So, you want to build a big chest?
Well my friend, you’ve come to the right place.
I will show you how to build a big and ripped chest.
I have created the workout routine for you to follow. It contains the same exact exercises I used to sculpt my chest muscles.
It’s the perfect beginner chest workout routine. However, anyone that wants to build a bigger chest can do so with this routine.
I’ve sprinkled in a few secret techniques to unlock strength and muscle gains faster than you’ve even seen before.
My chest workout literally force your chest to grow.
All you do is follow the routine exactly and watch you’re chest muscles grow larger by the week.
A lot of guys struggle to build a strong chest. Most fail to build muscle because they don’t have the know-how and they don’t have the right attitude.
It’s my job to help you get both.
How to Build a Big Chest
First and foremost, you need to understand what it takes to build a big chest.
Many people fail to build muscle because they overlook the 5 critical success principles of weight training:
- Consistency
- Concentration
- Intensity
- Nutrition
- Discipline
If you think you can just show up to the gym for an hour and expect muscles to magically appear, you’re sorely mistaken.
While building muscle does require gym time, it’s the effort given in the gym that counts.
If you follow these 5 principles and give 100% in the gym, I guarantee you will build a big chest in record time.
Building a big chest takes a lot of work. Making noticeable improvement takes constant effort over time.
Without consistent effort and deliberate action there can be no results.
But, with consistent training and deliberate action you WILL get results. It’s impossible not to get results IF you follow my plan.
Concentration is key to build your chest muscles (and any muscle for that matter).
While in the gym, you need to focus like a laser on the task at hand.
Stay off your phone. Keep the chit-chat short. You should be focusing on your muscles working.
You want to be in the ‘zone’.
Before every set you get ‘in touch’ with your muscle. Do this by thinking about the muscle being trained. Imagine your chest muscles looking exactly how you want it to. See the vision in your mind before, after and during each set.
This is how you build mind-muscle connection. Learn how to control individual muscle groups with your mind. Flex your chest muscle between sets to learn how to control them.
Better yet, workout in front of a mirror so you can see your muscles working.
Once you unlock mind-muscle connection, breakthroughs will be made.
In summation: Concentrate on your muscles. Don’t just go through the motions during your workout. A workout isn’t about checking a box. Your results are equal to the effort you give.
Show up and get to work with PURPOSE. Give 100% of your body and mind to a workout. It only take 45 minutes of work per day!
Intensity separates the men from the boys.
Boys will stop lifting when it hurts. Men will push through the pain.
Lifting weights is supposed to hurt. It’s supposed to make you uncomfortable.
But nothing ever changes without discomfort or pain.
When you feel the burn, relish in it. The burn is a good thing.
You must push yourself out of your comfort zone to grow mentally and physically.
You need to do more than you think you can do.
Lift heavier than you think you can. Lift to failure or exhaustion at least once a week. Just be safe about it.
Failure is a good thing. What you fail at today you will succeed at tomorrow. But only if you keep pushing.
Intense workouts take muscles to the brink so that they rebuild stronger.
Always strive to increase the intensity each workout. Either by lifting heavier or lifting more sets/reps than usual.
Nutrition is 100% necessary to build muscle. If you want a big chest, you have to eat right.
Your muscle quality is only as good as the food you eat.
Every meal should have a big portion of protein no matter what. Eat a lot of protein and carbs every single day.
Your body needs these calories to grow bigger and stronger.
This is the glue that holds everything together.
Discipline is self mastery. It’s about making yourself do things you should do, even when you don’t want to do it.
Discipline separates the ‘haves’ from the ‘have-nots’.
The have-nots say “Oh well I’ll just try a little bit here and there”.
While the haves say “This is what I want, and I will do what I need to do to get it.”
Then they do it, and do it, and do it, and do it, and do it, and do it, and do it.
And eventually they get it.
Some days you won’t want to workout. Maybe you’re tired or whatever. For some reason your head’s just not in the game.
So what?
Suck it up buttercup.
No one cares you feel bad and your body definitely doesn’t care if it has a nice chest or not.
You control your mind. You tell it what to think. No matter what, YOU ARE IN CONTROL. Disappointment is the only thing that follows lack of discipline.
So, you need to commit to getting a bigger chest. Then you must have the disciple to work everyday to get it. It’s worth it.
Now that we got that out of the way. Let’s get to business.
How to Build a Big Chest: Beginner Chest Workout Routine
Before you start throwing weights around, you MUST be able to complete 10 regular pushups in a row.
This is important. Completing 10 pushups in a row ensures you have basic muscle control and the minimum required level of strength to weight train effectively.
It reduces injury risk and you’ll be less likely to develop a muscle imbalance. Skip this step at your own peril.
Once you can handle 10 push ups, you’re ready to lift some Iron.
The Best Chest Exercises for BodyBuilding
Every great chest workout revolves around a few basic chest exercises.
Simply because they are best chest exercises for building a bigger chest:
Barbell Bench Press
The Grand-Daddy of all chest exercises. The bench press adds thickness and fullness to your chest.
Press variations include flat bench, plus incline and decline press from all angles. Each angle works the chest differently.
Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell presses are similar to barbell bench press. However since dumbbells decent independently of each other, they allow greater range of motion.
Greater range of motion elicits more muscle growth by stimulating new muscle fibers.
Dumbbells allow a greater stretch and harder muscle contraction.Dumbbells and barbells are a tag team to keep your muscles guessing by stimulating them differently.
Varying stimuli is a key component to making constant progress.
Dumbbell Flyes
Dumbbell flyes chisel your chest muscles. They etch detail and give your chest shape.
They also work the inner and outer chest extremely well, allowing you to get a great stretch at the bottom of the motion and good squeeze at the top.
Close Grip Bench Press
Close grip bench press is perfect for building your entire chest and teaching you how to contract your chest muscles.
Guillotine Press
The Guillotine press is a wide grip bench press. It’s an advanced chest exercise and extremely effective.
Push Ups
This simple bodyweight exercise activates your entire chest. Push ups are important to build a balanced upper body.
There are nearly unlimited push up variations to constantly challenge you. Including the infamous diamond push up.
Dips are like squats for the upper body. They work your chest, shoulders and triceps very well.
Dips are a great exercise to shape the pecs. They create the lower chest line. Dips are one of the best chest exercises to build a nice chest.
Cable Crossovers
Great for working the chest at a bunch of different angles.
Allows you to squeeze the BeJesus out of your chest.Great for building mind muscle connection and finding the perfect angle that activates your pecs.
You’ll notice they’re a combination of Barbell, dumbbell and bodyweight exercises.
The variety plays a key role in building a fully developed chest.
Now that you know the tools of the trade, let’s get to work.
The Beginner Chest Workout Routine
This chest workout routine should be followed for 12 consecutive weeks.
There are three chest workouts: A, B and C. Each workout is designed to help you maximize you chest muscle.
Chest Workout A
- Flat Bench Press 4 sets x 6-8 reps
- Inline Bench Press 4x 6-8 reps
- Dumbbell Flyes 4x 8-12 reps
- Pushups 3 sets to failure
Chest Workout B
- Flat Bench Press 4x 6-12 reps
- Inline Bench Press 4x 6-12 reps
- Incline dumbbell flyes 4×10-12 reps
- Dips 3 sets to failure
Chest Workout C
- Decline Barbell Bench Press 4x 4-8 reps
- Incline Barbell Bench Press 4x 4-8 reps
- Flat Dumbbell Bench Press 4x 6-12 reps
- Dips 3 sets to failure
Chest Training Schedule
For this chest workout routine you should train chest every 4th Day. So if you start you routine on Monday, your workout schedule will look like this:
Week 1
Workout A: Monday, B: Thursday, C: Sunday
Week 2
Workout A: Wednesday, B: Saturday
Week 3
Workout C: Tuesday, Workout A: Friday
Week 4
Workout B: Monday, C: Thursday, A: Sunday
You get the idea – carry out this routine, training chest every 4th day, alternating workouts just like this for a total of 12 weeks.
10 Chest Workout Tips For Better Results
Make sure you incorporate all these guidelines into your chest workout routine.
#1. Consistency
It takes many months, even years to build a nice chest. Commit to working out several times a week. It takes years of continuous effort to build a nice body. Know that before you start and always remember why you started in the first place!
#2. Training Frequency
Train chest x2 a week. Training chest 1 day a week isn’t enough to reach your potential. With the right program (this one) you can train 2-3 times a week for maximum effect.
#3. Train with Compound Movements using Heavy Weight
The Barbell Bench Press should be a part of every chest workout. Focus on bulking up first then work to build muscle density and shaping your muscles.
80% of your chest training for the first year should be with a barbell with the goal of building as much muscle a possible.
#4. Master the Basics
Mix up your workouts. This ensures your chest develops fully with no lagging parts. Train from multiple angles and rotate the exercises you use each workout.
#5. Use 4-12 Repetitions per Set
Pressing motions should be kept to 4-8 reps and flyes to 8-12 reps. The exception being bodyweight exercises like pushups and dips where you should do as many reps as possible each set.
#6. Train with Intensity
Training intensity separates the freaks from the average Joe’s. no matter what the exercise, how intensely you train is the common denominator for getting jacked.
Intensity = effort. Give your maximum effort regardless of the weight being lifted and you will grow.
You want to use enough weight to stimulate muscle growth. If you can bench press 135 pounds for your 1 rep max, then you should be training with 85-115 pounds for this workout routine.
Get psyched to workout! Go in the gym and hit the weights with a purpose. Your body doesn’t care if it has a nice chest or not. It’s up to you to make it grow!
#7. Add Weight Each Workout
Be sure to add weight each workout. Even if you have to do 1 or 2 less reps per set with the heavier weight.
Part of bodybuilding is about struggle and failure. You need to push to your limit in order to grow!
Eventually you will be strong enough to get 12 reps with that weight. Then add more weight and repeat this process to keep growing bigger and stronger.
You will inevitably hit a plateau, and when you do, use fractional weight plates to push through them and continually get stronger.
#8. Recovery is Important
Get enough food and rest between workouts. This is what will make or break you.
Nutrition is important if you’re trying to gain weight eat as many calories as you can and get over a gram of protein per pound of body weight. (pick up some quality protein powder here). Sleep 8 hours a night or as much as possible.
#9. Workout your chest every 4th day
So, if you train chest Monday train chest again on Thursday. Again on Sunday, Then Again on Wednesday. You don’t have to get stuck on the 7-day schedule like most people do. Just train chest every 4th day regardless of what day it is.
#10. Mind your ‘A,B,C’s’: What I mean is ‘Always Be in Control’. Always control the weight when working out. that means:
- Lower the weight slowly and evenly.
- Don’t bounce the weight up.
- Don’t jerk the weight.
Use your muscles to move and support the weight through out the ENTIRE range of motion for each rep.
#11. Keep Your Chest Out and Shoulders Back
Pull your shoulders back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. This ‘packs’ your shoulders into a safe position and allows your chest to bear most of the weight.
While keeping your back muscles flexed tightly, puff your chest out by taking in a big breath. Fill your lungs with as much air as possible before starting each rep.
Hold it in while lowering the weight, and blow out the air as you push the weight up.
Note to beginner trainees: After you can do 10 pushups in a row without stopping, you can move on to weight training to further improve your strength and muscle gains. Don’t touch weights until you can do 10 perfect pushups.
#12 Variety
Mix up your exercises. Use different pushup variations: Wide, narrow and diamond. As push ups get easier start moving your hands in closer together. This will make the exercise more challenging and target your shoulders and inner chest more.
- Add weighted dips once you can do 12 regular bodyweight dips. Dips build your chest extremely well. Dips also work your shoulder and triceps, bringing your upper body together and making your muscle flow together.
- Go through the full range of motion for each exercise
You will train chest frequently with this routine. Make sure you are training your legs, arms, back and shoulders as well. Other muscle groups should get the same amount of work as your chest. Trust me on this, guys.
Make sure you are training your Back at least as often as you are training your chest. Do lots of deadlifts, pull ups and rows. A strong, wide back will actually make your chest look better.
The most important thing is to build a healthy, balanced symmetrical physique. If you have these three things I guarantee you will have a great looking chest that you can display proudly.
More and more people nowadays wants to have a bigger chest. I am sure they will be interested to read about this. It’s actually a great idea to share this.