The Military Diet is a tough yet effective way to lose weight fast.
You need nerves of steel to to stand firm in the face of hanger pangs and sugar cravings.
You need the discipline of a seasoned warrior to pull off the Military Diet.
It’s not for the feint of heart.
Many will try, few will succeed.
You need to be resolute and determined to accomplish your mission.
To the victor go the spoils.
Here’s guest post from Luke about the hard-hitting, fast-acting, Military Diet.
Take it away, Luke.
The Military Diet and Meal Plan to Lose Up to 10 Pounds in 3 Days
Military diets have become quite popular over the past few years, mostly because they offer great results in a very short amount of time.
These diets are especially great for people who can stick to even the most difficult meal plans.
In this article, we will be talking about the most popular military diet meal plan that can help you lose up to ten pounds in just three days.
Remember that it is mandatory to follow all the instructions precisely.
If you don’t, the results won’t be as good, and you might even end up with some problems.
How to Lose 10 Pounds in Just Three Days
Before diving into the topic, it is very important to learn all the rules and never break them!
This is the only thing that truly matters when it comes to losing all that extra weight.
So, always be careful to follow the diet step by step and don’t omit anything!
The foods on the menu are there because together they boost your metabolism, help you with sugar swings, provide energy, and accelerate your body’s fat-burning processes.
You need to follow this special diet for three days, consecutively. Otherwise, it won’t work at all.
Because everyone’s metabolism is different, some people might lose exactly ten pounds in those three days, others might lose less, while others might lose more.
So, if you and your friends have started this diet, don’t panic if you don’t lose as much as them. Never compare your results to others, only to yourself.
Also if you find this diet too difficult, here are some nice military diet substitutions ideas that you or your friends could also try and see if they work for you.
The Military Diet: D-Day
On the first day, it is important to weigh yourself in the morning but then take a break.
You should only weigh yourself again in the morning on the fourth day, after your diet has ended.
You may also want to take measurements because usually, you may gain some muscle and therefore not lose weight, but inches.
Also, always stay positive and focused on your goal!
Because this diet is all about reprogramming your metabolism, never snack in-between meals!
This will ruin the whole process. Eat all the foods that you are supposed to in a single meal.
After those three days, come back to your usual eating habits but don’t exaggerate!
You want to keep that weight off, don’t you?
By repeating this diet with at least a four-day break in between, you might even lose 40 pounds in one month.
However, if you start feeling unwell, stop immediately!
It is a rough diet and some people might not be able to follow it more than once a month.
Will the Military Diet Keep the Excess Weight off Forever?
No strict diets will ever keep all that weight off forever, and dieters should always remember that.
In fact, experts agree that harsh diets are only a very good way of kickstarting your desired weight-loss plan.
They offer you the boost you need in the beginning to go forward with your plan.
Sustainable diets are the ones that require very small adjustments that, in time, will turn into a new lifestyle which will also help you lose some weight.
If you are a beginner and don’t want something that’s too harsh, you could also try the Ketogenic diet.
The Military Diet Meal Plan
During the day one of your diet, you should eat:
- Breakfast: ½ grapefruit, one slice of toast with two tablespoons of peanut butter, and drink tea or coffee;
- Lunch: ½ cup of tuna, one slice of toast, and drink the same things, tea or coffee;
- Dinner: three ounces of meat of your own choice, one cup of green beans, ½ banana, one apple, and one cup of vanilla ice cream;
During day two, you should eat only:
- Breakfast: one egg cooked however you want, one slice of toast, and ½ banana;
- Lunch: one cup of cottage cheese, one hardboiled egg, and five saltine crackers;
- Dinner: two hot dogs but without the buns, one cup of broccoli, ½ cup of carrots, ½ banana, and ½ cup of vanilla ice cream;
During the final day, you should eat:
- Breakfast: five saltine crackers, one slice of cheddar cheese, and one apple;
- Lunch: one slice of toast with one hardboiled egg;
- Dinner: one cup of tuna, ½ banana, and ½ cup of vanilla ice cream.
What you Should Know
It is worth noting that this diet requires you to consume protein, carbohydrates, and fruit and vegetables.
It is not that restrictive, but the challenge comes from having to live with such small quantity of food for your meals.
You are only allowed to drink coffee or tea during your first two days of the diet, then you can drink water starting with your final day.
Drink water that equals half of your weight. So, if you weigh 180 pounds, then you should drink 90 ounces of water daily.
You can also drink sugar-free hot chocolate, but only if you made it with water, not milk. This works more for colder days.
You can also add small amounts of mustard and relish to your meals. Only salt, pepper, and lemon pepper are allowed as seasoning.
You can also consume broth and sugar-free gum or mints if you feel like it.
That ½ banana can be substituted with either one kiwi, two apricots, or one cup of papaya. Also, if you don’t like tuna, you can substitute it with the same amount of cottage cheese.
After you have ended your diet, it is important to have a balanced diet and not exaggerate in any way.
The best thing that you could do is to follow a sustainable weight-loss plan on the following days, preferably one that’s easier to handle.
For example, eat chicken breast and fish, preferably salmon (to get protein), low-sugar and high-fiber fruits and vegetables and avoid added sugars at all costs.
And most importantly, stay hydrated and active!
Final Thoughts on the Military Diet
All in all, keep in mind that this strict military diet eating plan is rather difficult and that it will help you lose weight, but not in the long run.
However, this diet is the best way to jump-start a sustainable weight loss plan.
After surviving those three days, it is crucial to maintain a healthy diet and an active lifestyle so that you won’t put all that extra weight back.
It takes ambition, courage, and dedication to follow this diet, but in the end, it will all be worth it.
About the Author
Luke S. Mitchell is an MS Undergraduate in Sports Journalism and manager of Defend Your Healthcare. He is interested not only in the mind-body relationship and how motivation shapes our bodies but also in how we draw energy just from one simple yet powerful thought. You can find him on Facebook and Twitter.
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