I get it:
Working full time and having a training schedule while trying to maintain a social life is challenging.
Everyone wants to have money, a good body, and fun with friends.
You can have it all though – you just need to make the most of your time:
There are only 24 hours in a day. This post is full of ‘tips and tricks’ I use to save time and be more productive and most of my day.
I had to develop a strategy for myself because I want a successful career, a nice body, and be able to enjoy the fruits of my labor by doing fun things. I like to go out, travel, visit friends out of town, go to the beach, play volleyball, and occasionally play video games (I used to be a binge gamer).
The following are 12 ways that help me work 50+ hours a week, train 4-6 times a week and have a social life
1) Do Meal Prep
I can’t say enough good things about meal prep. Meal prep helps you eat better, stay in shape, save time and save money. Pre-cook meals and snacks on Sunday and take them with you each day of the week.
I use this tactic to gain back an hour every day because I’m not driving around looking for lunch or snacks. Meal perp also keeps you consistent with your diet to make sure you’re getting all necessary nutrition and less temptation to eat ‘bad stuff’.
2) Count Your Macros
Macros, or macronutrients, are protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Macros make up all the calories of the food you eat. Counting Macros will keep you honest and make you think twice about what you’re eating so you don’t ruin your diet.
I use the My Fitness Pal app and recommend it. Read more about Macros and Flexible Dieting Here.

3) Lift Weights Strategically
You need to maximize your gym time. That means lift moderate-heavy weight and focus on the ‘big lifts’.
You need to do pull ups, deadlifts, front squats and back squats. No exceptions. Also, do shoulder press, incline bench press and rows.
These lifts work more muscles per movement than any others. More muscles works means more calories burned and more muscle growth potential. The big lifts are a no brainer.
90% of your workout should be made up of these lifts. Period.
The one-arm-at-a-time shit takes too long and doesn’t pay off as much as the big dog lifts. The basics are the best so keep your routines simple.
Pick 2-3 big lifts for each workout. Do 5 sets for each lift and throw in an accessory lift or two and you’re good to go.
Crush it hard and fast. Workouts should be under 45 minutes total. 1 hour tops.
Use supersets and move from set to set fast. Keep rest periods short. This will help you lift more volume and burn more fat. If you’re taking more than an hour to get a good workout then you’re moving too slow.
Cut out the chatter and stay focused. Put on headphones and listen to music. It discourages conversation so you can get work done. When you’re in the gym you have a job to do. Do it right and be done with it.
You get the picture – Don’t waste your time doing one-arm cable lateral raises. Workout with a sense of urgency; Get in, get out and get on with your day.
4) Grocery Shop like a Boss
I like to shop once a week. Sometimes once every two weeks. I never spend more than 30 minutes in the grocery store. I also never visit more than one a week.
Running to the store for just a few items is a waste of time. Everything you need for the week should be bough at the same time. Plan ahead and have a grocery list of foods you need so there’s no ‘forgotten’ items or backtracking.
Buy them fast and get out of the grocery store (grocery shopping doubles as cardio if you shop fast enough- haha).
Eating clean starts with shopping clean. Don’t buy snacks or junk food and you won’t eat them. Buy healthy, fresh food and don’t be shy about spending a little more for quality. This is for your health.
Better yet, order all your essentials from Amazon. You can order things on a monthly, bi-monthy or quarterly basis. This is perfect for items like Protein powder, paper towels and other items you use regularly.
5) Be Disciplined
Everyone talks about discipline but they don’t really know what it means. Disciple means doing what you have to do no matter if you feel like it or not.
Years ago, when I was at work I would think about doing other things. I figured I could do my work later when I felt like it. Obviously, I never felt like it so this lead to anxiety. When I was doing other things I would think about work and couldn’t fully enjoy myself.
Now I focus 100% on work when I’m working and give it my all. Turn of your phone, get off Facebook, tell your girlfriend you’ll talk later. Do what ever you have to do to focus solely on the task at hand.
On the flip side, when I’m not working I focus 100% on whatever it is in doing. Get done what you have to then do first then you can do whatever you want, guilt-free.
6) Pack Your Gym Bag the Night Before
Take it a step further and make a todo list the night before and have everything planned and set aside for morning. Pack your gym back, put your briefcase by the door, and have your lunch ready.
When morning comes all you need to do is shit, shower, shave and you’re out the door. (Smash a quick protein packed breakfast if necessary)
7) Clean Up After Yourself
Don’t let your dirty dishes pile up in the sink and don’t leave your dirty clothes scattered all over your room. Take care of them right away. Clean, organized surrounding in my living space give me piece of mind.
8) Declutter and Get organized
Get rid of shit you don’t use anymore. Even if you think you might use someday. If you haven’t used it in a year, do yourself a favor and get rid of it. It’s useless to you obviously otherwise you would use it more often.
Throw it away, give it away or put it in storage. I don’t mean store it in your basement, garage, or tool shed. Put it in actual storage or the dumpster. It serves no purpose and shouldn’t be anywhere that will distract you.
Old clothes, electronics, hobbies, sports gear, etc. Don’t let crap accumulate because it will only bog you down. If you have something worth value sell it on eBay.
I made over $1500 selling old Magic the Gathering cards, Pokemon cards, and video games (I used to be a nerd. Still am actually).
This means I make time to do my work, study and reflect.
Keep your home, car and workspace clean and organized. Have a system in place to keep things tidy. You’re on your own here. Figure out what works best for you and do it.
Put things in the same place. Put your keys, wallet and phone in the same place every day. You should be able to pick that stuff up without even thinking about it as part of your morning routine.
If you have to search for it you’re wasting valuable time. Time that could be spent else where.

9) Have Fun
I can’t stress this enough. When you work hard you need to unwind every once in a while. So cut lose and have fun.
It frees your mind and is good for you. Let loose once or twice a month. Having a day or evening without a care of responsibility is like dessert for your soul.
Go out for drinks with friends or take a day trip out of town. Have a cookout and drink some beers. It will help your moral and keep you sane.
When you go out try to eat lean and drink light. Unless you’re already jacked. Eat, drink and be merry, ‘bro’.
10) Prioritize Ruthlessly
For me it’s finance first. Finance allows freedom to do what I want. I invest time and money back into my work so I can further build my skill set and my earning potential. (Earning is the name of the game.
Make it and take it and you’ll never worry about pinching pennies. Trust me, I pinched pennies for years when I didn’t make barely enough money to support myself. Even with a college degree… But that’s a different story for a different day.
Make sure you’re constantly investing in your self and learning new things. You can learn anything you want through google or youtube. All you have to do is be willing to learn and ask the right questions.
To sum up my 3 main priorities they are: Wealth, Health and Relationships. (Interestingly enough, these are the same three eternal lifestyle business found in The Millionaire Fastlane book, which I highly recommend.)
Therefore, I spend most of my time working, working out and with my girlfriend and friends.
Speaking of relationships – Spend time with people who can help you most. And stay away from people that bring you down. I’m not your daddy and you can do whatever you want but, more then than not, birds of a feather flock together, be wary of people that are negative, gossip, or always have something bad happening to them.
In my experience, It’s better to go at it alone than with bad company.
Friends and family are not exempt here. I had a rude awakening when I realized that parents and family don’t actually know what’s best for you. Only YOU know what’s best for you. You make your own choices, you gain experiences, you build the life you want, and you live with the consequences and rewards. Think for yourself. Use common sense, logic and critical thinking and you’ll be fine. Strive to improve always.
11) Read!
Read good books. You won’t live long enough to learn everything. And you won’t find enough mentors to answer all your questions and teach you what’s good.
If you don’t know where to start I recommend Think and Grow Rich and How to Win Friends and Influence People. Read these as soon as possible. You will wonder why you didn’t read it sooner. Think and Grow Rich is extremely powerful and life changing. Theses are old classics. A lot of the newer stuff a just regurgitated principles taken from these books. All the new authors do is add new examples.
Books take time to read and comprehend but you will find something you can use immediately at work or in your personal
Life that will benefit you. These books pay dividends to you forever.
12) Wake up Early
Wake up at 5-6 each day. Go for a run, workout or get straight to work. Your mind is freshest in the Morning which means your most productive before noon. Productivity gradually decreases as the day goes on. I don’t know about you but my productive hours are about over around 7 or 8 pm. A lot of people spend this time watching mindless T.V. shows or surfing the Internet. Spend this time reading, journaling or go to bed early. (Just make sure you have tomorrow planned first 
Keep in mind:
Everything you do is related so you might as well maximize the positive effects. The food you eat the company you keep the work you do and the things you read. It all influences each other. It effects you mood, body, mind and energy and chemistry. Try using some of these tactics in your life and watch your productivity and mood improve.
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