Today you will learn how to increase testosterone naturally, and why it’s critically important to do so.
Let’s begin.
The Low Testosterone Epidemic
Testosterone levels in men are plummeting world-wide.
As testosterone declines ailments like depression, heart disease, anxiety, and skinny-fat cases among men are sky-rocketing.
We are in the midst of a huge problem and it’s only getting worse. The low testosterone epidemic is castrating our society.
Low testosterone causes many health issues, both physically and psychologically.
This post shows you how to increase testosterone naturally without risking your health with drugs, or wasting money on supplements that flat out don’t work.
I increased my testosterone 200 points naturally and I’ll show you exactly how I did it.
My Testosterone Test Results
The image below are my testosterone test results. You can see that my testosterone levels have increased steadily over time.
The first test shows my total testosterone level at 601 and the last test shows my testosterone at 793 points.
That’s almost a 200 point increase in testosterone done the natural way.

And wouldn’t ya know it – The the more my testosterone levels increased the more muscle I built, the more confident I felt, and the better my overall sense of wellbeing became.
If you’re ready to reclaim your health and happiness then listen up.
You are at war whether you know it or not, and your manhood is at stake.
It’s time to expose the enemy so you can stop that son of bitch right in its tracks and fight back before it’s too late.
What is Testosterone?
Testosterone is one of the main sex hormones. It’s known as the ‘male’ hormone, and is responsible for masculine traits such as building muscle mass, hair growth, a deep voice, bone density, strength, assertiveness and chiseled features.
Having high testosterone makes you virile, youthful and strong.
Having low testosterone can feel like hell on Earth…
Low Testosterone Symptoms
Low testosterone can wreak havoc on a man. A man with low T mopes around like a docile steer.
The impacts of low T are devastating and can cause problems at work, at home and in life in general.
Having low testosterone saps your energy, kills your drive and paves the way for a host of issues.
Common symptoms of low testosterone are:
- Infertility
- Baldness
- Man Boobs (Gynecomastia)
- Fat gain
- Muscle loss
- Strength loss
- Low libido
- Erectile dysfunction
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Low energy
- Loss of motivation
- Irritable, moody, and bad attitude.
The worst part is men suffer in silence for many years. Sometimes never knowing what the problem is in the first place.
What Causes Low Testosterone?
The three major factors of low testosterone are:
- Lifestyle
- Environment
- The food you eat
How we live has a direct impact on testosterone levels.
Your body is designed to rise to meet the demand placed upon it. I there’s no demand, then there’s no reason to improve.
The technological revolution has transform the way we work and live. Desk jobs have replaced manual labor.
Physical exertion used to be a requirement to make a living. Now it’s optional.
And given the option, most people would watch Netflix and stuff their face with SunChips rather than go for a jog.
Our environment is polluted with xenoestregens.
Xenoestregens are chemicals that raise the estrogen in your body. They disrupt your natural hormone balance and causes all kinds of problems.
Xenoestrogens are everywhere.
They enter our body through the food we eat, the water we drink and through the pores in our skin.
Many mass-produced products contain xenoestrogens. I can almost guarantee you use some of these products everyday.
Detergents, cleansers, hygiene products, plastics, canned food, children’s toys…the list goes on and on.
Xeno-estrogens destroy testosterone. They cause chemical castration and can lead to sterilization.
Chemicals In Our Food Kills Testosterone
Chemicals on food have a catastrophic impact on testosterone.
Crops are sprayed with chemicals to kill bugs and other pests. These chemicals seep into the crops.
Where do you think those chemicals end up when you eat the food from those crops?
The chemicals build up inside of you and sink your testosterone.
Scientist have found male frogs living near these farms have changed genders due to exposure to the chemicals used on our crops.
The irrigation run-off from the crops drained into the water where the frogs live. The irrigation run-off contained the chemicals on the food.
The contaminated water caused biological males to turn into females by altering their hormones.
Those same chemicals that turned male frogs into female frogs are sprayed on our food.
That’s right, the food you eat, the food that you serve to your children, is tainted with chemical poison.
For this reason, focus on how your food was produced, processed and handled before it got to your plate.
Here’s what you can do about it.
How To Increase Testosterone Naturally
Eat Real Food
If it didn’t have a mother or grow from God’s green Earth, don’t eat it.
A variety of fresh meat and seasonal fruits and vegetables is the best diet for overall health and optimal testosterone.
Eat organic, locally sourced, non-GMO fruits and vegetables.
Eat all natural meat from animals raised the old fashioned way – Without growth hormones or antibiotics.
The animals should be fed a natural diet and have plenty of room to roam around and sunshine to be healthy and happy.
Learn how to cook if you don’t know how. Cooking your own meals is the best way to stay healthy and lean.
Anything that comes from a factory or laboratory is a hard pass.
Foods that Boost Testosterone
Eat these foods instead. Fresh meat from your local butcher
- Grass fed beef
- Chicken
- Lamb
- Wild-caught fish and shellfish
- Free range eggs
- Organic, locally grown fruits and vegetables
Steak and Eggs was the bulk of my diet and helped boost my testosterone.
Don’t shy away from cholesterol or saturated animal fat. You need it to build testosterone.
Drink Distilled Water
Tap water is toilet water.
The tap water you drink today is the same water that you shit into last week.
After you flushed it down the toilet it mixed with your neighbors’ waste, along with anything else in the sewage system. Including but not limited to – – prescription drugs that were flushed down the toilet, blood and body fluids from the local mortician, and run-off water from the streets along with all the dirt, grime, sweat and spit it picks up on the way to the sewer.
This sewage is collected in a big tank and loaded with chemicals before being pumped through lead pipes into your drinking glass.
Instead of drinking toilet water, I drink distilled water.
It’s hard to have high testosterone if you beat down your system with all those pollutants.
Lift Weights
You don’t need to look like Mr. Universe to feel like king of the world.
Lifting weights releases dopamine which makes you feel incredible.
Hitting the iron, blowing off steam in the weight room, will spike your testosterone.
And the added muscle mass will keep testosterone levels up permanently (as long as you don’t stop liftin’).
Get and Stay Motivated
The way you think impacts your testosterone levels.
Want to win, expect to win, plan to win, and train to win and your testosterone will increase.
Years ago I realized that I needed an attitude adjustment if I wanted to accomplish anything in life.
I began listening to motivational speakers 1-2 hours a day, every day. I’ve done this for years and still do it to this very day.
It changed my outlook completely, gave me perspective, and made me feel invigorated. I’m constantly churning new idea and insights.
I used to be negative and small minded, but that’s changed a lot. I’m much more positive, upbeat and optimistic these days.
I set goals, made plans and started making progress. I’m sure this new found sense of direction lended itself to increasing my testosterone levels.
Always striving for more helps you improve. So, always have a rabbit to chase, it will help you keep up the pace.
Surround Yourself with High Testosterone People
Do something competitive. It can be anything, but physical competitions are best for boosting testosterone.
Joining a sports league with force you to improve. Put yourself in an environment that forces you to get stronger.
Work with Type-A personalities. It forces you to step up your game.
Train with people that are bigger and stronger than you. Your testosterone levels with increase instinctually.
Take Cold Showers
Cold showers are awesome. They jolt you awake, and are the perfect cooldown after a workout.
They boost your immune system and teach you control under stress.
Getting hit with ice water makes you want to jump out of your skin. But hang in there and it becomes invigorating.
I take a ‘Scottish Shower’. It’s like a regular shower but then you turn the water ice cold and rinse for a few minutes before getting out.
Bonus Tip: Take shorter showers. Your skin absorbs the chemicals in the water, so try a Military Shower.
Here’s how you do it:
- Step 1. Get your whole body wet head to toe.
- Step 2. Turn off the water and lather up.
- Step 3. Rinse.
This minimizes exposer to tap water chemicals.
Lean into Stress
Most people tell you to avoid stress because it raises cortisol levels. This is bad advice. I seek stress. Stress is the only way to get stronger. Things that used to scare me half to death I do without even thinking about it now.
Leveling up is the only way to beat anxiety and lower cortisol.
Stress is a by-product of fear. Figure out what you’re afraid of, then conquer it, and watch your confidence and testosterone levels soar.
Workout, eat well, sleep well. Have a purpose and a plan every day. And watch anxiety go away.
Use Natural Cleansers
Stop poisoning yourself and your family with industrial chemicals. These are healthier alternatives:
Burt’s Bees Fluoride Free Toothpaste (Fluoride makes you dumber. I don’t know about you but I can’t afford to lose any I.Q. points.)
Dr. Brenner’s Pure-Castile Liquid Soup – I use this stuff to clean everything. It’s real soap. Its ingredients are all natural.
Those should get you started.
Supplements that Increase Testosterone
99% of supplement do not work. These are the 1% that do:
Liver Tablets
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Liver Tablets are the best.
They are loaded with the nutrients needed to increase testosterone.
Work your way up to 10-20+ tabs a day for best results. The strength and endurance benefits need to be experienced to believe.
Maca Root
Maca Root has been known for centuries to boost libido, sexual performance, sexual desire and fertility by stirring up sex hormone production.
Increase fertility, increase seminal volume, increases sperm count and quality of your swimmers.
All of which are a by-product of the natural testosterone increase.
I recommend a combination of Zinc + Magnesium + Calcium and Vitamin D as it enhances the benefits.
All of the supplements above are great for energy and overall wellbeing. They are also great if you want a special delivery from Mr. Stork.
In Conclusion
To boost testosterone naturally you’ve got to block out the bad stuff and do more of the good stuff that gets your juices flowing.
Keep the toxic stuff out of your mouth and keep the poison away from your skin, and you’ll notice a resurgence of vitality.
All you need to do to fight back is have awareness to what’s going on. Your self-preservation instincts will kick in and you’ll start making changes.
Buy from people who care about the food you eat and how it’s produced.
Buy from people who have your health in mind.
On top of that, get plenty of fresh air, sunshine, physical activity and natural food.
That’s the real way to fix low testosterone.
Everything we need was already here before we were.
How about that?
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