If you want to learn how to REALLY lose fat and keep it off, you need to check out the health tips you can actually use.
I don’t know about you, but I hate being lied to.
It turns out we’ve been lied to for a very long time.
What am I talking about?
I talking about how we’ve been lied to about what’s healthy and what’s not.
We blindly follow whatever we’re told be the ‘authority-de-jour. Accredited establishments spew calculated ‘health’ information and we think they have our best interest in mind.
The stance on what’s healthy and what’s not healthy has flipped-flopped many times over.
So who knows for sure what the truth is?
Do you know? How do you know for sure?
Here’s what I know:
When I eat that much starchy carbs and grains I feel like shit. I get diarrhea, indigestion, bloating, gas, and gain fat.
I also can’t concentrate worth a damn when I eat starchy carbohydrates. The brain fog is so prevalent that I can’t do any mental work. I can barely hold a conversation after eating a plate full of pasta.
How many of you have been told that milk is good for you, and that you should eat 6-11 servings of grains a day?
Now people are more gluten and lactose intolerant than ever before. What sense does that make?
Maybe. Just maybe the people we get our information from don’t know shit. Or Maybe, just maybe, they don’t give a damn about your wellbeing.
Think about who benefits when you eat starchy foods and feel ill…
Anyway, Are are 27 tips that I believe are ways you can get healthier.
If you want to lose weight and live healthier, this post is for you.
You Are What You Eat
The food we eat is the Number One health factor (we can control). Our food choices makes a huge impact on our health and overall wellbeing.
Most people don’t understand the importance of nutrition on their heath, energy and mood.
Eat clean foods and you will be energized, healthy and strong. While on the other hand, eating crap makes you tired, foggy, anxious and depressed.
Most people inherent their nutrition habits from their parents who, unfortunately, are often clueless, misinformed, or worse yet, just don’t care about nutrition.
Bad habits form before kids can do anything about it. And these habits set the tone for their adult life.
If people only knew what they put in their bodies (and their children’s bodies) many would change immediately.
However, it’s not always easy to change. The deck is stacked against you by virtue of your environment and culture. We live in bountiful times where every craving can be satisfied with a trip to the market or eatery.
But, the foods available today have been bastardized. And although they may taste good, they are making us fat and sick.
Over 95% of the food you find at the store or a restaurant is stripped of any nutritional value and injected with artificial ingredients that are cheap to produce and make food last longer. This convince has a price and that price is your health.
Like G.I. Joe said, “Knowing is half the battle.” After you read this post, you’ll know exactly what to do to eat healthy.
Then it’s up to you to put it to use!
The Ultimate Healthy Diet Guide
As we covered earlier, eating like shit destroys you.
So, I’m going to show you how to eat clean and avoid the bad stuff and return to a new normal. The normal that you haven’t experienced since long ago.
These are health and diet tips I live by to stay fit, strong and lean all year round (for the most part). The exception being the occasional bulk phase.
The following is a list of useful health tips you can use in your life starting today. They take the guess work out of healthy eating.
1. Meal Prep
Make it a habit to meal perp every week.
Meal prep ensures you have healthy meals ready to eat whenever you’re hungry.
Our willpower is weak when we are hungry so we’re more likely to give into cravings and eat something bad. That is unless there’s something healthy to eat ready to go.
2. Learn How to Cook
Learn how to cook or else you’ll be forced to eat out all the time.
Not knowing how to cook is a one-way road to Fat City.

3. Don’t Eat Artificial Ingredients
Your body wasn’t designed to digest food dyes, flavorings, and artificial sweeteners. Not only do these ingredients provide no nutritional value, they dull your taste buds an sap your energy.
Cut this stuff out of your diet and your taste buds will become ultra sensitive and real food will taste delicious.
4. Avoid Genetically Modified Ingredients
Although the jury is still out on if genetically modified foods are good or bad, it’s best to avoid them since we do not know the long term implications of consuming genetically altered food.
Three big items that are genetically modified are wheat, corn and soy. All are which should be avoided if you want to lose fat.
5. Avoid Foods Sprayed with Pesticides
Fruits and vegetables are often sprayed with pesticides. Buy vegetables as close to the source as possible (i.e. farmers markets) or shop for organic fruits and vegetables.
If you buy fruits and vegetables from a supermarket, odds are they’ve been doused in pesticides and other chemicals so be sure to wash them thoroughly before eating.
Look for certified organic foods. They don’t have (as many) harmful chemicals on them.
6. No Fast Food
This should go without saying, but I’m saying it anyway. Fast food is toxic waste.
When I was in Italy and I did not see one single fast food restaurant. I also did not see one single fat person.
7. Don’t Eat Food with Preservatives
Preservatives keep food from decomposing.
You think your body can processes something that doesn’t want to be broken down?
Preservatives plug you up with sludge and wreak havoc on your organs.
Many preservatives are found in frozen and processed foods.
8. Don’t Eat Frozen Meals
T.V. dinners are for the birds. Actually, some would considerate it inhumane to feed birds this junk.
9. Don’t Drink Your Calories
Beer, wine, juice and your double espresso macchiato are out of the question if you want to lose fat.
Drinking these is like eating cake without having to chew it. You just take in more calories at a faster rate.
Fresh pressed vegetable juice is acceptable. (If the vegetables are organic and pesticide free.)
Other than that, don’t drink your calories, unless it’s a protein shake.
10. Beware of ‘Health’ Foods
When it comes to food packaging, “Low Calorie” and “Fat Free” are code words for artificial ingredients and preservatives.
These foods remove a ‘bad’ thing (natural fat is actually not bad, although people think it is) and replace it with something worse.
11. Eat Wild Caught Fish and Game
Farm raised fish are pumped full of antibiotics and fed fecal matter. farmed fish are raised cheap in huge tanks where they live in their own filth.
Wild caught salmon is always a beautiful pink color compared to farm raised salmon which is dull pink… dull like the fish was already half dead when they killed it.
Opt for wild caught fish and game.
12. Eat Free Range Eggs
You probably know that I have a love affair with eggs.
They are the greatest food you can eat. I eat 6-12 eggs every day minimum.
The deeper color yolks are better for you because they have more nutrients. Free range eggs are always a deep, rich color.
Sure they are pricy but there are a lot of people raising chicken and selling their eggs for $2 a dozen.
Do a local google search and I’m sure you’ll find and egg farm close by.
13. Eat Kosher
Kosher food laws are strict and developed with wisdom with your health in mind. Your body is a Temple after all.
Follow these rules and you will live healthier.
14. Try Fasting
Fasting is natures physician.
Fasting is when you go a period of time with no food or drink (except water).
Your body’s main purpose is to survive and live as healthy as possible. Evolution equipped you with some incredible machinery that’s capable of repairing itself. Fasting gets you out of the way and lets your body do it’s job and get back to equilibrium.
Digestion and processed food takes a lot of energy to digest and often create harmful byproducts. Fasting gives your body an opportunity to focus on healing.
Fasting is great for cleansing toxins, burning fat, and getting lean.
What’s good for your body is good for your brain, people who fast experience mental clarity and better concentration after fasting.
You can try daily intermittent fasting, which is perfect for burning fat while still managing hunger. Or you can try extended 24 or 48 hour fasts where you ingest nothing but pure, distilled water.
15. Don’t Eat Meat from Animals Treated with Hormones
Anything an animal you eat ate becomes part of you.
Let me put that a different way: When a cow or chicken is pumped with synthetic hormones, you get traces of those hormones (and their nasty byproducts) in you. This can negatively impact your health.
Hormones are like steroids that make animals grow bigger and grow fast. Steroids have serious side affects to your health.
Look at it this way – it’s illegal for your favorite athlete to use steroids (hormones) because of the physical and emotional damage the drugs can do but it’s perfectly legal for you to eat an animal that used steroids.
16. Eliminate Milk and Dairy
Look for dairy products from cows not treated with bovine growth hormone or ANY other hormone.
Marketers are sneaky and say this milk comes from cows without such-and-such hormone even though they could have been treated with something else.
Do your research. These guys are really really good at finding loopholes.
17. Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup AND Corn Syrup
Avoid corn syrup like the fucking plague!
It’s the worst of the worst. Don’t buy the lie that it’s sugar. It’s the devil’s food meant to make you fat by getting you easy access to this addictive substance so the food company executives can line their pockets at the expense of your health.
Corn is fed to cattle to fatten them up for slaughter because it’s cheap and beefs them up quickly.
High fructose corn syrup and corn syrup have replaced sugar in almost everything. Watch out for labels claiming products have “No High Fructose Corn Syrup” – Look at the label an you will see “Corn Syrup” on the label. Both are equally bad for you. Don’t be fooled by these fuck-hats.
18. Reduce Refined Sugar Intake
Eliminate refined sugar from your diet if you can! Refined sugar provides NO essential nutrients. Eating refined sugars creates pure body fat if not used right away through exercise.
Refined sugars come in many forms: sucrose, glucose, fructose, maltose dextrose, lactose, high fructose corn syrup, molasses, honey, evaporated cane juice, fruit juice concentrates, cane crystals and corn sweetener.
All of these sugars are essentially the same, except honey. Honey is the best option. It will still make you fat is you eat to much but honey has trace elements that are good for you.
I’ll be honest though, it’s really hard to cut out sugar completely and I can attest to the difficulty. I love sweets, especially donuts.
If you can’t eliminate refined sugar completely, only eat it at the end of the day. Have a nice treat or dessert before bed as a reward for eating well all day. You’ll enjoy it more and won’t experience a sugar crash. Oh, and you’ll burn fat.
19. Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth with A Protein Shake
Protein shakes are deliciously healthy alternative to twinkies and cake because protein shakes actually have nutrition your body can use.
20. Avoid Wheat
Most wheat is now genetically modified and are packed with carbs which convert to body fat. Plus… Gluten.
21. Avoid Soy
Many ‘health’ foods and protein bars have soy as a main ingredient.
Soy is an estrogenic, meaning it makes your body produce estrogen. The more estrogen in your body, the more likely you will retain body fat.
22. Rice is OK if You’re Active
Rice is good to eat in moderation IF you’re active because it breakdown into starchy sugars for energy. If you’re sedentary, it will just kill you faster.
White rice, brown rice – it doesn’t matter, both will help you or hurt you depending on your activity level.
23. Don’t eat ingredients you can’t Pronounce or recognize right away
Look at the ingredients of a food package. If any ingredient looks like a scrambled mix of alphabet soup, put it back and get away from it.
24. “But nothing healthy tastes good”
That’s because you dulled your taste buds with synthetic garbage.
25. Work up an appetite
Food will taste way better.
You are what you eat. You take up the properties of the food you eat.
26. Eat as Wholesome and Naturally as Possible
This is my Number One rule. But I’ve provided a more comprehensive list below to educate you about what I mean.
27. You are Responsible for Your Food Choices
“Evil” food corporations aren’t to blame. Don’t blame mommy or daddy for not teaching you healthy eating habits. Don’t blame MacDonald’s. And don’t blame Chips Ahoy for making dank cookies.
Blame yourself.
You buy them, you eat them, you encourage the production of this garbage.
You are responsible for your actions. This isn’t a shaming piece. It’s meant to be empowering because you have the power to make choices! It may not be easy but you can do it!
A little knowledge goes a long way.
I’m not saying I’m perfect by the way. I eat two donuts a day and never skip dessert when dining out. But I also eat healthy the vast majority of the time and workout hard. And I avoid unnatural, fake foods as often as possible.
Back to you:
There’s a lot of information here so take small steps each day.
As you learn more and start looking and feeling better, making healthy diet decisions will become easier!
Reach out to me if you have questions! I’m happy to help.
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