Subj. How to Increase Testosterone Naturally.
I recently got my testosterone levels tested. I had them checked at this same time last year, too.
The result is that my testosterone has increased 63 points since last year.
How did that happen?
I suspect it was in a few changes I made to my lifestyle, namely diet, training approach and work.
Keeping tabs on your T levels is important. Testosterone levels in men has been dropping significantly over the past few decades.
So, as Millennials begin to roll over the hill, it’s critical to have your levels checked to ensure optimum health.
Baby Boomers are already experiencing the effects because Low testosterone is becoming more and more common. The number of prescriptions for testosterone supplements has increased fivefold since 2012.
In this article I show you ways to naturally boost testosterone and how to avoid things that lower testosterone.
My Testosterone Levels Before and After
What was I doing differently before my testosterone test last year compared to this year?
To sum it up I was eating better, training harder, working smarter, dating a new women and thinking differently about things.
I’ll explain in detail shortly.
But first let’s take a look at my my testosterone test results and understand what it means.

How to Read a Testosterone Test
There are four readings here: Total Testosterone, Free Testosterone, Sex Hormone Binding and Bioavailable Testosterone.
Total Testosterone: Total T measures testosterone that is bound to proteins, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), in the blood as well as testosterone that is not bound (free testosterone).
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG): Binds to testosterone and inhibits it’s use by cells to activate receptors. Think of SHBG as a testosterone governor. Having too much SHBG reduces how much testosterone can be used.
Free Testosterone: Is unbound testosterone in your blood stream that is ready to be used by body tissues.
Bioavailable Testosterone: All non-SHBG-bound testosterone is considered bioavailable and can be used by cells to activate receptors (protein molecules that receive signals to grow). This is the level you want to increase to reap the most muscle building benefits .
What Does Testosterone Do?
Testosterone has an androgenic effect, meaning it creates masculine features. Increase in testosterone levels enhances masculine traits such as:
- Increased hair growth
- More Muscle mass
- Increased Libido and sex drive
- Harder erections
- Increased bone mass and bone density
- Deeper voice
- More red blood cells produced by bone marrow
- Burns body fat more efficiently
Testosterone also effects fat distribution. Skinny fat guys typically suffer from low testosterone which causes fat to latch on to the hips and thighs.
Testosterone Increases Muscle Mass and Has Many Health Benefits
In one scientific study Testosterone increased muscle mass and muscle protein synthesis by over 20% in male subjects.
Muscle protein synthesis is the adaption effect that occurs after strenuous exercises. So, test improves your adaption by increase recovery time and recovering stronger.
Low Testosterone Symptoms include:
- Large breasts – Also know as gynecomastia.
- Low sex drive or lack of interest in sex
- Difficulty getting an erection (erectile dysfunction)
- Low sperm count and other fertility problems
- Changes in the testicles
- Weak bones
- Irritability
- Difficulty concentrating
- Loss of muscle mass
- Hair loss
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Anemia – A low level of red blood cells. Causes light-headedness sometimes triggered by getting up too fast. Liver Tablets are a great way to ‘build blood’ and can increase red blood cell count.
As you can see, these symptoms are no joke. But before you pump yourself up with drugs, I’ll show you ways that can naturally boost testosterone levels.
How to Increase Your Testosterone Levels Naturally
Forget about Testosterone Pills, Boosters or injections. Adding testosterone from external sources actually KILLS your natural testosterone.
When you take testosterone supplements, your body thinks you have more testosterone than needed so it stops producing it. And if you don’t use it, you lose it.
This is why steroid users and abusers need to take artificial testosterone and homerooms for life. They fried their nuts and now they are producing the right juice so they must inject synthetic testosterone.
In this post I’ll show you how to cultivate your own, home grown, natural testosterone.
Au Natural, baby.
Having healthy T levels is important.
Low testosterone is a slow killer. Symptoms of Low T are depression, moodiness, fatigue, lose of muscle mass, increased body fat and hair lose.
Worst of all, testosterone levels in males begins to decline around 25-30 years old.
This is a scary thought considering testosterone is what makes a man a man and give men manly features.
High testosterone is also associated with assertiveness, dominance, and competitiveness and other masculine traits. All of which give you an edge in the workplace and socially.
Luckily there are some ways you can increase your testosterone levels naturally. Here are some natural ways to boost testosterone that seem to have worked for me:
Eat all Natural Foods
Eat food you prepare and cook yourself and only cook with all natural, fresh ingredients.
I eat out maybe once or twice a week. Even then, I try to eat something wholesome.
Most food you’ll find in a grocery store is toxic waste full of estrogenic compounds. This food plugs you up and kills you from the inside out.
Anything artificial, genetically modified, or hormone injected is fucking with your natural hormones. After a while, it knocks everything out of whack and your health declines and body deteriorates before your eyes.
I cook 80-90 % of my meals each week from scratch. Chicken, beef, steak, eggs, vegetables and yogurt are the staples of my diet.
Meal prep is a God send when it comes to eating healthy and staying on track.
Build Muscle
This past year, I was in the gym 4-5 days a week. My strength increased, my muscle mass increased and my testosterone increased.
I’m not going into the science behind it but if you are gaining muscle, your testosterone is increasing as well.
The best way to gain muscle? – Lift heavy weights and Train Your Legs!
Lose Fat
Fat is wasted space. It literally weighs you down and saps your energy. Low energy equals less movement and less movement equals low testosterone. Low testosterone means increased body fat.
It’s a vicious circle and you need to snap out of it. Hit the weights a few times a week and get your diet right.
Reduce Your Stress Levels
Stay away from people that stress you out or make you think negatively.
If work stresses you out, get better at your job. This happened to me, I was nervous about my job because I wasn’t good at it. I got better at it, became more confident and my stress levels plummeted.
Learn more, gain knowledge, build confidence in your self and your abilities. Learn what everyone else is learning then go and learn something new from sources most people won’t look at. This will give you an edge and quite confidence.
I’ve also found that meditation and stretching helps reduce stress. I will breathe deeply for 5-10 minutes and clear my mind completely or repeat a ‘manta’ silently in my mind. Meditation does wonders for controlling focus and thoughts throughout the day.
Stop Masturbating
Let your boys build up. Don’t deplete your energy by tossing off every time you turn the lights off.
Jacking off kills your drive and motivation. Your mind can’t tell the difference between a real women or a succubus behind your computer screen. The reward mechanism is the same. Let it build and watch as your energy, vitality and will to get shit done improves.
Knocking one off into a kleenex or dirty old sock robs you of precious life force. (The ancient Chinese called this life-force ‘qi’ or male essence. They believed you could live a longer, healthier life if you hold on to your swimmers)
So, quit whacking it and do this instead…
Have Sex
Have sex with an actual women. (not your hand)
Studies have shown that having sex boosts testosterone levels.
I was a timid teenager. Awkward, immature and could barely talk to girls. When I started hitting the gym is when I started getting attention from females. Until then I was scared shitless at the thought of talking to a girl. After I build my body my confidence came along with it.
That confidence is critical for the next point-
Get a Sexy Girlfriend
Having a hot girlfriend that you desire will naturally boost your testosterone. It’s a biological reaction all guys have when they see a women they want to ‘claim’.
Don’t have a a girlfriend but want one? Here’s what you do –
Focus on YOU!
Build yourself up and become the best man you can be.
Build muscles and upgrade your style. Get some knowledge get a good job or start a business. The investment in yourself and experience will give you confidence. Confidence is critical to naturally boost testosterone.
Mindset is a powerful thing and your body chemistry will respond positively when you think and act positively. You’ll move up from those B-league girls at Applebee’s to thorough bred females that will show you a whole other level of livin’.
Speaking of B leaguers – If you have a nagging, emasculating or negative partner I suggest you look else where for companionship.
Get a girl from a good family with a professional job. They tend to be grounded, happy and reasonable. You want a women a cut above what you think you are capable of getting (you can get anything) this will keep you competitive and always trying to improve yourself and make yourself better. Literally aim high and your T levels will respond in kind. Find a women that makes you feel like a man and want to be the best man you can be and your T levels will jump.
Stay away from testosterone boosters and supplements! Unless directed by a licensed medical doctor. Stay away from steroids. They shrink your testicles and make your testies stop producing testosterone – the male hormone.
What to Do if you Suspect your T Levels are Low
Talk to your doctor or licensed medical professional to explore options.
Then hire me as your personal trainer and fitness guide and I will create a workout and diet plan for you that will build muscle, burn fat and boost your testosterone levels naturally!
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