Handsome men and beautiful women have one thing in common: a chiseled jawline. A chiseled jawline draws the eye and gives a striking appearance.
Anyone can get a chiseled jawline. All men have essentially the same facial structure. Look at x-rays of 100 different people and their skull and jawbone all look the same. U can see I made a drastic change to make my jawline chiseled in appearance. I used to have a chubby round face, but now I have a chiseled jawline that’s much more attractive.
Here are a few way you can get a chiseled jawline.
How to Get a Chiseled Jawline
Be Lean
A lean face allows your facial features to be more visible. You must be lean to have a chiseled jawline. The level of leanness varies from person to person but you can bet you will have a sharp jawline if you are under 12% body fat.
If your body fat percentage is too high it will make your face round and soft. A fat face smoothes out masculine features, and in some cases creates the dreaded double-chin. The only way to reduce facial fat is to reduce overall body fat. Therefore if you reduce your belly fat, your face will slim down as well.
How to Get Lean
Anyone can get a lean face with the right diet and workout routine. The best ways to get lean are:
- Eat a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. Keep your carbohydrate intake below 50 grams per day. Carbohydrates are filler calories that cause too much water retention. When your body holds water it looks soft and jiggly. (The fat-murdering steak and eggs diet is the best for rapid fat loss and flushes out water weight.)
- Eliminate sugar and processed foods. These foods cause inflammation and cause you to swell up like a balloon.
- Do Intermittent Fasting. Fasting melts fat away so your jawline shows through.
- Hiring me as your personal trainer. I will create the perfect workout and diet plan that gets you jacked and handsome.
Boost Your Testosterone
High testosterone gives you masculine features like a chiseled jawline. Low testosterone causes a fat face. Estrogen levels increase when testosterone is low. Estrogen makes your body hold fat and retain water weight.
Chubby cheeks could be a sign that your hormones are out of whack. The best way to fix this is to eat red meat and lift weights. This is how you can naturally boost testosterone levels.
Eat Meat and Lightly Cooked Vegetables
Make meat and veggies the bulk of your diet. Meat requires thorough chewing. Cook veggies just enough so they aren’t raw. You want them ‘al dente’, resistant to the bite. They should still have some crunch to them.
Not only do meat and veggies contain all the nutrition your body needs, chewing them makes your jaw strong. Chewing compacts the jawbone and strengthens the facial muscles to improve the appearance of facial features.
Chew Your Food Thoroughly
Your jaw is connected with powerful muscles and those muscles can grow just like any other muscle. Jaw muscles can be built and toned to improve the width and definition of your jawline.
Chew your food into a fine paste before swallowing. Eat meat and vegetables that require thorough chewing and you will naturally build a strong jaw. Eat a manly diet of man food and you will have a man’s jawline. Eat a child’s diet of jelly sandwiches and macaroni and cheese and you’ll have a jaw like a child.
Cut Back on Salt
Sodium holds 180x it’s weight in water. Retaining water makes you look puffy.
Limit your sodium consumption and shed access water weight. Sodium reduction alone won’t do shit, but as you lose fat and cut out the carbs, processed foods (which are loaded with sodium) you’ll notice a difference.
Even the smallest does of sodium makes water to cling to you. Limit your sodium consumption and shed access water weight.
Reduce your sodium intake by not eating preserved foods. Frozen meals and restaurant foods are particularly high in sodium and should be avoided.
Chew Gum
Chew gum constantly. I chew 4 or more pieces at a time. The more pieces the more resistance. Just chew and chew and chew all day and you’ll build your jaw muscles. Chew a big gob of gum until your jaw gets sore.
Honorable Mention
Here are a few more tips that can help you create a chiseled jawline.
- Use dandelion root to whisk away access water.
- If you have facial hair, use it to your advantage. Shaping your beard the right way can make your jawline appear stronger.
- Having Good Posture is another way to look better. Try this fun experiment: Pull out your phone like you’re going to take a selfie. Droop your head so your chin rests on your neck (or second chin). Now lift your head up to a neutral position. Notice how your neck skin smooths out and looks tighter? Standing up tall will with your head held high will give you a more defined jawline instantly. it won’t do any miracles, but it will help a bit while the diet and workout take effect. (Related: How to Improve Your Posture and Reap All the Benefits)
Oh, and just one more thing…
Give. It. Time.
Be patient. Change takes time. You’re not going to from Seth Rogan to Brad Pitt overnight. It takes time and it takes disciple. But stick to the plan because anyone can get a more defined jawline.
Anyone Can Get a Chiseled Jawline
Studies show that ‘average’ man or woman is attractive. Unfortunately, the new average for America is overweight and obese. The fact is that if people ate a natural diet and worked out, they would look good.
Healthy = attractive.
But no, instead of using the natural way, people flock to the fastest route possible. People opt for cosmetic surgeries to construct a nice jawline has skyrocketed in recent years.
People PAY TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS and endure painful surgeries in an attempt to look better. These surgeries include implants, bone shaving, toxic injection and other horrors.
If they only knew that they already have the right facial structure to look damn good. All they have to do is clean up their diet and pick up the weights from time to time.
You can skip the botox and plastic surgery and try these natural ways to get a defined jawline.
It worked for me, it’s worked for others, and it might even work for you. But you’ll never know until you try…
Get a Defined and Muscular Jawline Naturally
Having a defined and muscular jawline gives you a more youthful appearance if you’re older and a more mature look if you’re young. It’s a desired look and people pay tens of thousands of dollars chasing after it. You can get it for free. Or at least get closer to it just by getting healthier losing a few LBs and trying a few new things.
Jaw Muscles
Chewing gobs of gum, beef jerky, and two dollar steaks will give your jaw muscles a thorough workout. Seriously just chewing your food well will give you a more defined look.
Neck Muscles
High bar squats, front squats, shrugs, and other heavy lifting trains you neck muscles indirectly. Wrestlers bridges are a neck exercise that many boxers and fighters famously do.
Do them slowly and be careful. You can really tweak your neck if you do these wrong. Neck strain and neck pain sucks so tread lightly with these.
Good posture is another thing that gets overlooked but improves your neck muscle form and function. And thus how your neck muscles pull on your lower jaw. Maintain good posture with your chin up, chest high and shoulders back. Pull you shoulder away from your ears to release tension in your neck muscles.
Facial Muscles
You really don’t have to go out of your way to train your facial muscles. You can try mewing. And practice good young posture. Stop mouth breathing and tighten up your slack jaw and breathe through your nose. Keep your lips
This takes practice like anything else. If you really want to force yourself to nose breath. Take a mouthful of water and don’t swallow it. Go run a mile and spit the water out when you pass the mile mark. This forces nose breathing also trains facial muscles that are often neglected.
Mewing is something that might have merit. I haven’t noticed a huge benefit from it personally, but I haven’t mewed consistently over a long period of time either.
Mew is one of the few facial exercises that restructures your jaw area and actually gets rid of the sagging skin around your lower jaw.
I do notice a difference in my appearance when in the act of mewing though. So maybe there is something to it if you do it enough.
Here’s how you mew. Start by pressing the tip of your tongue against your two front teeth were the meet your gums. Push as much of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. you should feel the muscles around your back molars engage.
Many young guys want to look more mature, can have a chiseled jawline like Brad Pitt. No shit who wouldn’t. Many older guys want the same thing and to look young. Totally reasonable.
You can’t stop aging but you can look younger if you lean out and eat well. That’s where most of the benefit will come from. everythin
Hello good evening, I’m here to loose face fat, though I’m skinny but my face is bloating and I want foods that help stop bloating and if you you can recommend me a list of foods that’ll remove bloating from my face please, thank you so much. Is chewing gum also helpful improving jawline and sorry to ask last question, what exercise you recommend me to do to get a chiseled face like yours and workouts. Thank you so much, stay safe during quarantine and god bless you.
Hi Christopher, great question. Foods that stop bloating are all-natural foods. Meat, eggs, and organic vegetables. All prepared fresh.
Carbohydrates, especially refined carbs like sugar and processed carbs, cause bloating. Carbs make you bloat by retaining water and causing inflammation. Processed foods are also loaded with salt. Salt makes you bloat by retaining water. Cut processed foods out of your diet to reduce bloating.
Chewing gum does help. Chew many pieces at a time and chew all day for a month. Eating meat also helps since you must chew a lot to break it down.
Check out my skinny-fat workout routine. Focus on deadlifts, squat, rows and pull ups to build lean muscle mass and increase testosterone. This will improve bone density and make your face leaner.
Thank you – stay safe out there as well!
Hello brother, I am from a South Asian country next to India where it is common to see average people with chubby face. The reason is because of mostly rice eating culture. People in our country eat rice two times a day, but I only eat rice once a day in lunch and dinner I eat bread. I have lost weight and my face became slim but I still don’t have chiseled jawline although my bone structure is good and different from the average people of our country. Can you recommend me foods that will help me to get chiseled jawline.