Subj: How to build a Wide Lats you can see from the front.
Alternate Title: The ‘Cobra Back’ workout.
If you want a wide upper body, you need to train your back. The best way to build a big back is to train the entire back with heavy, compound lifts and a few accessories lifts to with emphasis on lats.
Lat need to be wide in order to show from the front.
Here is the best workout I’ve found to build big back muscles and wide sweeping lats!
It’s not uncommon for me to be sore for 3-4 days after this workout.
That’s the level of intensity you should strive for when training.
I also sleep 7-8 hours a night and eat 225+ grams of protein and over 4000 calories everyday.
I say that to show you that I’m sore for so long because I train very hard, not because I don’t recover properly.
Wide Lats Workout
Wide lats are the marquee feature of a V-shape upper body. A wide back and shoulders will give you the classic bodybuilding physique and make your waist appear slimmer so you’ll look more fit overall.
Start with 3 sets of pull ups. Nice and slow. It takes 3 seconds to complete a whole rep. I go full extension (full hang) and pull my self up until my collar bone is higher than the pull up bar. Then slowly lower myself down. No kipping!
I get anywhere from 12-8 reps per set.
(If you don’t have a gym membership, you can buy a pull up bar here for your home. This is the top exercises for building big lats.)
After pull ups, I move on to deadlifts using a ‘Sumost’ stance. A ‘Sumost’ stance is like Sumo… almost. It’s a wide stance but not quite as wide as a full sumo where your toes almost touch the plates.
My sumo stance is wide enough I can comfortably grab the bar with my hand shoulder width and have no interference from my legs when pulling.
I do 4 working sets of deadlift. 10-3 reps while pyramiding up the weight each set.
Bent Over Barbell Row
Then I do Bent over rows with the barbell. I go heavy and ramp the weight up each set until I can do no more than 6 reps on the last set. I do 4 total sets.
I’m more upright when performing bent over rows. I’m leaning forward at a 30-40 degree angle. I grab the bar with an overhand grip and pull the bar into my belly button.
I feel that this position engages most of my back – Lats, mid, lower and traps all get a workout with this exercises.
Back Extensions
Back extensions a my next exercises. These are a new addition to my training routine. I used to never to them. They are great for building a strong core as well as train your glutes and hamstrings. This will help your barbell rows, deadlifts and squats.
I do three sets of 12-8 reps holding a 45 pound plate. I lower myself as low as I can without hitting the floor and raise my torso up as high as I possibly can each rep.
Prone Dumbell Rows
Prone Dumbbell Rows are an awesome finisher on back day. They eliminate momentum and force you to isolate your lats.
Do three sets of 8-10 reps.
Dumbbell Shrugs
Dumbbell shrugs are good for strengthening your other back exercises. You lats are big muscles that span across more than half your spine.
I do shrugs every other back workout because I my traps are already big and If your traps get too large, they make your body look less wide.
That being said, shrugs are a great exercise to build your upper back, traps, shoulders and grip. Use Shrugs as needed.
I recommend performing this workout every 5 or 6 days. Ensure 4 full days in between so you have time to recover and grow bigger and stronger.
Be sure to increase the weight each and every workout! Do more pull ups each set than you did last time, too!
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