Subj: 10 Fast and Furious Fat Loss Tips.
Most folks could care less about having single digit body fat.
Most would be happy just to have a flat stomach. If guys could lose their belly they would gladly deal with the rest of their body the way it is.
Here’s how you lose the gut.
10 Quick and Dirty Fat Burning Tips
1. Stop Drinking Beer
It’s called a beer belly for a reason.
Lay off the suds and watch your belly fat dissolve.
2. Stop Eating Sugar
Show me a man with a belly and I’ll show you a man with a sweet-tooth.
Back in my bulking days I’d eat a half dozen donuts a day. I looked like Shamu as a result.
Most medical issues are directly related to the overconsumption of sugar. Too much sugar leads to weight gain and diabetes. Being overweight is the precursor to almost every preventible medical issue.
If you loaded up all the sugar one consumes over a lifetime into a pickup truck, it would blow out the tires.
Better yet, imagine all that sugar in the top half of a giant hour glass. Imagine yourself laying in the bottom chamber while the sugar pours down slowly smothering you with the sweet kiss of death.
Cool it on the shug. Or, better yet, eliminate carbs all together.
3. Cut out the Carbs
All carbs, with the exception of green vegetables, will only serve to fatten you up.
Carbohydrate is a complex word for sugar.
Your body breaks down carbohydrates into sugar.
Carbs = sugar.
Cut out the carbs to get abs carved from stone.
4. Eat Clean
Eating clean means eating all-natural food.
Modern food is laced with toxic waste.
Clean eating clears out the pollution that’s built up in your body.
You can’t have a high metabolism when your internal engine is clogged.
It’s like changing the air filter and flushing the transmission of your car – You get more power and gas milage.
Clean up your diet and your body will burn more fat. Here’s a good rule of thumb – If man made it, don’t eat it. If it had a mother or grew from the Earth, eat it up.
5. Do Intermittent Fasting
Like eating clean, fasting gives your body a fighting chance to expel all the pollution that it accumulated.
Intermittent fasting is a special way of saying that you routinely don’t eat for an extended period of time.
Your body burns fat reserves for fuel while in a fasted state. Belly fat is the first to go.
Read more about Intermittent Fasting here. It’s highly, highly effective and I recommend it.
6. Move Some Weight
Lifting weights is a fat-burning triple threat:
- Lifting burns a ton of calories.
- Muscle mass burns calories 24/7/365. The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn.
- It keeps you from getting fat.
A fast paced, full-body workout is the best way to go.
7. Cook Your Own Food
99% of food at the grocery store is unfit for consumption. Any food from a chain restaurant is terrible. And fast food is pig slop.
Cook your own food. It seals in the nutrition and is extremely gratifying to prepare a tasty dish. Plus, your body will thank you.
8. Eat Steak and Eggs
Steak and eggs is the the quickest (and tastiest) way to burn fat.
Eat two big meals of steak and eggs twice a day and watch the belly fat disappear like magic.
9. Try the Carnivore Diet
Eat only meat for a week or two straight. You’ll get lean and mean like a big jungle cat.
The vitalization, energy and alertness you’ll experience will be off the charts.
The Carnivore diet is as good as advertised.
10. Hire Me
Hire me as your trainer. I’ll whip you into shape.
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