I get the feeling people think being fit is hard.
Being fit it not hard.
Building muscle is not hard.
Losing fat is not hard.
It takes time, effort and sweat, sure.
But it’s not hard.
It’s actually quite easy. How do I know it’s easy?
It’s easy because anyone can do it.
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE can be in great shape.
So, that begs the question:
If it’s so easy to be fit, why isn’t everyone ripped, lean, buff, and healthy?
There’s a simple answer to that question:
It’s easy not to be.
It’s easy to not workout.
It’s easy to convince yourself that you’re tired.
It’s easy to say you’re too busy to workout.
It’s easy to watch Netflix, play video games, or scroll Instagram, instead of lifting weights.
There are millions of things you could do instead of workout.
But you could just as easily workout as do any of those things.
Instead of popping a Pringles can, do a push-up.
Exchange that Snickers for a protein bar.
Lose your belly in the gym rather than belly up to the bar.
Prep healthy meals for the week instead of going out to eat.
Both routes are easy, but the results are very different.
Fitness is Simple
Being fit is as simple as deciding to be fit. Then honor your decision and follow through.
Just as being unfit is as simple as deciding not to be fit.
If you don’t want to do something, you’ll find one million reasons not to do it.
Too bad, because fitness is really easy once you get started.
Once you prioritize fitness you’ll learn how to organize your life to accommodate it.
Bad habits will fade away.
You’ll be amazed at how efficient you become.
You’ll gain strength, health, looks, and confidence.
Things will get easier because you will get better.
If you want to be fit, just decide to be, and work at it everyday.
It really is that easy.
You choose to be fit and strong… or not.
Today is a cross-road.
Pick a direction and and start moving.
If you want a guide, let me know and I will show you the way.
Great reminder! It is really our own mindset. It should really start with the motivation and dedication. 👍
So true, Sarah.
Discipline. Discipline. Discipline.
Get fit or get fat.
I always smirk when someone says- when you hit your 40s, its all down hill. I smile and agree..
And then go workout with my much younger girlfriend.
It is always a choice because you cannot out train a bad diet and lifestyle choices.
It drives me nuts when people say you begin to decay after 40. This is only the case if you abused your body those first 40 years. I know guys in their 50’s that look like they are in their 30’s.
What do they have in common? They all go to the gym religiously.