weeks I look forward to report back my own experience with “pump training”
Hi Erik, You can certainly expect to see some muscle size and definition gains with this routine.
Just make sure your diet is clean and substantial enough to do so!
Thank you for sharing your experience so far. I look forward to hearing back from you at the end of your training cycle to see how pump training worked for you!
Update us bro
Can you change up the exercises. Km go na try this soon. Could I incorporate deadlift
Hi Dan,
Yes, you can change up the exercises. You can incorporate deadlift as well. I do light-weight, high-rep deadlifts every once in a while. They are a great conditioning workout and really define your lower back. Be sure to keep good form! Let me know how this workout goes for you.
Amazing that Serge was able to complete this routine with only one meal a day. I’m definitely going to try this routine out.
It is definitely impressive that he only ate one meal a day. But it was a huge meal!
Let me know how this routine works for you!
If you’re training like Nubret and you’re NOT taking steroids, you’re either not training as hard as you think or, if you are, you’re on some massive steroid cycle.
You can make great progress with high-volume training as a natural.
You cannot train with the intensity Serge did. You will burn yourself out in no time at all. You train for the pump and do not go to failure. After a while you adapt to the volume and do not get the same pump. At this point exercise variation and different rep ranges, rest periods, super sets etc will keep you in the game. For example when you start you may do 8×12 of incline bench with 120lbs on the bar. You do 12 easy reps and rest 30 seconds between. After 6 sets you’ll find the short rest periods make it very challenging and you’ll have to drop the weight the last few sets. Once you can do 120lbs for 8×12 with reserve you can add more weight to the bar and start over again. It’s important to keep your perceived effort to around 70% on all sets or stop short a couple reps shy of failure. If that means dropping the weight do so. If you attempt to train to failure you’ll find CNS fatigue will hit you like a ton of bricks within a couple weeks. As someone who has always trained to failure in the past this was the toughest part of getting used to. You have to drop the ego. For me the results have been nothing short of astounding. If you’re one of those guys who gets really strong on conventional HIIT routines struggles to back it up with size in all the right places this type of training will fill out your chest, arms, legs etc while taking inches off the waist. A bonus is you improve cardiovascular health and burn fat at the same time. That’s been my experience. Of course not everyone will benefit as much from this style of training but I think that’s why it’s important to try many methods and see which gives the best results for you.
Great comment. You are spot on.