The Fat Gripz team has full-on hacked arm training.
You can now get bigger, stronger arm muscles faster than you ever thought possible.
Fat Gripz build arms like Arnold and forearms like Popeye faster than you can say ‘jacked’.
All you do is slap Fat Gripz on any barbell or dumbbell, grip it firmly and lift the weight like normal.
You will feel the difference immediately. You KNOW Fat Gripz work after the first time you use them.
You’ll get an enormous pump, veins will pop through your skin and your muscles will set on fire!
If you’re a hardgainer with toothpick arms, Fat Gripz are you you.
If you’re a veteran gyrate scratching and clawing to make gains, Fat Gripz are for you too.
Fat Gripz build muscle and strength starting from your grip all the way to your gut. (Yes, your gut.)
Fat Gripz aren’t a supplement or a pill. They are a tool; The best damn tool you can use to make REAL muscle and strength gains.
Fat Gripz Benefits
Every fitness product claims to do amazing things.
Fat Gripz are different because THEY ACTUALLY WORK.
You can feel them and see them working! What other fitness products do that?
Fat Gripz are for you if you have…
- a limp grip
- thin, weak wrists
- skinny, small forearms
- teeny, tiny biceps and triceps
- flat shoulders
- wrist, elbow or shoulder pain while lifting
- puny pecs
If you are afflicted by any of the above, Fat Gripz will fix it!
After training with Fat Gripz, I’ve made my thin wrists thicker, grew full, firm forearms, and turned my girly-grip into a gorilla grip capable of ripping 455 pounds from the ground with my bare hands.
Get a Strong Grip with Fat Gripz
The most impressive benefit from Fat Gripz is my increased grip strength.
It’s hard to explain how awesome it is to ‘man-handle’ heavy weight in the gym. Now I can rip a 405-pound deadlift off the ground with a double overhand grip. My grip used to give out at 275 pounds for double overhand deadlifts.
I’m able to grab a 45-pound bumper plate with one hand while the plates are vertical and I do so with ease. I couldn’t do this before fat gripz.
Having a vise-grip improves every aspect of your workouts. I now have the grip strength to finish the last few critical reps of a set without my grip giving out.
Grinders are HARD reps. The kind of reps where you grit your teeth, dig deep and give every ounce of your will for move the weight. The last thing you want is to have your grip give out before you finish grinding. Because grinding makes gains.
A strong grip is especially important for deadlifts, pull-ups and rows.
Fat Gripz played a huge role in my ability to deadlift 455-pounds without lifting straps or a belt.
Fat Gripz Build Larger Forearms
My forearms have inflated since training with Fat Gripz. I traded in my little twig arms for forearms like Indian Clubs.
My forearms are bigger, wider, have much better shape. Now there is muscle in the ‘belly’ of my forearm.
Large forearms are necessary for an aesthetic physique.
Bodybuilders, male models, and Hollywood actors know that large forearms are associated with strength and vitality. Actors and model often have huge forearms even if they are very skinny.
People see large forearms and think you are strong or fit even if the rest of you is tiny. Hollywood creates a specific look to increase the perceived strength of their characters.
Build Thicker Wrists with Fat Gripz
I don’t know why, but some dudes are self-conscious about their thin wrists.
The only way to build thicker wrists is to beef up your forearms by strengthening your grip.
Luckily, Fat Gripz will fatten up your wittle wrists.
Slap Fat Gripz on a barbell for your next arm workout, eat your protein, and watch your wrists and forearms thicken up quick.
Bigger Arms
My biceps, triceps and shoulders have all grown significantly since using Fat Gripz.
Just holding the weight with Fat Gripz sets my muscles on fire!
Every arm motion is intensified. The burn comes on faster and hotter. It also spreads to the neighboring muscle groups.
A bicep curl is now much more than just a bicep curl. It’s super intense bicep curl that also lights up your forearms and shoulders.
Fat Gripz enhance your muscle and strength gains through irradiation. Which is a principle I will explain in the next section.
Develop Raw Strength
Raw strength is true strength.
Fat Gripz allow you to activate muscle tissue, deep in the belly of your muscle that you’ve never called on before. Once this muscle is activated you generate more power and are able to finally build these hard to reach muscle fibers.
You’ll feel your strength emerging from deep in your bones. You’ll begin to blast through sets using “Nerve Force”. Nerve force is when your mind is inside the muscles being worked and pushing them to the limit.
It’s hard to explain but once you experience it you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.
Train Grip and Forearms ‘Passively’
Everyone overlooks forearm training.
Forearms a such a small muscle group, why would anyone train them?
People just don’t understand the importance of forearm training.
The exception being law enforcement, service-men, and martial artists.
People see forearm training as tedious work without much benefit. However, all serious athletes have well developed forearms as a direct result of their training.
If people knew that weak forearms held them back they would change their tune.
your body is programs to be balanced. A weak grip holds back the rest of your muscles from growing.
If you’re like most people,, your forearms are years behind the rest of your muscles. Which means you’ve been wasting time training muscles that can never reach their full potential!
Catch up with Fat Gripz. You’ll be glad you did.
How do Fat Gripz Work?
Fat Gripz turn regular barbells and dumbbells into ‘thick bars’.
Thick bars (also called Axel bars because they were thick like wagon axels) are scientifically proven to elicit more muscle activation compared to regular width bars.
Old school strongmen often trained with thick bars to build brute strength.
Their muscles were as dense as diamonds and they had hands stronger than bear traps.
Al Treloar, winner of the first ever bodybuilding competition in 1904, was so strong he could rip 2-3 decks of cards in half with his bare hands!
How many bodybuilders nowadays can do that?
Thick bars are an incredibly potent training tool, but the problem is thick bars are no longer mainstream. Thick bars are expensive and most people don’t know they even exist.
Luckily, you can get the same benefits of thick bar training with Fat Gripz.
How is something so simple as a thicker bar be so effective at building muscle?
Greater Neuromuscular Activation
Thick bars induce greater neuromuscular activation. Thick bar training increases neural drive to muscle fibers resulting in harder muscle contraction.
Increased muscle activation results in increased muscular growth potential.
Muscle Irradiation
Muscle irradiation is a critical factor in building a complete physique.
The irradiation principle states that the harder you contract a muscle group the harder the neighboring muscle groups contract as well.
Since you’re constantly squeeing the life from Fat Grips, your arms, shoulder, even back and chest get ‘irradiated’ and grow.
This also creates muscle balance, symmetry and proportionate development between muscle groups.
Fat Gripz recruit more muscle fibers by putting you at a mechanical disadvantage. Your body compensates by recruiting more muscle fibers to bare the load.
For example, let’s say you are doing bicep curls with Fat Gripz. Your biceps are trained more intensely because maximal muscle fibers are recruited due to the mechanical disadvantage.
Secondly, surrounding muscle groups must brace to support the biceps. Triceps, shoulders, and even your chest, traps and back must brace your arms hard to aid the bicep in supporting the lift.
The bracing muscles get a workout as well. Bracing creates an anabolic effect which reverberates through out your body. Like an after shock from an earthquake. The epicenter being your, now obliterated, bicep.
Blast Past Growth Inhibitors
Your body is programmed to grow a certain way. Your body wants to be balanced. For this reason you’re only as strong as your weakest link. If your grip is weak or your forearms are brittle, the rest of your body is under-gaining.
Fat Gripz Workouts and Exercises
A beautiful thing about Fat Gripz is their versatility. They fit practically any lifting attachment. This allows you to enhance your gains for any lift requiring a hand grip.
I’ve used Fat Gripz to improve every upper body workout:
Fat Gripz Back Exercises
- Deadlift
- Chin ups
- Pull downs
- Rows
Fat Gripz Chest Exercises
- Bench Press
- Incline Bench Press
- Dumbbell flyes
Using Fat Gripz reduces stress on wrists when lifting heavy. This is due to the increased surface area and weight distribution over a greater portion of your palm.
Fat Gripz Arm Exercises
- Straight bar curls
- EZ bar curls
- Dumbbell curls
- Pull downs
- French Press
- Skull Crushers
- Close Grip Press
- Reverse barbell curls
- Hammer curls
- Farmer Carries
- Every pulling exercises with Fat Gripz becomes a forearm exercise
Fat Gripz engage both the ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ forearm muscles so each rep works every single muscle fiber in your hand and forearm.
- Shoulder press
- Shoulder raises
- Arnold Press
- Poliquin Raise
In truth, Fat Gripz will turn any workout into an arm workout.
My Fat Gripz Review from Personal Experience
I love my Fat Gripz. They are my favorite piece of gym gear.
Fat Gripz added muscle mass to my forearms, upper arms and shoulders. My grip strength has increased DRAMATICALLY.
I heard about Fat Gripz a few years ago on a fitness blog. I finally bought them years later after training with them randomly at an unfamiliar gym.
I slapped them on a barbell and did some curls. My arms ignited immediately.
My biceps were pumped up after one set. Veins popped out of my arms and shoulders. My forearms had a deep burn that I’ve never felt before.
It was fantastic. I did a few more sets until my arms felt like they might burst if I lift just one more inch.
Several days after that workout my arms were still sore. That is RARE for me. My arms take massive amounts of volume with heavy weight and recover in a day.
When I still experienced deep soreness 48 hours after my workout I know I had a Winner. I purchased my very own set of Fat Gripz and take them to every gym session since then.
This means I’m training forearms every day I use Fat Gripz. Just like Bruce Lee, Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Greats of the Golden Era. Forearms NEED high volume and high frequency to GROW.
Fat Gripz Before and After Results
My Fat Gripz results have been staggering. Since using them I’ve –
Increased the circumference of each forearm by over an inch.
Increased raw grip strength significantly.
Eliminated wrist pain, tingling and numbness in hands.
Wrist Pain is Gone
I’m an Information systems analyst and spend a lot of time on the computer. Sometimes this causes pain and discomfort in my wrist that is often accompanied by a tingling sensation.
Since thick bar training with Fat Gripz, I experience no more wrist pain, discomfort and tingling sensation in my hands or wrist. It has essentially cured my tendonitis and wrist discomfort. These could be the beginning stages of carpal tunnel.
Consistent Forearm Training
A strong grip improves nearly every other lift and has practical application as well. Grip training is built into my routine with Fat Gripz. This saves me 10-15 minutes a day because I don’t have to do direct forearm and grip training.
My hands don’t get tired when doing pull ups or heavy rows either.
Train with Fat Gripz for a few weeks, then go back to lifting with a regular bar and you’ll notice a big difference.
I train with Fat Gripz religiously for the next few months. I gained massive strength upper body strength.
I could engage muscles in a totally new way. Muscle crave dynamic training so the new stimuli results in gains quickly
Two people at my gym have since bought their own set of Fat Gripz after trying mine.
How to Use Fat Gripz for Complete Arm Development
#1. Do all your pulling exercises with Fat Grips.
#2. Buy bigger shirts that fit your massive arms.
Many commercial gyms do not carry thick bars. So I keep Fat Gripz in my gym bag and use them every workout.
The verdict:
Fat Gripz get results. They are as good as advertised. You will see and feel it the moment you try them.
More muscle recruitment. increased signaling. move kinetic power. better transfer of energy allows you to push muscles to the limit and make the most of each rep! Thick bar training improves mind-muscle connection since it fires stronger signals from the brain through the nerves to the muscles. I’m able to really feel my muscles working and focus on muscle contraction throughout the entire range of motion. My muscles have gotten larger, more dense and more defined as a result.
Fat gripz are made of an industrial-strength plastic/rubber compound that is extremely durable, keeps is shape, and lasts forever.
Imaging your nerves are lit up light lighting bolts from your brain to your hands.
They are better than any supplement you will ever buy. They cost less than a tub of protein powder and will last forever.
I wish I would have bought them sooner because they are the best investment I’ve made for gym equipment.
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