The Push Pull Legs split can be an extremely effective mass building workout program.
It’s a hyper-efficient training program that’s perfect for newbies and veterans alike.
What is Push-Pull-Legs?
Push Pull Legs is a training split that is broken into three workouts:
- Push workouts train the push muscles – Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
- Pull workouts train pull muscles – Back and Biceps
- Leg workouts which train the lower body – Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings and Calves
When to Use the Push-Pull-Legs Routine
Push-pull-legs (PPL) routines can be designed for any goal or experience level.
PPL can be programmed to increase strength, build mass, or for body recomposition (burning fat and building muscle at the same time).
I’ve personally used push, pull, legs to build muscle mass at a rapid pace while losing fat.
My back, legs, and arms have grown significantly since implementing a push-pull-legs routine.
If you use a PPL routine, you’re in good company. Frank Zane and other greats used a push, pull, legs split to sculpt their incredible physiques.
The Push, Pull, Legs is extremely effective when preformed properly. Because it trains ALL the push, pull or leg muscles at the same time. Either directly or secondarily. Whichever group of muscle you decide to target on a given day is getting blasted none stop.
Attempt to complete each workout in 1 hour. 75 minutes MAXIMUM if you’re new or dragging ass.
Why the Push, Pull, Legs Workout is Superior
PPL is superior for building strength and muscle for several reasons.
Effective Recovery
The unique split allows muscle to fully rest three days before getting trained again.
High Frequency
PPL allows training each muscle group twice a week, with moderate-high intensity.
Efficient Training
PPL workouts exhaust all push, pull or leg muscles, depending on the workout. The muscles are always working! This taxes the muscles by accumulated overload throughout the workout.
Whereas, if you were to switch between pushing and pull muscles within the same workout, neither would be trained as intensely compared to a straight push or pull workout.
Dedicated arm days are no longer required since my arms get SIGNIFICANT TRAINING using the PPL split.
Training with PPL is like hitting total body twice a week. Just split into segments. Push, Pull , Legs is a smart approach to total body training.
Push, Pull, Legs Workout Splits
There are a lot of ways to slice and dice the push, pull, legs workout routine.
Reasons to Love the push, pull, legs workout
It’s a total body split = very effective at building muscle all over the body.
The Push Pull Legs Workout For Body Recomposition
(6-day PPL Split)
This is the same workout routine I used to prep from my bodybuilding competition.
I build bigger arms, chest, and legs as well as wider lats and shoulders. I love it so much I still use it months after I started and continue to see results.
It was created by my coach John Doresy of goobutraining.com (John knows his shit. If you want to take your bodybuilding to the next level, give him a shout.)
It’s grueling and intense, yes. But absolutely effective.
This is high intensity, high volume training routine.
Beginners start with 3 sets instead of 5. Add another set to each exercises , making a total of 4 sets per exercises once you adapt quickly to 3 sets. You adapted once your no one very sore after a workout but you keep adding weight to the bar.
Workouts are as follows:
Monday: Push A, Tuesday: Pull A, Wednesday: Legs A, Thursday: Off, Friday: Push B, Saturday: Pull B, Sunday: Legs B, Monday: Off, Tuesday: Start Over.
Push Workout A
- Flat Bench Press 5×3 (Heavy, heavy, heavy! Pause at bottom of each rep)
- Dumbbell Flyes 5×12 (two seconds up, two seconds down. Pause and squeeze hard at the top of each rep)
- Dips 5xAMRAP
- Dumbbell Press 5×8 (Heavy)
- Lateral Raises 5×15
Pull Workout A
- Deadlift 5×3 (regular)
- Close Grip Cable pull down / Close Grip Pull ups 5×12 / 5x AMRAP
- T-Bar Row 5×10
- Bent Over Row 5×12 (underhand grip)
- Dumbbell Curls 1×15,14,13,12,11,10… set run the rack
Legs Workout A
- Back Squat 5×5 (ass to the grass)
- Leg Extension 3×10,8,6 (10 reps followed by a drop set of 8 reps then another with 6 reps.)
- Leg Curl 5×12,6 (12 reps followed immediately by a drop set of 6 reps)
- Romanian Deadlift 5×12 (using dumbbells)
- Calf Raise 5×20 (take sets to failure)
Push Workout B
- Incline Bench Press 5×8-10
- Hi-Set Cable Flyes 5×12
- Dips 5xAMRAP
- Dumbbell Shoulder Press 5×10
- Lateral Raises 5×15
Pull Workout B
- Sumo/Deficit Deadlift 4×3
- Close Grip Cable pull down / Close Grip Pull ups 5×12 / 5x AMRAP
- T-Bar Row 5×10
- Bent Over Row 5×12 (underhand grip)
- Bicep Curl on machine 5×12,6 (12 reps followed by a drop set of 6 reps)
- Dumbbell Pullover 5×12
Leg Workout B
- Back Squat 5×10 (ass to grass. Fast reps, chase the pump. This is more of a metabolic training day)
- Leg Extension 3×10,8,6 (10 reps followed by a drop set of 8 reps then another with 6 reps.)
- Laying Leg Curl 5×12,6 (12 reps followed immediately by a drop set of 6 reps)
- Split Squat 3×8 (heavy, go to failure on one set)
- Calve Raises 5×20 (go to failure on at least one set.)
There are a few ways you can program this workout: three days on, one day off.
Push-Pull-Legs for Muscle Mass
(4-Day PPL Split)
To Be Continued soon!
Hi Jordan!
I have two questions and two problems that I hope you can help me with. I’m traying to get shredded but and I’m doing the pull-push and leg program. But I don’t have the time (because the work) for a 6 day split, but how would you make it if you did it with a 5 day split? If I got the time I would also make it with super sets but that is unfortunately not an option as it’s to many people at the gym after my work.