The Murph workout is a brutal mix of running and bodyweight exercises.
Also known as the Murph challenge, anyone can perform the Murph since there’s no gym equipment equipment required.
The only item required to make it a true Murph workout is a 20-pound weight vest.
The Murph workout consists of a 1 Mile run followed by 100 Pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 body squats and finished with another 1 mile run.
3 Bodyweight exercises
500 Total Reps
2, 1-Mile Sprints
All while wearing a 20 pound weight vest.
Try to complete the workout as fast as possible.
It’s the ultimate hybrid workout. Perfect for developing strength, muscle size, cardiovascular and muscular endurance, and for burning fat.
The Murph’s multiple benefits make it a popular WOD (Workout of the Day) in many CrossFit gyms.
Lt. Michael Murphy – Creator of the Murph Workout
The ‘Murph’ workout is named after it’s creator, LT. Michael Murphy.
LT. Murphy was a United States Navy SEAL who was killed in Afghanistan. LT. Murphy was a brave warrior who received the Medal of Honor for his acts of valor in war.
LT. Murphy called it the ‘body armor’ workout because he did performed the entire workout circuit in full body armor – an added 20-30 pounds of weight.
How to Perform the Murph Workout
The Murph workout is great because it doesn’t require a gym membership and can be done anywhere.
all you need is a weight vest. You might want to pick up a pull up Rig or Pull up bar for your wall or doorway.
The standard Murph workout is as follows:
- 1 Mile Run
- 100 Pull ups
- 200 Push ups
- 300 Body squats
- 1 Mile Run
Limited rest periods as much as possible and only rest when absolutely necessary. The sheer amount of volume and relentless reps make the Murph workout perfect for build muscle and burning fat. You will build muscle with this workout. Although you won’t get huge you will get ripped. The added cardio is great for conditioning your heart and lungs as well as burn fat.
This workout is not for the faint of heart. Hardcore CrossFitters would try to complete this workout in under an hour.
Think You’re Ready for The Murph Challenge?
The Murph workout is brutal the first time you try it. And believe me, it’s never easy.
Seasoned trainers should give the Murph challenge a shot. Anyone that’s been training regularly for a year or two can complete the Murph challenge with enough grit.
Cut the volume in half or reduce it to 25% if you’re a beginner of haven’t done cardio in a while.
If you’re a beginner attempting the Murph Challenge, start by doing a quarter-mile run, 25 pull ups, 50, pushups, and 75 body squats. Then finish with another quarter mile run. Don’t use a weight vest until you can do a full Murph workout in under an hour without one.
Do this workout every third or forth day. Each workout add 5 pull-ups, 10 pushups, and 20-25 body squats. and add in an additional 1/4-1/2 total miles to run. Do this until you are able to do a full Murph Workout.
The ‘Murph’ is a common ‘WOD’ (Workout of the Day) in gyms across the country. A Memorial Day Murph workout is a common practice many cross-fit gyms use to honor Michael Murphy’s Legacy.
Just tried the murph after a few months (i’m doing as much as i can all the time) and today i did 100 pullups, 120 pushups and 90 squats before i couldn’t feel my legs anymore.
Yet i’ll be trying to do them 3x a week, with 3x hiit burpees on the off days to prepare myself for my physical tests to become a police officer.
It’ll be hard but that is life nontheless
Hi Hardstyle,
Sounds like you’re doing great! 100 pullups, 120 pushups and 90 squats is not an easy feat!
It’s always hard until you do it enough and get better at it. Then it becomes easy!
Good luck on your physical tests! Keep me updated on your progress!
Thanks man 馃檪
It is really hard to combine a nightshift (sleeping all day) with a 1 hour + workout and working all night with sore legs.
So i try to do it every 2-3 days for recovery and the days off i try to do hiit for more fat blasting.
Now i need to discipline myself to do it all the time
The grind is tough. You just need to keep pushing and take measures to stay motivated. Always have a goal to strive for – it looks like you do! So that’s great!
Also, keep your energy up by eating enough food! Eating enough will help the soreness go away faster too because it will help your muscles recover from workouts.
Just try to do a little more than the day before. That’s all you gotta do. It will add up over time! Keep up the great work!
I_fuckin love this workout. I鈥檝e been doing it every Saturday for the last 6 weeks. I鈥檓 getting cut and ripped as_shit. Of course I鈥檓 eating better too which is the key.
Awesome! Keep it up, man!!