Man boobs are a common sight on modern males. As the obesity rate increases so does the amount of male breasts.
It’s not pretty, but that’s reality. But just because thats reality doesn’t mean it has to be that way.
In this post I will show you how to reduce gynecomastia naturally without surgery or pills.
Medical Disclaimer: Get medical advice from a licensed Doctor before starting a diet or workout program. That being said, read this and pay attention because this shit works.
What are Man Boobs?
Man boobs are feminine shaped breasts on males. It is due to the accumulation of fatty tissue, swollen glands, or a combination of both.
The fatty tissue and swollen glands which result in man boobs are caused by three things:
- The food you eat.
- Your exercise program.
- Your hormone levels.
It’s easy to fix man boobs once you know the cause. You’re here because you want to fix your man breasts and I’m going to show you how to do it.
I too suffered from man boobs, and will show you how to make them disappear, or at least reduce their appearance. I’m not a wizard or a miracle worker, but I do understand cause and effect enough to realize man boobs are a RESULT of actions you take (or don’t take).
But before we dive into all that, here’s a little bit of my story about my struggle with man boobs.
My Gynecomastia Before and After
My gynecomastia was at its worse after I completed my first (and only) dirty bulk. Dirty bulking is code for eating anything you want in unlimited quantities in order to ‘get big’.
I got big alright.
I ballooned up to 230 pounds of pudge in a few short months. I looked like a whale.
As a result of eating garbage my body looked soft and a little saggy. This was all in spite of working out four days a week. I added lots of belly fat, and my butt, legs and chest got fat as well. My hard earned muscle was covered in fat. And my once proud chest now looked like a bag of vanilla pudding.
For the first time I noticed I had gynecomastia. When looking at me from the front, it was hard to tell I had man boobs. But when I slouched even slightly, my man boobs were obvious.
Eating trash food gave my chest a saggy appearance. Overall, my physique was unimpressive:

What’s worse than that is my nipples looked puffy and pointy.
Here’s a close up of my chest during this time. You can see the cone-shaped puffy nipple. The puffy nipples were caused by the extra fat the collected behind them, presumably due to the rise in estrogen levels.

As you can see, I do not look hard and toned in the pictures above. I look soft and squishy. This was unacceptable. I’m a man with standards. I had to make a change.
I put a plan together and got to work. What followed resulted in me losing 20 pounds of fat. I could finally see my abs again and my gynecomastia symptoms were visibly reduced:

By following the plan, I was able to make my gynecomastia un-noticable within a few months.
I did it completely natural and without gynecomastia pills, potions, supplements or surgery.
Gynecomastia Symptoms
Gynecomastia is described by WebMD as “the swelling of breast tissue in men”.
Breast swelling is caused by a few things. First, the breasts swell due to increased fat matter. Second, the fat swells due to estrogen fluctuation. (Ever heard your girlfriend complain about her breast hurting during her period? Estrogen is the reason.)
Gynecomastia symptoms include:
- Feminine looking chest
- Enlarged breasts
- Saggy breasts
- Puffy nipples that look large, swollen and stick out or droop down
In addition to physical symptoms, gynecomastia takes a psychological toll.
Gynecomastia can wreak havoc on your confidence. Having man boobs makes you the target of ridicule. It could also lead to poor self image.
Although gynecomastia is a harmless “cosmetic disorder”, the underlying causes of gynecomastia lead to health problems.
Luckily you can reduce gynecomastia naturally by treating the underlying causes. You don’t have to spend a fortune on surgery to fix the problem.
I reduced my gynecomastia naturally, and I’ll show you how!
First, you need to understand the causes then the solution will make sense. If you know why you gave you gynecomastia, you are half way to fixing it!
What Causes Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is caused by three main factors:
- High body fat percentage
- Poor Diet
- Hormone imbalance
Less commonly, steroid use and abuse can cause gynecomastia.
In this section, we get to the source of the problem.
High Body Fat Percentage
The number one cause of gynecomastia is high body fat percentage. If you’re overweight or obese, you are at risk for gynecomastia.
Too much body fat and your skin will stretch and sag everywhere, including your chest.
The solution?
Reduce the amount of body fat you carry and gynecomastia symptoms will subside.
Hormone Imbalance
Hormones are incredibly important to health and well-being. The two most prominent hormones are estrogen and testosterone.
Estrogen is known as the ‘female’ hormone and testosterone is the ‘male’ hormone.
Estrogen makes women feminine in appearance and in nature, while testosterone makes men appear masculine and manly in nature.
Testosterone is the chemical compound responsible for dense bones, strong muscles, mental focus, energy and chiseled jawlines.
Estrogen is the chemical compound responsible for womanly features such as wide hips, breast development, fat retention (not always a bad thing), and energy conservation. Women conserve energy and store fat for child bearing and rearing. It’s biological design forged through tens of thousands of years of evolution.
So what can you do to fix your hormones?
You gotta get primal.
You gotta go back to basics and do what our ancestors did. The ancient Greeks and Romans had magnificent bodies.
Not only did they champion health and athleticism as a culture, but they performed manual labor every day and ate wholesome foods.
Use your body as nature intended and you will get the results you want.
Our hormones are out of whack because we eat poorly and don’t workout. This leads to high estrogen and low testosterone. The combination of high estrogen and low testosterone will reduce muscle mass and increase body fat.
Once that happens -BOOM! Man Boobs.
You must increase testosterone to fight gynecomastia. Raise testosterone naturally two ways: Diet and weight training. Both of which we will cover in this article.
Poor Diet
Poor diet leads to excess body fat and hormone imbalance. What is a poor diet? A poor diet is eating anything processed, refined packaged or artificial.
Eat fresh food only. Reduce sugar intake, eat only what you cook yourself, and watch your body fat disappear like magic.
A good diet is POWERFUL. You can reduce gynecomastia significantly just by eating right.
Low Muscle Mass
Muscle mass is important to health because it does three things:
It gives your body shape, burns fat and balances hormones.
Muscle mass gives your body shape by adding dense muscle cells to your frame. Muscle mass lifts and tightens your skin and improves posture.
Build muscle mass with intense bodyweight exercise and weight lifting. Weights build and shape your chest muscles to reduce or eliminate the appearance of gynecomastia.
Muscle mass requires energy to maintain. Muscle burns calories every minute of every day. Building muscle will literally ‘eat’ your body fat and totally transform your body.
The act of muscle building floods your body with natural growth hormone. Human growth hormone and testosterone begin to circulate through your blood stream.
Your muscles signal your body to create more testosterone in order to maintain your muscles. You will keep your muscle as long as you use them!
Not Enough Exercise
Your body was designed to move. It is the greatest creation in the known universe. And it was given to you for FREE.
What will you do with it? Shape it into the best form you can? Or let it whither away?
Your body needs to move to ‘keep the juices flowing.’ Without movement your body becomes less efficient and loses muscle mass.
You will also add more body fat if you just sit around all day. Couch potatoes look like potatoes. Lumpy and plump.
Get moving, even if it’s just a long walk.
Genetics are a minor factor in gynecomastia.
Each of us have a genetic potential. However, NO ONE truly reaches their genetic limit. They say we only use 10% of our brains. They also say our body is our brain and out brain is our body.
Change in your body starts with your brain. DECIDE to change your body. Hold the image of your new body in your minds eye. This is your target and you need to see your target to hit your mark.
Don’t use genetics as an excuse to not realize your full potential. You are more powerful than you think.
People often mistake nature for nurture. You carry the genes are the greatest survivors in the history of mankind! People didn’t become fat until the 70’s and 80’s. That’s when life in America got easy. Coincidentally, that’s when fast food became popular and so did T.V. sitcoms.
Your body doesn’t care if you’re fat or ripped. It only responds to your actions.
You’re genetics aren’t limiting you – your BELIEFS LIMIT YOU.
Change your beliefs and decide to get better and you’ll be amazed at what you’re capable of.
Are you ready to take control and get rid of gynecomastia once and for all?
How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia
Reducing gynecomastia naturally requires two things:
The Right Diet & a Rigorous Training Protocol
Once you clean up your diet and begin to exercise daily, you’ll notice your puffy nipples start to disappear.
Your physique is 85% nutrition, so that’s where we begin today’s lesson – Diet and Nutrition.
The Gynecomastia Reduction Diet
If you want to get rid of man boobs here’s what you need to eat (and not eat).
Cut out all sugar
Stop consuming sugar. Cold turkey, just quit.
Pop, ice cream, pie and cake – Stop consuming these items. Desserts and treats are full of deceit. They make you feel good and happy for a little bit but then they make you feel bad and empty (figuratively and literally).
Sugar is the sweet kiss of death you must dodge for your health’s sake. Your man boobs will disappear in the process.
Cutting out sugar is easier said than done. It’s addictive. You may go through withdrawal symptoms just like you would when quitting smoking.
But imagine how good you’ll feel all the time once you break the habit and are back in control.
Only Eat Food You Cook Yourself
You need to know what you’re eating in order to improve your condition. The only way to know EXACTLY what you’re eating is to cook your own food.
When you cook your own food, you seal in all the nutrition. You get all the wholesomeness you need. You will be more satisfied and fulfilled cooking for yourself.
If you suck at cooking, don’t sweat it! You can learn to cook just like you learn anything else – by doing it everyday! There are millions of recipes online. Just follow the recipe to a T and it’s impossible to fail!
(Related: Try the steak and eggs diet to shed fat and build muscle, and boost testosterone levels).
Meal Prep to Reduce Gynecomastia
Take cooking a step further and try meal prep.
I meal prep every week and my results are staggering. Every Sunday I cook ALL my meals for the week ahead. Breakfast, lunch and dinner for Monday through Saturday.
Meal prep gives you CONSISTENCY.
Consistency is key to reach your goal. Just find the right kind of food and the right amount of food, then cook. Finding the right amount of food may take some experimenting. But all you do is try it once then add or subtract the amount of food you eat each day and eventually you get results.
The right kinds of foods are fresh, organic, fruits and vegetables and free range meat and eggs from fish and animals raised without hormones.
You could probably eat as much fresh veggies and meat as you wanted and still lose belly fat and man boobs. That’s because natural, wholesome food gives your body everything it needs to be healthy. Eat it and you feel full and satisfied.
Sweets and treats on the other hand, only provide taste and sensory pleasure for a brief moment. They contain no nutrition value so your body can always eat more sweets no matter how full you feel. (That’s why there is always room for dessert.)
Sweets don’t get registered by our system because our body knows there’s no nutrition to be had from them. Thus it never triggers a ‘full’ response by your stomach.
Diet is critical to reduce gynecomastia naturally. But, diet is one part of the bigger picture.
If you want to make real progress, a workout routine is a must.
The Gynecomastia Reduction Workout
If diet is the ‘Yin’ for treating gynecomastia, then exercise is the ‘yang’.
Yin and Yang work in harmony to produce great results.
Weight Training
*Before you workout with weights, get aquatinted with simple bodyweight exercises. Build a base layer of muscle and strength then move on to weight training.
Then, progress to simple weight lifting exercises: Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Barbell Row, Military Press and the clean.
Mark Rippetoes “Starting Strength” is perfect for the beginner to learn proper weight training.
You want to train heavy using the progressive overload principle to continually build muscle mass and strength.
Total body workouts are great for building muscle and burning fat. You need to train all muscles with emphasis on the biggest muscle groups: Your legs and back.
Training your biggest muscle groups with heavy weight is the best way to build muscle and boost testosterone levels naturally.
The more muscle you build, the more fat you burn. Building leg muscle will actually reduce your gynecomastia!
Balanced training is the best approach but don’t over focus on your chest. You cannot spot reduce, BUT you can spot shape. So, make sure you do your push ups, dips and bench press to build your chest. (Just balance chest workouts with all other muscle groups.
Building Muscle Builds Fat-burning Momentum
The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn.
Lean and muscular people stay lean and muscular because once you’re ripped, it’s easy to stay ripped.
You’ve already set the standard so now you can just eat to maintain weight and train to maintain muscle. (You won’t though, you’ll keep striving for more. You’re now on the gain train and once you get on it’s hard to get off! you’ll start to crave working out.)
Muscle mass also increases testosterone. I explained earlier that testosterone is the male hormone. When you do manly stuff like bail hay, chop trees and lift weights, your body responds by producing testosterone. 9because it needs muscle to keep up with your activity.)
More testosterone in your veins means less estrogen. Which means less fatty tissue building up on your chest and no more gynecomastia.
Gynecomastia Chest Exercises
Like i said before, total body training gets the best results. Strive to build as muscle muscle mass as possible throughout your entire body.
Balanced total body workouts over time will give you the results you seek. However, a little extra chest exercise will help shape and tone your chest.
Start with push ups. Do as many as you can do. If you’re really serious, do 100 push ups every day. try that for 30 days and watch your man boobs start to disappear.
The best exercises to reshape the chest muscles are Push ups, bench press (incline, using a barbell), dips and dumbbell flyes.
Push ups work your entire chest and give your chest a nice shape. Incline bench press is preferred to flat bench press because incline targets your upper chest.
Adding thickness to your upper chest pulls your lower chest up and also make your lower chest less pronounced..
Dips are great to shape your lockets muscles and reshape and refine your muscles. Dips will carve out rock hard pecs from underneath your man boobs.
Flyes are great learn how to do flyers and get a good stretch in your chest at the bottom of the movement then squeeze your chest muscles hard all the way back up.
Do three sets of each exercises for 10 slow, steady reps. Keep tension on your chest muscles at all times. Tension is the only thing that makes muscles grow.
Get a set of dumbbells and do presses from your floor at home during commercial breaks on TV.
Pro Tip: Focus on squeezing the chest muscles hard when doing push ups or bench pressing. this will strengthen the muscles, lift the chest, tighten the skin and burn up the fat in the chest area.
No One Is Immune to Man-Boobs
If you suffer from gynecomastia, you are not alone!
Gynecomastia can affect skinny people, skinny-fat people and regular-fat people.
Anyone with man boobs followed the same formula: Overeat+under exercises = man boobs.
Continue to overeating and underwork and the man boobs grow larger.
No one is immune from gynecomastia. Even the genetically gifted freaks.
Think of the most ripped guy you know – That guy would have man boobs if he ate shit and sat on his ass all day.
Hell, I’d have man boobs if I didn’t train hard and eat right. In fact I used to have mild gynecomastia (still do, actually).
I have fatty deposits around my nipples despite being ‘ripped’. These fatty deposits remain there indefinitely but reduce significantly when I’m around 10% body fat.
I lost 20 pounds which drastically reduced the appearance of gynecomastia, but I must keep good posture or else the fat on my lower chest droops down, creating “Man Cans”. They may be little A-Cup man boobs, but man boobs nonetheless.
Gynecomastia gets worse with age. As your body fat increases and testosterone decreases, your fluffy man tits begin to hang lower.
The Man-Boob Epidemic
Men love boobs. Men love boobs so much that we now grow our own.
Yep, men grow boobs now – not because we like how they look on us. But rather they grow as an unintended consequence of drinking too many brews with the boys then binging on Sonic burgers and corndogs. Then go home to play video games instead of crushing weights at the gym.
Man boobs are springing up at an alarming rate. This means obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and the aliments they cause are on the rise as well.
Fact: Americans have the highest rate of man-boobs per capita.
This affliction impacts both young and old. Yeah, it’s no secret our children are fat. But who’s setting the example?
On a trip to the beach last summer, I saw several middle-aged gentleman with their titties out. And I wasn’t even trying to find them. Man boobs are so common, I just had to face a direction and open my eyes and BOOM, 2 to 3 sets of male breasts in my field of vision.
It looked like a National Geographic photoshoot featuring naked indigenous women from rain forest tribes. Women that had 17 litters of nipple nibblers.
My millennial generation isn’t any better. Sure, we know how to code, but simple math will tell you we’re headed for medical disaster unless we change course fast.
Interestingly enough, the inflated rate of gynecomastia is correlated with the increased amount of trash food consumed.
The sad truth is, if you are overweight, Man Boobs are your fate –
The only thing on the other end of that BK Double Stack is a set of Big Ol’ Orangutang ta-ta’s.
Heed my words, a little self discipline and know-how goes a long way.
Tips on How to Reduce Gynecomastia Naturally
Make sure you train your entire body, Especially your legs and back! Don’t just focus on chest training. Your legs are huge muscle groups that burn a lot of calories, more than any other muscle group due to their sheer size.
You need to train your back because back muscle make out 70% of torso muscle. And remember what I said before about building more muscle to burn calories.
Training your back has another advantage. Back training gives you good posture. You will stand tall with shoulders back. This will stretch your chest up and back and reduce the amount of saggage.
Bottom Line:
You can reduce gynoclosia naturally in most cases without surgery. Gynecomastia surgery costs $4,000 – That’s a decade membership to the gym.
All you need to do is weight training regularly with full body workout. Add in push ups, incline bench press, dips and flyers each workout. At the very least, do pushups and run everyday. Run for 10 minutes and do 20 pushups every day for 30 days and you will see an improvement.
Reduce bodyfat percentage – this will shrink the fatty deposits.
Eliminate sugar and refined carbs from your diet. Eat eggs, meat and veggies often. Reducing carbs forces your body to burn fat. Check out my bodybuilding meal prep ideas to ensure you always have healthy, protein-packed meals to eat.
I’ll be 75y/o in a couple of weeks and have lived with man-boobs for years. Your diet plan sounds good but my muscle mass is at a minimum. I would be lucky to do 10 push ups much less 100 per day, Have any ideas for old, out-of-shape guys like me?
Hey Max, happy early birthday my friend!
I have an 81 year old client who’s upper body is tightening up. You can do standing pushups against a wall. Get a light set of dumbbells and do some slow and controlled exercises. Go for long walks everyday, that will help too by leaning everything up in general.
Hiya, I got gyno surgery last year but lumps under my nipples have come back again. My nipples are starting to become puffy again. I was smoking weed and my diet wasn’t that clean but I was training so hard. Through hard dieting and stopping smoking weed along with heavy training, do you think the lumps will go away?
Hi P,
I would see a doctor. You can build muscle and lose fat to shape your chest but I don’t know if that will help the lumps. I don’t want to speculate on that and I don’t give medical advise, so please ask a doctor about the lumps my friend.