If you’re looking for a non-stimulant pre-workout that will light a fire under your ass and not cause you to keel over from a caffeine overdose, then this post is for you.
Drinking pre-workout was a part of my workout ritual for years. I’d mix two heaping scoops of ‘N.O. Xplode’ in a cup of water, give it a stir then slam it. I did this before every training session without fail.
The adrenaline rush and tingly skin gave me an eager anticipation of the workout ahead.
Within minutes of throwing back the juice, my energy, focus and endurance shot through the roof. I’d white-knuckle it to the gym and prowl floor crush weights relentlessly.
A good pre-workout revs you up into a euphoric, boarder-line manic state. It’s incredible, and it makes lifting a whole lot of fun.
The energy rush leads to some great workouts which translate into good muscle gains, that’s for sure. Pre-workout is the spark that gets the fire going and the log that keeps it burning. But after a few years of taking pre-workout the negative affects began to take a toll on me, and I began to burn out.
It me so restless I couldn’t fall asleep at night. I remember laying down at 11 PM and not falling asleep until 3:30AM. Just laying then checking the clock every so often. I felt tired but was too wired to fall asleep. As a result, it made work harder and my productivity plummeted.
So, I stopped using pre-workout in an effort to salvage my career. My restlessness subsided, but my workouts suffered and my motivation fell by the wayside.
I dabbled with alternatives like coffee, energy drinks and even a homemade pre-workout. Anything to regain my motivation to workout.
None of them worked that great. I needed something that fired me up but didn’t keep me up all night.
That’s when I found quite possibly the best pre-workout that doesn’t have caffeine or any stimulants.
Why Transparent Labs Non-STIM Pre-Workout is the Best Stimulant Free Pre-Workout Supplement
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Transparent Labs Non-STIM Pre-Workout is different because it has clinically measured doses of the best ingredients. The ingredients work together in harmony to get great results.
The ingredients not only give you energy and focus, but they protect against muscle wasting, improve muscular power, and help with recovery. They even blended a mood enhancer into the mix. All without putting unnecessary stress on your system.
Most other non-stimulant pre-workouts fall short on key ingredients or add unnecessary fillers.
Rather than get too far into the nerdy science shit, why don’t you just buy a bag and try it? You won’t be sorry.
Seriously, how much is your time worth? You’re here because you want bang for your buck. Well, you found it Champ.
But if you can’t help yourself, they put all their ingredients on the label and justify every one of them with scientific research.
Not All Pre-Workouts are Created Equal
Sure, pre-workout helped make my workouts great, but I was polluting my body with only God knows what. I also wanted something that wasn’t going to poison me. There’s a huge problem with the bodybuilding supplement industry. There’s no long range health consideration. It’s about making gains NOW at all costs. Health be damned in the noble pursuit of getting huge.
Many pre-workouts are loaded with heavy metals (bad) and unleash free radicals into your body (very bad).
Pre-workout might hype you up, but they will break you down in the long run.
What I’ve learned is that modern bodybuilding is actually one of the least healthy lifestyles on Earth. Bodybuilding should never be confused with fitness, because many bodybuilders are terribly unfit.
How to Get a Killer Workout and Not Kill Yourself
The key is to have energy for an epic workout, but not at the expense of your health.
I stopped using pre-workout since it’s not sustainable to take it for long periods of time.
It was already affecting my sleep, which in turn affected my productivity and mood. I didn’t need it to chip away at my health, too.
In fact you should cycle pre-workout supplements, if you take them. Take them for 4 weeks, then stop using them for 4 weeks.
This gives your body a chance to get back to recover. Otherwise you’re wreaking havoc on your system.
Not to mention, most pre-workout supplements are loaded with caffeine. It’s the main active ingredient. I would be jittery all day if I worked out in the morning, and restless if I worked out at night after a dose of pre-workout.
If I took pre-workout before my morning workout, I felt like I wanted to burst out of my skin while at work.
And if I took it in the afternoon, I would lay in bed tossing and turning all night. Sometimes I’d be up in bed until 3 in the morning checking the alarm clock every 20 minutes and getting stressed knowing I had to be up in a few hours.
That sucked. So I cut out pre-workout completely. That is until I recently discovered stimulant free pre-workout supplements.
Why Choose a Stimulant Free Pre-Workout?
The goal is to attack the weights but not have a heart attack. Too much stimulation puts your body into overdrive.
Too much caffeine causes adrenal fatigue which basically wears you out.
Caffeine is great and it has it’s place, but it should be consumed in moderation.
Not to mention it puts your system into overdrive. This results in faster wear and tear and physical exhaustion.
The clincher is that even though you’re physically exhausted, you’re mentally wired and unable to rest. Not a good place to be.
That’s why a lot of people opt for stimulant free pre-workout. There’s a lot of pre-workouts without caffeine out there but none are as good as Transparent Labs Non-STIM Pre-workout.
Transparent Labs Non-STIM Pre-Workout Supplement Facts

The main reason I like Transparent Labs is because they practice what they preach.
What you see is what you get which each of their products.
Customer satisfaction is high on their priority list, so their supplements work.
Each ingredient serves a purpose. And each ingredient is clinically dosed to provide maximum benefit.
I will occasionally use pre-workout now days if I want an edge in the gym. I typically drink so much coffee that I don’t want to add more stimulants into my body.
But I tried Transparent Labs Non-stimulant Pre Workout and was impressed. There’s no caffeine but the focus and energy is just as good as any pre workout I’ve tried before. And I’ve tried a lot. Including N.O. Shotgun, 1MR, and N.O. Xplode (before they reduced the active ingredients.)
TL pre-workout gave me the same drive in the gym without the jitters, crash or restlessness.
I still experienced the same tingly feeling from the Beta-Alanine. That’s a familiar feature of most pre workouts.
Transparent Labs is killing the supplement game because they realize because are more aware and conscientious of what they consume.
For that reason they use quality ingredients and tell you exactly what’s in their products.
They don’t hide behind the ‘proprietary blend’ loophole to fill their products with poop.
What you see on the package is what you get. And in this day and age it’s hard to find a brand you can trust.
You can click here to check out TL pre-work for yourself

Awesome to read it. I cannot use any pre-workout with any type of caffeine.
This is what you want then.