How to build amazing arms the Larry Scott way.
Larry Scott was a bodybuilding legend.
He played a major role in making bodybuilding a popular sport and hobby for millions of people around the world.
Scott started out as a regular guy with a regular job. He has an extraordinary work ethic and drive to become a champion bodybuilder.
he overcame, ‘skinny genetics’ and built a physique that became the prototype for many great bodybuilders to strive toward.
Larry Scott’s claim to fame was his impressive set of arms – Each measuring 20″ around.
Scott sculpted his arms with intense weight training.
I recently tried Larry Scott’s arm workout and can tell you without a shadow of a doubt it’s incredible.
The Larry Scott Arm Workout
The crown jewel of the workout is the preacher curl combo.
It’s a tri-set performed on the preacher curl bench.
It was so potent and Scott spent so much time at the preacher curl bar it gained a new name: the Scott curl.
Why the Scott curl such an effective muscle builder?
Scott curls fully isolates the biceps.
By bracing the upper arm against the bench it mitigates momentum. All work is done by the bicep. Having the bench brace your upper arm also allows you to focus intensely on the bicep specifically.
Here’s the Larry Scott Arm Workout:
Scott Curl Tri-Set – 6 Sets, (8 reps + 4 Burns for each set of each exercise)
- Dumbbell Scott Curl
- Wide Grip Barbell Scott Curl
- EZ-Bar Reverse Grip Scott Curl
These are done in a large super set, a tri-set, back to back to back. No rest in between exercises during the set.
Do 8 full reps of each exercise, then perform 4 ‘burns’, as Scott called them, to pump the muscle with 1/3 reps in at it’s strongest point. In this case it’s the top third of each rep.
The top of the rep is when the bar is closest to your shoulders. Then do 4 burns by utilizing the top 1/3 of the motion.
Burns attack the muscle at the strongest to fully exhaust the stubborn muscle fibers that resist growth normally.
After the set is complete, rest 30-60 seconds and perform it again.
Here’s a video of me performing the Scott Curl Super-set:
Spider Curls
After the Scott curls, move to spider curls. 3 sets of 8 full reps + 4 burn reps
To perform spider curls, lay your chest prone against a 45-60 degree bench and hang your arms at the side while holding a dumbbell in each hand.
Keep your upper arm stationary while curling the weight up as high as you can. hold for 1-2 seconds and slowly return the weight back down until your arms are full extension.
JM Press for Triceps
The JM press is a special exercises. It’s extremely effective and building and sculpting the triceps.
The JM Press is a mix between a skull crusher and close grip bench press.
To set up the JM Press, grab a barbell like you’re going to perform a close grip bench press. The first motion is to bend your elbows so your forearm move toward your chest.
At the same time, bring your elbows down slowly until they are in line with your shoulders and torso.
This is the bottom position. Your upper arm should be parallel with the ground. Elbows no lower than your shoulders. Hands should be grasping barbell firmly by your neck.
Use your triceps to push and extend the weight back to the starting position. The JM Press might feel awkward at first, but once you ‘get it’, you will never not want to do it on arm day.
Overhead Tricep Extensions – Single arm
I lean back into an upright bench or hold a poll while standing and lean back.
This allows a superb stretch in my Tricep and ful full full range of motion. This is how triceps were meant to be trained. I reach back and I reach back and position my humorous so my forearm descend along the same plain as my back but far enough behind it to not let the dumbbell touch my back. These will light up your triceps. Wooo!!
So to put it all together, here’s the short version on the Larry Scott Arm Workout:
- Dumbbell Scott Curl* 6 sets – 8 reps + 4 burns
- Wide Grip Barbell Scott Curl* 6 sets – 8 reps + 4 burns
- EZ-Bar Reverse Grip Scott Curl* 6 sets – 8 reps + 4 burns
- Spider Curls 3 sets – 8 reps + 4 burns
- JM Press 3 sets – 8 reps + 4 burns
- Overhead Tricep Extension 3 sets – 8 reps + 4 burns
*Performed as a superset.
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