I’m going to cut right to the chase here:
Follow this diet and fat will fade away.
It’s a simple and straight forward plan that will get you ripped lickity-split.
I’ll also share some insider secrets to save time, money, and get results ASAP.
Your New Cutting Diet

Cutting Diet Meal Plan
(NOTE: If you are a bodybuilding competitor and want a finely-tuned custom diet, reach out to John Dorsey at GoobUtraining.com – He knows his stuff.)
This cutting diet is six meals a day.
Any man with fat to lose will see significant results with this meal plan.
The meal plan below is just enough food to keep me from being hungry all the time.
You will be hungry at some points throughout the day.
But that’s OK; it build character. It teaches self control.
I spaced my meals three hours apart and that seems to keep my hunger in check.
Meal 1: 4 whole eggs cooked in butter, 1/2 cup of asparagus/broccoli
Meal 2: 6oz lean turkey breast, 1/2 cup asparagus/broccoli
Meal 3: 6oz lean beef or fatty fish (Orange Roughy, Salmon, or Trout, Sardines), 1 cup of asparagus/broccoli
Meal 4: 8oz chicken breast, 1.5 cups of sweet potato
Meal 5: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 2TBPS natural peanut butter, 4 whole eggs cooked in butter
Meal 6: Protein shake with two scoops of quality whey protein powder, 1TBSP natural peanut butter, and almond milk (or water).
Drink at least one-two gallons of fresh water a day. Black coffee is OK.
I recommend coffee to keep your energy up while in a calorie deficit. Coffee also helps suppress hunger.
I typically drink one-two gallons of distilled (or pure filtered) water and 6-8 cups of black coffee. (I’m a fiend)
Eat this way everyday for six weeks and watch your six-pack emerge.
Cutting Diet Macros
The daily macros for this cutting meal plan are as follows:
- Protein – 225 grams
- Carbohydrates – 93 grams
- Fat – 107 grams
- Total Calories – 2,187 calories of clean energy
- Shredded-ness: Plenty
How to Keep Your Sanity while Cutting
Eating six meals a day can be a pain in the ass.
It can be time consuming if you let it.
Luckily, there are ways to make it much easier.
Cooking and clean up is a hassle. I hate hassle.
That’s why I cook once a week.
That’s right, I only cook once a week.
All my meals for the week are cooked and ready to eat in less than two hours on a Sunday.
Meal Prep
Like I mentioned before, meal prep is critical.
I cook all my meat, veggies and eggs at one time.
I make an egg bake or two, bake potatoes, boil rice, and slow-cook meat for the week in a crock-pot.
Meal Prep Cooking Gear
These items are mandatory in my kitchen:
- Large slow-cooker (I own and use two)
- Large cast-iron skillet (emphasis on NON-stick. It makes cleanup effortless)
- Large Pot with Steamer
- 2 large baking trays
That’s enough to get you started. You can add gear as needed once you personalize your meal prep process.
Need some Flavor?
Eating the same thing can get boring. It kills your soul after a while.
That’s why I share some cutting diet secrets below that keep you sane and happy.
Meal Prep Spices
Salt and pepper are mandatory.
Other spices I have in my kitchen at all times are:
- Oregano
- Parsley
- Basil
- Italian spice blend
- Turmeric
- Fresh minced garlic in a jar.
Mustard, hot sauce, and wasabi are your saving grace for added flavor. Get a big bottle of Saracha, too.
Walden Farms Products
Walden Farms is an innovative food company that creates calorie-free condiments.
They make syrups and sauces and are pretty damn good at it.
Their products I’ve tried are delicious. Both the syrup and chocolate dip taste similar to the ‘real’ thing. (The syrup is pretty close and the chocolate dip is good enough… we’re talking about ZERO calorie sweets here.)
They are water based and a welcome companion to any cutting diet.
Crucial Measures for Cutting Diets to Work
Keep in mind, I’m a 6’3” 195 pound male that lifts weights six times a week.
I already have muscle mass on my frame, therefore I burn more calories than most people.
This diet serves as an illustration. If you are smaller, less fit, or train less often, a reduction in calories may be required to get similar results.
Start here, and let it serve as a reference point. Measure everything below and adjust as needed.
Weight yourself every morning. Get a human scale.
Weigh your food. Get a food scale. If you don’t weight it, don’t eat it.
Track your macros and calories. Download MyFitnessPal app and use it. If you don’t know the macros, don’t eat it.
And finally, adjust as needed. If you aren’t seeing results in one week, reduce your daily carb and/fat intake.
When is comes to diets, ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL.
Never has and never will.
No diet is perfect for everyone straight ‘out of the box’. Adjustments can be expected for best results.
That means keeping accurate records.
Track your weight, workouts and macros daily. You need this data to make adjustments and get results.
If you’ve never done this before, do it. Seriously.
You will learn so much. Eventually you’ll know instinctually what to eat and stay fit.
You’ll become one of the ‘lucky ones’ that can eat anything they want and still look great.
You’ll come to realize that the lucky ones aren’t gifted, they just know what they’re eating.
Cutting Diet Results (Before and After)
See for yourself…
My Cutting results. Left: Before using this cutting diet meal plan; Right: After cutting
I hope this makes cutting easier for you. I tried to take out the guess work and fluff.
Now, it’s up to you to take action.
Cutting isn’t a chore. It’s an opportunity to learn how to cook, become efficient, get healthy and look fucking awesome.
So quit bitchin’ and get after it.
And remember the Cutting Diet rules
- Workout hard.
- Don’t cheat!
- Drink plenty of water.
- Sleep like a baby every night.
Do this for as long as necessary and you will be ripped for spring break in Panama City (or wherever).
Leave me a comment is you need help.
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