This post will show you how to do your first pull-up.
Pull-ups are the best upper-body exercise you can do. They are the main ingredient for a big, wide back and broad shoulders.
Once you can do your first pull-up, you are on your way to building a next-level physique.
This post shows you how to go from not being able to do a single pull-up to being able to do one with no prior experience.
You will learn all the exercises needed to build upper body strength, and do it safely.
You will also get a step-by-step plan that shows you how to get your first pull-up.
How to Do Your First Pull-Up
You’ll need strong arms, shoulders and back muscles (lats) to lift yourself from the clutches of gravity. A strong grip is also a requirement.
First you’ll learn the exercises need to build strong arm, shoulder and back muscles.
Then we’ll put it all together in a routine so that you’ll get your first pull-up in no time.
Here we go.
Exercises that help with Pull-ups
You’ll need a pull-up bar, and a basic free-weight set for the arm and back exercises.
Dead Hangs – Just grab the bar and hang there as long as you can. Dead hangs strengthen your grip . They also get your shoulder, wrist and elbow joints used to holding you bodyweight in the pull-up position.
Bicep Curls – Strengthen your arm-benders enough to pull your body through the air.
Reverse Curls – Provide the same benefits as bicep curls but also build grip strength and give you Popeye forearms.
Rows – Make your arms, back and shoulders stronger while keeping your feet on the ground.
Pull-Up Negatives – Get your chin over the bar and hold yourself there as long as you can.
Pull-Up Progression
We will start slow and build up strength over time.
The following is a 7-Day Pull-up workout designed to make your pull muscles stronger.
For the weight lifting exercises, select a weight you can do 10-12 repetitions with.
On Day 1 of each week, you attempt a pull-up and assess progress.
Pull-Up Progression Workout
Day 1
- Dead Hangs: 3 x hold for as long as possible.
Day 2
- Dead Hangs: 3 x hold for as long as possible.
- Bicep Curls: 3 sets x 10 reps
- Bent Over Rows: 3 sets x 10 reps
Day 3
- Dead Hangs: 4 x hold for as long as possible. (2 sets underhand and 2 sets overhand)
Day 4
- Dead Hangs: 3 x hold for as long as possible.
- Pull-Up Negatives: 3 x hold for as long as possible.
Day 5
- Dead Hangs: 3 x hold for as long as possible.
- Reverse Curls: 3 sets x 10 reps
- Bent Over Rows: 3 sets x 10 reps
Day 6
- Dead Hangs: 4 x hold for as long as possible. (2 sets underhand and 2 sets overhand)
Day 7
- Dead Hangs: 3 x hold for as long as possible.
- Pull-Up Negatives: 3 x hold for as long as possible.
- Bent Over Rows: 3 sets x 10 reps
- Bicep Curls: 3 sets x 10 reps
Repeat this 7-Day cycle. Try to do a pull-up on Day 1 of each cycle.
Do one of the following each workout:
- Increase the sets performed by 1.
- Increase the weight used by a few pounds.
- Increase reps to 12 per set. (if you can do more than 12 reps per set then you need to increase the weight.
Keep reading for more detail on how to do these workouts.
How to Get Your First Pull-Up: Further Explained
Dead Hangs – To perform Dead Hangs just grab the pull up bar and suspend yourself with straight arms.
Hold on as long as you can. Track how many seconds you can hold onto the bar and write it down.
Do 3 dead hangs a day. Try to hold on a little longer each day. The longer you can hold onto the bar, the stronger you are getting.
Increase the amount of dead hangs you do a day to 4, 5 and eventually 6 sets. Do them with overhand and underhand grip to further strengthen your muscles.
Eventually you can add weight by wearing a backpack loaded with weight plates or a gallon of water.
Bicep Curls – Get some dumbbells or an EZ-Bar and do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
Reverse Curls – These are best performed with an EZ Curl bar and are the best way to build Popeye forearms.
Bent-Over Rows – Rows are awesome for building your back muscles. To do them, grab the bar with an overhand or underhand grip (it’s good to mix it up).
Keep your back straight, bend your knees slightly, and bend at the hips so you’re leaning forward at a 45 degree angle. Imagine pulling your elbows to your lower back.
Take 2 seconds to lift the weight, and 3 seconds to lower it for Curls and Rows.
Pull-Up Negatives – These are a great way to train your body and mind for pull-up execution. Stand on something sturdy to help position yourself with your chin over the bar.
Then lift your feet off the sturdy object and suspend yourself in air. Hold your chin over the bar as long as you can.
When you start to drop, fight gravity as long as you can. Then when your arms are fully extended, hang on as long as you can.
Be careful not to fall and hurt your self. Perform these at your own risk and be smart about it.
Eat Right
Eat a bunch of protein to recoup and build muscle.
Lay off the carbs if you are overweight and need to lose fat. Obviously, the lighter you are, the easier it will be to do a pull-up.
Now practice, practice, practice, and keep at it until you get it!
Reach out to me if you have questions.
-The Pull-Up Master
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