The J.M. Press is quite possibly the most effective tricep exercise ever conceived.
The J.M. Press is like a close grip bench press and skull crusher combined into one, and its sole purpose is to annihilate your triceps.
It’s a tricky exercise to get right but this post will guide you through. It takes practice but once you nail it shirts sleeves will never feel the same way again.
The Genesis of the J.M.Press
Legend has it, the J.M. Press was created by Louie Simmons. Yes, THE Louie Simmons, owner of the Westside Barbell Club.
Louie’s Barbell Club is known as the strongest gym in the world. It’s home to monstrous men who can bench press over 800 pounds and squat half a ton.
Louie Simmons is a specimen as well. He could bench, squat and deadlift more than NFL linemen when he was 50 years old. Louie is the definition of ‘Old Man Strength’.
I’m telling you this to lend merit to the J.M. Press. The inventor knows his shit so you can be sure it works.
The J.M. Press quickly became one of my favorite tricep exercises.
Its super effective at building muscle mass, definition, increase strength, and creating triceps that “pop”.
The J.M. Press trains all three tricep heads. Especially the middle head. This will become apparent when you try it because your triceps will be on fire. I can feel the tension all the way from shoulder to elbow and spanning wide through my tricep muscle fibers.
How to Perform the J.M. Press
Bottom Position Middle Top Position
Lay on the bench like you would for bench Press.
Grab the barbell with a close grip. I grab the bar just inside shoulder-width.
Un-rack the barbell and extend your arms so they are straight and perpendicular with the floor. The bar should be hovering over your collar bone.
Allow the weight to slowly bend your elbows. While lowering your elbows to your sides, try to keep the bar moving in a straight line from it’s starting point to your clavicle.
The bar should be touching your collar bone at the bottom of the movement. Your forearm to your upper arm should be in contact with each other, almost like they are folded over each other.
Don’t let your elbow drop too low. Keep your elbows at the same elevation as your torso.
Lower the bar until you can’t bend your elbow any further. Try to touch the back of your hands to the front of your shoulders.
Don’t let you elbows drop lower than your rib cage. You want to keep tension on the triceps. Dropping your arms too low shifts tension to the shoulders.
Now, press back up to the starting position. FLEX your triceps as hard as you possibly can and hold the contraction for a few seconds. You should feel the sensation in the triceps near the elbow especially.
Now do it again and again, and again and again and again. That’s all there is to it.
You are now on your way to having stunning horseshoe triceps.
Psst – Be sure to follow me on instagram @ironandgrit for more workout tips.
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