In this post I’ll talk about my personal experience eating a Carnivore Diet.
I’ll discuss the pros and the cons, as well as my results after eating only meat for a month.
Consider this post your personal Carnivore Diet starter-kit. It has everything you need to go full-blown carnivore and channel your inner beast.
If you suffer from fatigue, brain fog, lack of energy, poor sleep, inflammation, then this is for you.
- What is the Carnivore Diet?
- I Ate Only Meat for a Month and Here's What Happened
- Carnivore Diet Benefits
- Carnivore Diet Pros and Cons
- What Do You Eat on thde Carnivore Diet?
- Carnivore Diet Do's and Don'ts
- Carnivore Diet Results
- Carnivore Diet Cons
- Carnivore Diet Meal Plan
- Carnivore Diet Food List
- Carnivore Diet Recipes
- Steak and Eggs
- Lamb Chops
- Pork Ribs
- Bacon and Eggs
- Wild-Caught Salmon
- Carnivore Diet Snacks
- Carnivore Diet Nutrient Profile
- Carnivore Diet Meal Plan
- Are Supplements Allowed on the Carnivore Diet?
- Is the Carnivore Diet Good for Bodybuilding?
- Want More information on the Carnivore Diet?
What is the Carnivore Diet?
The Carnivore Diet only allows you to eat animal products.
Meaning the bulk of food comes from animal flesh like beef, bison, chicken, duck, pork and fish. Meat and eggs are staples of the carnivore diet. Dairy is also allowed in some cases.
Vegetables, grains, rice, nuts, seeds and fruits are forbidden on the Carnivore Diet.
This makes the Carnivore Diet is a controversial topic because it challenges conventional nutrition doctrine and quite literally turns the food pyramid upside down.
Some say that eating only meat is unhealthy and leads to illness and disease. Meat has been vilified for causing all kinds of health issues from heart attack to stroke to cancer and more. Saturated fat and cholesterol are demonized and are painted as the culprit of horrible illnesses.
Maybe that’s true, maybe it’s not. Maybe that’s not the whole story.
How many of the folks shitting on an all meat diet have ever tried it for themselves? tried the Carnivore Diet and experienced any other the benefits for themselves. They simply repeat what they heard growing up without giving it a thought.
On the other hand, people claim that eating only meat makes them feel super-human.
Some proponents of the Carnivore Diet claim to have eaten only meat for the past 20 years and are in perfect health.
Proponents of the Carnivore Diet say they feel better than ever after eating only animal meat.
Others say that eating meat puts you on the fast track to a heart attack.
So, who’s right?
Like most things, everyone has an opinion that they think is right.
We live in a time of rampant misinformation, half-truths and whole lies. You can’t trust what you read, see or hear anymore. The truth is out there, but it’s up to you to find it.
So, I decided to find out for myself to see what the Carnivore Diet is all about.
I proceeded to eat nothing but meat for three weeks straight.
This article chronicles my experience.
I talk about the physical and psychologic changes I experienced while eating an all meat diet.
I also include my research findings and reasoning for why the Carnivore Diet is one of the best diets for fat loss and optimal productivity.
I Ate Only Meat for a Month and Here’s What Happened
I like to know that I know that I know things. That’s truth that provides unwavering confidence. I know for a fact the carnivore diet works. Maybe not for everyone, but it sure worked for me.
In short, I got shredded like a savage and had sharp focus like a hunter.
Once the carbs that muddled my mind were out of my system my thoughts were crystal clear. Words came to me easy in conversation and paying attention at work was effortless.
On top of that, I had more energy, focus and drive than ever before. (Maybe my carnivore instincts kicked in while eating like one?)
I got shredded
I lost body fat percentage dropped significantly. My belly fat melted away to expose my six-pack abdominals in high-definition. And my serrated obliques began to show themselves. I had muscles visible that I didn’t even know I had.
I slept better (and needed less sleep)
I fell asleep as soon as my head head hit the pillow at night. I slept soundly and woke up completely rested without an ounce of grogginess.
Instead of needed 8 hours of sleep a night, I slept 6 hours a night and had energy all day.
I woke up before my alarm clock my eyes would just open and my feet would hit the floor and I’d be on the move immediately. No inner struggle. No need to drag myself out of bed.
I had energy all day
I felt more alert, I slept better, I woke up easy in the morning and I had energy all day. No afternoon crash or struggling to get through the workday.
The effects kicked in within a day or two and remained in full swing until I ate carbohydrates.
It was easy to be an early riser and I routinely woke up at 4:30am to workout.
My workouts were good in the sense that I had energy and focus to train. I had energy to lift hard and heavy. This challenged me to hustle and get through my workouts quicker and with greater focus. So I was able to turn it into a plus (sort-of). I have energy to get great workouts. My strength has not decreased since eliminated carbs. But my energy was smooth and steady all day.
I felt more comfortable in my body
During those three weeks I experienced no bloating, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, or gas.
That is a stark contrast to when I eat carbs; especially grains or starchy carbs.
I’m bloated, gassy and uncomfortable for several hours after eating carbs.
I used to wake up with a stomach ache when I ate carbs, but now felt amazing.
When I ate carbs for dinner my morning workouts suffered because of the internal abdominal pressure and general discomfort from being gassy. These ailments quickly faded when eating a Carnivore Diet.
My acne disappeared
A pleasant yet unsuspected benefits of the carnivore diet was that My skin cleared up. No more zits, cysts, red spots or blemishes. No white heads, pimples, blackheads and less grease and grime on my skin.
Carnivore Diet Benefits
I experienced a slue of benefits with the carnivore diet:
Fat loss
I’ve lost weight rapidly with the Carnivore Diet. About two pounds a day for the first few days.
Some of the weight loss is from water reduction, of course. I didn’t eat carbohydrates so I didn’t retain water.
Reducing water weight makes you look harder and more defined.
This quickly exposed my hard earned six-pack abs, that, until recently, where covered in belly fat.
Muscle Retention and Muscle Growth
Even though I was in a calorie deficit, I maintained my muscle mass while cutting fat.
The protein and other essential nutrients found in meat are the perfect muscle building blocks.
Body recomposition can be expected if you weight train or do intense bodyweight exercise.
That means you will lose fat and build muscle at the same time. A win-win.
Wake Up Easier
An awesome and unexpected benefit of the Carnivore Diet is that I woke up easier each morning.
While I was eating a carnivore diet I woke up very easy every morning.
When I ate carbs and processed foods I had a hell of a time waking up each day. I’d hit snooze five or six times before dragging myself out of bed.
I felt groggy and tired and it took an hour to snap out of it. But, Since eliminating carbs, I wake up easily each morning without hitting the snooze button.
Better Focus
The mental clarity I get eating a Carnivore Diet is undeniable.
I’m focused and in a flow state much more often.
I experienced less anxiety. Probably due to the ability to stay focused in the moment, get shit done, and the reduction of inflammation caused by carbs.
(To be fair, I get similar mental clarity eat a Ketogenic diet, which allows me to add some carbs).
Whenever I eat carbs my mind turns into mush.
I’m much more productive while eating no carb.
Balanced Energy
On the flip-side, I couldn’t train for too long without running out of steam. I also didn’t get much of a pump.
Workout recovery was good to very good.
To be fair thought, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.
Carbohydrate Withdraw is Real
I had a headache for the first two days after cutting out carbohydrates from my diet. A symptom of carbohydrate withdraw. This was uncomfortable but manageable.
I did crave carbs from time to time. This internal struggle could be intense.
I found the saying ‘out of sight out of mind’ is true in terms of carbohydrates.
If I wasn’t around carbs, if I couldn’t see them, I didn’t want them.
Every once in a while I would get an urge to eat pasta or rice or popcorn or something sweet, but as long as I stayed busy I didn’t have a desire to eat carbs.
Eat Enough Animal Fat
Make sure you eat enough fat on the Carnivore diet.
There’s a reason steaks have fat on them naturally. You need fat to help digest protein.
I didn’t eat enough fat and had diarrhea for a week as a result. Sudden, urgent, get-out-of-my-way diarrhea.
Not pleasant.
It was because I ate roast beef that was too dry. I cooked the fat out of it. Eat enough fat with your protein and you’ll be fine. I was fine when I ate fatty steaks instead of beef roast.
Carnivore Diet Pros and Cons
Sure, there are drawbacks with the Carnivore Diet, the same as with any diet. But, overall the pros vastly outweighed the cons.
Carnivore Diet Benefits
The carnivore diet benefits are physical as well as psychological.
I notices a sharper mind and better concentration. And my body because harder, leaner and more chiseled.
Here’s a shortlist of the benefits I experienced:
- Better focus
- Clarity of thought
- More energy
- Increased productivity
- Decreased anxiety
- Better sleep
- No morning grogginess
- Eat the same thing everyday. (This can be a great thing if you love meat.)
- Adaptation period
There’s a learning curve. You really never know how your body will react to new stimuli.
I jumped into it the carnivore diet. You may need to adjust as you go. As long as you think in terms of cause and effect you will be Okay.
Overall though, I think the best part of the carnivore diet is just feeling great in general. Not to mention that the carnivore diet is what I use to get ripped fast.
What Do You Eat on thde Carnivore Diet?
Simply put, if an animal didn’t produce it, or if it’s not a part of one, don’t eat it.
Not surprisingly, meat makes up the bulk of the Carnivore Diet.
Beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, fish, deer, steer and wild boar are a few examples.
Eggs, milk and butter are acceptable on the carnivore diet as well.
Eat whole eggs because the yokes contain a lot of nutrients and good healthy fat.
Organ meat can be consumed for additional nutrients. Organs provide essential vitamins and minerals. In fact, organs are the most nutrient dense part of an animal.
The heart and liver from open range, hormone-free livestock are the best foods you can possibly eat.
Bone marrow is also a great source of nutrients.
Fresh milk and creme are permissible.
Cheese is passible in some cases, although not true carnivore. Plain yogurt is acceptable as well.
Along that same vein, you could get away with whey protein isolate as long as there aren’t any bullshit ingredients. Go with grass-fed whey protein for best results.
Only Meat and Animal Products Allowed
What?! No fruits and veggies?
You read that correctly.
Grains, fruits, and vegetables are not carnivore foods and are therefore not allowed.
This is where some people lose their mind.
First of all, we know grains are garbage. Science shows you can exclude grains from your diet and become healthier. Anything with wheat or corn should be outlawed.
I can back this up with my personal experience. Why do you think so many people are gluten intolerant? People are not meant to eat wheat. Why do people continue to get fatter and sicker? Refined carbs.
Humans are Meant to Eat Meat
Humans raised crops only after wild game was hunted to extinction. Grains were only introduced when meat became scarce.
Cheap grains were used to ‘cut’ the limited meat supply and make livestock last longer.
BUT, we’ve been taught that fruits and vegetables are good for us and that we need them.
Well, that may or may not be true. The main argument for fruits and veggies is that they provide essential vitamins and minerals.
However, these nutrients are also found in meat, eggs, and fish.
But don’t take my word for it. Try this fun experiment:
First, eat only plants for a month. Then eat only meat the following month.
You tell me how you feel during each month.
My guess is you feel amazing eating meat and miserable eating nothing but vegetation.
But, I don’t know for sure. Do you? Try it and let me know.
Fresh Meat is a Superfood
Fresh meat is the healthiest food you can eat.
Animal fat is especially nutritious. Animal fat is critical for good health and vitality. There are some vitamins you can only get from animal fat. (These are called fat soluble vitamins.)
You need cholesterol and saturate fat to thrive. It keeps your sex hormones at healthy levels and builds testosterone.
Red meat wasn’t a health issue until people got lazy.
As long as you don’t pile processed food on top of eating meat, you’ll be fine.
And, as long as you exercise like people are supposed to, you will be fine.
Get your blood work done regularly if you’re concerned about it.
That being said, make sure you have an exercises program while eating a Carnivore Diet.
Otherwise, the saturated fat and cholesterol will collect in your blood and cause problems.
You need to put those ingredients to work. Pump iron to turn cholesterol into testosterone.
Carnivore Diet Do’s and Don’ts
I’ve learned a few things about the Carnivore Diet over the several times I did it.
You can capitalize on the benefits and reduce the negative impacts by applying the tips below.
Eat a Variety of Meats
I recommend eating a variety of animal meats.
Each type of meat has different nutrients based on the environment the animal was raised.
You have the entire animal kingdom to sample from, so there are many options if you keep an open mind.
You aren’t stuck with beef, chicken, pork and tuna fish.
I’ve eaten duck, bison, buffalo, kangaroo, alligator, turkey and venison.
Each has its own distinct flavor.
Eat Enough Animal Fat
I can’t stress this enough.
You need animal fat in your diet. Fat keeps you full and satisfied. It also helps avoid drawbacks from this diet.
Eat fatty cuts of beef steak, chicken thigh, and salmon. Cook with butter and extra virgin olive oil. Eating too little fat will cause diarrhea. (Got that yet?)
Eat enough fat or you’ll suffer from ‘rabbit starvation’, which is essentially protein poisoning.
No Processed Food
No processed meats allowed. Only eat fresh meat.
Cold cuts, bologna, sausage and schnitzel are off limits. Even my grandma’s signature pickle loaf sandwich is a no-no.
Eating processed meat defeats the purpose of the Carnivore Diet.
Processed meats have chemical modifiers added to increase shelf life or ‘improve’ taste.
Chemicals must be added to enhance flavor of the fake ingredients because the food product is denatured and tastes awful.
These chemical modifiers are artificial ingredients that pollute your body.
Your body can’t process fake ingredients. All they do is make your body decay and kill you faster.
Eat Naturally
Most of our food is a shell of what it once was. It’s been bastardized beyond belief.
Eat meat from non-GMO, free range animals raised without hormones and fed a natural diet.
You want fresh meat from a butcher. The closer to the source the better.
If you see cows grazing in a pasture, talk to the farmer and see how you can get one of those cows turned into steaks to eat tomorrow.
Carnivore Diet Results
I ate only meat for the first week. Then I added eggs.
But, in that week I experienced all of the benefits I mentioned earlier. The main reason I did it was to lose fat fast and increase my productivity.
I have however eaten quasi Carnivore diets like steak and eggs and felt great doing it. I lost weight and ate deliciously satisfying and nutritious meals.
If you’re overweight or obese, weight loss is a sure thing with the Carnivore diet.
Others claim that eating a meat diet eliminated their anxiety and depression.
I can attest that eating low carb and no carb diets GREATLY reduced my anxiety.
This could be due to the reduction in inflammation and oxidative stress that occurs when you reduce carb intake.
Elimination or reduction of body aches, pains, and chronic illness symptoms have also been reported.
Carnivore Diet Cons
The main argument against the Carnivore Diet is that only eating meat leads to nutrient deficiencies.
There’s also the argument that red meat consumption is correlated with heart disease and cancer.
What the science doesn’t tell you is the participants’ lifestyle, the kind of meat they are eating, and what else they are consuming.
The participants in the study could have been couch potatoes that ate Slim-Jims all day with Doritos and Mountain Dew in between.
Who knows the truth. I’m not here to over generalize. I just want to tell you what happened in my case.
The Carnivore Diet is NO WORSE than the typical American diet.
Americans eat tons of salt, sugar, fat and processed foods. Plus they don’t move much. That’s why most are fat and sick. Even broccoli will kill you if it’s GMO, deep friend, dipped in salt and butter.
Many Americans have nutrient deficiencies ON TOP OF all the pollution they pour into their bodies.
All-natural animal meat is infinitely better than any food made in a factory.
Not Enough Vitamins and Minerals
If all you eat is lean ground beef then yes, you may become nutrient deficient.
The Carnivore Diet provides a robust nutrient profile because there are plenty of protein sources to choose from.
The key is to rotate your food items to get the full spectrum of nutrition.
Too Much Saturated Fat
Sure, saturated fats are bad for you IF you don’t burn fat.
You need saturated fat to produce sex hormones and protect your cells.
If you workout, saturated fat will convert to testosterone.
But, if you eat too much saturated fat and sit on your ass you’ll have a heart attack. Ya gotta move.
Too Much Cholesterol
News flash buddy, you need cholesterol for optimal health.
Cholesterol is demonized by the cereal produces and you believed their propaganda.
You need cholesterol to make sex hormones. Without cholesterol your testosterone would plummet.
When T levels plummet all kinds of stuff gets out of wack.
I raised my testosterone 63 points naturally by eating high cholesterol diet.
The only way cholesterol is bad for you is if you don’t workout.
Working out raises your body temperature and creates chemical reactions that convert cholesterol to testosterone and other hormones. These hormones are essential for muscle growth and overall heath.
Cholesterol is a building block that floats through your blood stream waiting to be broken down into something useful. It’s a critical component to many biological process.
But if you eat trash and slow your metabolism, then cholesterol will build up and cause problems.
I ate eight whole eggs and 12 ounces of red meat a day for over a month and actually lowered my cholesterol.
I cut out the bullshit that was impeding my natural biological processes. That way my body could deal with the cholesterol appropriately.
Not Enough Fiber
I love vegetables. I love the taste and texture.
I say that to establish the fact that I’m not a vegetable hater. My favorite meal is steak and vegetables with a big salad.
I think you need fiber if that food contains fiber. Foods are made perfect by nature as they are.
What happens when you combine foods? It’s a science experiment. No one can tell you all the details with absolute certainty.
I think the jury is out on fiber. Fiber cleans your pipes. But I ate virtually no fiber and my plumbing worked fine.
This is a tough one for me. I know that I feel good when I eat enough fiber.
I also know that I feel like shit when I eat too much (ha).
This begs the question – why do you need fiber?
We’re told that we need fiber because it keeps us regular. But, I poop every morning like clockwork even when eating a Carnivore Diet. Myth busted.
If you’re concerned about fiber, get a fiber supplement to keep your pipes clear.
Can Be Boring
Eating chicken everyday gets boring. And you will probably get malnourished if that’s all you eat for too long.
A week or two on this diet is tolerable, but after eating the same chicken dinner five days in a row you start to see pasta and bread dancing around your head.
Eating steaks cooked in butter and seasoned with salt and pepper never gets old though. Not to me anyway. I could (and do) eat steak every day.
You need to make an effort to explore new meats to eat and new ways to cook it.
There are a lot of dishes you can make with the carnivore diet. I’ve provided a few recipes later in this article.
(Can be) Expensive
To do the Carnivore Diet right can be expensive.
Finding a verity of fresh, organic meats is critical for sustainable success with the Carnivore Diet.
You have to search and find the right stuff at a good price.
I’ve found good deals at Costco, Sam’s Club, and other supermarkets.
You can get 20 pounds of lean ground beef for $2.99 per pound.
Adaptation Period
Transitioning to a Carnivore Diet can cause discomfort and erratic bowel movements.
I personally experienced diarrhea for about a week.
This can lead to discomfort in the gut and thinking ‘WTF is going on’?
The explanation for this, I’ve heard, is that your body is getting used to the new diet.
Your gut is producing more bile to digest the foods without the aid of fiber.
That’s what I read anyway. Since then, I’ll go carnivore for a few days at a time without issues.
This is because I eat enough fat. If I eat only lean meats, I get diarrhea.
So I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not the transition to carnivore diet that caused diarrhea, it was because the meat I ate was too lean. You need to right blend of protein and fat for proper digestion and nutrient absorption.
Carnivore Diet Meal Plan
I like the carnivore diet because it’s so simple.
I don’t count calories, macros or measure my food.
I cook delicious foods that I know are good for me and that are satisfying.
That being said, it does get old fast so I’m in constant pursuit of new recipes.
Below is a list of food items I’ve compiled over the passed year or so.
Carnivore Diet Food List
This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it should give you a good idea of what’s appropriate.
- Grass Fed Beef
- Bone Marrow
- Beef liver
- Beef heart
- Salmon
- Cod
- Tuna
- Sardines
- Shrimp
- Scallops
- Turkey
- Free Range Chicken
- Free Range Eggs
- Pork (unless you’re clean eating Kosher style)
- Duck
- Lamb
- Lobster
- Crab
Salt, pepper, garlic, fresh herbs and spices are perfectly fine.
A squeeze of lemon can go a long way over a piece of perfectly cooked fish.
Carnivore Diet Recipes
These are my favorite carnivore meals.
Steak and Eggs
Just want it sounds like. A thick-cut USDA prime steak cooked to perfection. Eggs over easy cooked in real grass fed butter.
I typically pan sear my steaks. It’s quick, easy and delicious. I’ll grill them if it’s nice outside.
Toss a slice of butter in the pan, season the steak on both sides, place steak in pan when butter is melted. Sear each side then reduce heat and cook to desired done-ness.
(Read more about the Steak and Eggs diet here. It’s quite possibly the greatest fat burning diet on Earth.)
Lamb Chops
Pork Ribs
The barbecue sauce is not Carnivore but you can eat the meat plain and it taste great.
Bacon and Eggs
Classic American breakfast
Wild-Caught Salmon
Nothing like fresh salmon from cool, clean waters cooked to perfection.
Carnivore Diet Snacks
Carnivore Diet Nutrient Profile
Below is an image representing the nutrition profile for the Carnivore Diet.
Obviously, there are many more foods that could be added to this image.
But, I created this using the minimum amount of foods required to illustrate a point.
The point is that the argument against the Carnivore Diet claiming it doesn’t meet nutrition requirements is false.
If you eat meal-size portions of the foods below, you will meet the minimum recommended daily nutrients.

That is with a few possible exceptions: Fiber and Vitamin C.
This is easily corrected through supplementation if there is a concern about deficiency.
The Carnivore diet could be sustainable over the long term with minor supplementation.
A quick analysis shows that mostly all of the commonly agreed upon essential nutrients are provided solely by animal products.
I’m not trying to persuade you one way or the other. Just showing you what I’ve found.
Check with your licensed medical professional before starting a new diet.
Carnivore Diet Meal Plan
You’ll have to do your own research to make sure you hit all your nutritional needs. But the general rule of thumb is to eat a variety of meat and you’ll be fine. If you feel good you are probably doing just fine.
Try the ‘Land, Sea, Air approach.”
For dinner and lunch rotate between steak (land), salmon (sea), and chicken (air, kinda).
The food list provided should jump-start the process.
To keep things simple, though, there are three guidelines for the Carnivore diet.
- Eat when you’re hungry
- Eat until you’re full
- Rotate your food sources often
You can eat 1 meal a day or 10 meals a day. It’s up to you. Eat as much as you want until you are full.
All carnivore diet foods are nutrient dense. Your body will tell you when you’ve had enough and when you should have more.
It is nearly impossible to overeat on the carnivore diet.
Eat cheese for different animals. You know, mix it up.
Are Supplements Allowed on the Carnivore Diet?
Sure, supplements are allowed. But, only the good ones.
Liver tablets are your best friends. They are exactly what they sounds like – pure grass-fed Argentinian beef liver in tablet form.
Liver tablets are the best source of pure protein. They are great for pre and post workout and in between meals as a pick me up.
They also provide a lot of energy. Not bouncing-off-the-walls energy, but elevated sustainable energy and endurance for hours with no crash.
Whey protein with no sugar is permissible I suppose, if you’re a bodybuilder. Although it’s not in line with the primitive nature of the true Carnivore Diet.
A kelp supplement will add iodine into your diet.
You might not need it if you use enough iodized salt to season your meat. Just watch out for too much sodium.
Is the Carnivore Diet Good for Bodybuilding?
It’s great for getting shredded, yes.
But it’s not great for getting huge.
The carnivore diet can be a good way for a natural athlete or weekend warrior type. It will definitely help you get your beach body.
I had a marathoner and fencing athlete reach out to me to tell me that they love the carnivore diet. They’ve been eating it for years and perform at their best.
I’m convinced that meat is the food of choice of the Elite. It provides the most energy and nutrients per bite.
The Carnivore Diet is a great way to jump start fat loss. Maybe you’ll stick with it, maybe you won’t. That’s up to you.
For me it was a catalyst to see the power of no-carb diets.
But don’t just take my word for it. See for yourself. You’ll be glad you did.
People will try to indoctrinate you with their way of thinking. They want to convince you they are right.
I’m the curious type and want to find out the facts, then try it for myself. So this article combines scientific research and my own experience testing the diet for myself.
The Carnivore diet, these days, would be considered extreme. It’s an extreme diet for extreme circomstances.
Many of the people on the carnivore diet suffered from a serious illness.
The illness was debilitating to such a degree that any drawbacks to the carnivore diet where far exceed by the benefits.
Two examples that come to mind are Jordan Petersen and his daughter Mikhyliah.
Jordan Petersen suffered terrible depression for years. After eating a carnivore diet, his depression and anxiety went away. He lost 60 pounds in the process.
He was inspired to try the Carnivore diet after his daughter used the diet to eliminate symptoms from degenerative arthritis.
I wouldn’t consider the Carnivore diet sustainable for most of the population.
Mentally, it’s hard for people to stick to ANY diet. But, let’s say anyone who tries it, sticks to it.
I would say you could try it for 2-4 weeks and see how your body responds.
Great for Fat Loss
There is no better diet on Earth for fat loss than the carnivore diet. Try it and you will see.
If the Carnivore diet is too hardcore for you, try steak and eggs or a Ketogenic diet.
Improves Cognition
My experimentation showed that this diet help me stay focused, energized and productive all day.
Provides Essential Daily Minerals and Trace Minerals. The Carnivore diet is flexible enough to allow foods that cover a significant amount of vital vitamins and minerals.
Sustainability and healthiness overtime is debatable. However, it’s definitely healthier than the typical western diet if you do it right.
Want More information on the Carnivore Diet?
It’s gaining popularity and people are flocking to it for the claimed health benefits it provides.
The reaction to the Carnivore Diet is mixed. Some people swear by it and will never go back. Others think it’s stupid.
For more information on the Carnivore Diet you can hear my account of it on Soundcloud or Youtube (shorter rift).
All I drank was black coffee and water.
It is essentially a high protein, high fat, no carb diet. It fits into the Keto Diet umbrella.
I’ve tried similar diets with great success. And I’ve been experimenting with the Carnivore diet and their are some real benefits.
However, there are some unknowns and potential drawbacks that I will explain.
But first, let’s understand more about the Carnivore Diet, and what makes this diet different.
Great information. Loved the article. The only negative I could share is that, for a professional proofreader and editor, the misspelled words were almost excruciating! haha But not enough to stop me from reading.
Thanks Kirby!
I can’t argue with you about the lack of editing.
My goal this year is to fix the misspellings and improve the flow of each article.
I appreciate your feedback!
What brought you here? Have you done the Carnivore Diet before, or are you interested in trying it?