Subj: How to do Spiders Curls for great big arms.

Spider Curls are a fun exercises you can add to your arm workout arsenal. Spider curls will turn your spindly little arms into thick, muscular arms you can be proud of.
If your upper appendages resemble a Daddy Longlegs legs, then Spider Curls are for you.
Creative training helps you bust through plateaus and continuously improve the size, strength and appearance of your muscles.
After a while your routine gets stale and your body adapts. This halts your progress.
Spider curls can mix up your arm workout and keep things fresh.
Spider Curls Train your bicep, forearms, grip and shoulders (to a degree). It’s one other the best arm exercises I’ve used to train biceps. They are great for carving defined bicep muscles. Including the coveted muscle separation between the bicep and tricep.
How to Perform Spider Curls
To perform spider curls, you can use a preacher curl station or a inclined bench.
If you use an incline bench, Set the bench at a 60 degree angle and lay on it stomach down.
make sure your shoulders are high enough up the bench that your hands don’t touch the ground when fully extended.
Grab a dumbbell in each hand, letting your arms dangle down straight, perpendicular to the floor. Keep your upper are STILL and curl the weight up to your shoulder. squeeze and hold for a second or two then SLOWLY return the weight to it’s starting position.
To perform on the Preacher Curl station is great too because it keeps your upper arm locked in position thus isolating the biceps.
Here’s a super professional video of me preforming spider curls. Take good notes and execute on your next arm day!
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