Imagine rolling a boulder up hill. That’s what it feels like going from skinny-fat to fit.
It’s no easy feat. It takes time, effort, energy, determination and grit.
However, anyone can beat skinny-fat-ness. You just need to get the ball rolling. It takes a strong, steady push to get the boulder up the hill. But once the boulder is over the top of the hill, things get easy.
You have momentum on your side. Your sweat equity begins working hard for you. So you keep getting results.
I know because I’ve done it. Many others have done it as well.
Want proof?
These guys went from skinny-fat to fit as well using the same approach I’m sharing with you now –

Dany’s skinny fat to fit transformation

David’s skinny fat to fit transformation

Jaden’s skinny fat to fit transformation
There are many skinny-fat people like you who have totally transformed their body (and life) through physical fitness.
If you have the desire to go from skinny fat to fit then all you need to do is apply the right formula.
The right formula gives you the best probability of success on your fitness journey. As long as you are commitment to succeed and never give up you cannot fail. Progress can always be made.
Alright let’s get off on the right foot.
Here’s How to Go From Skinny Fat to Fit
At surface level skinny-fat is a body composition issue. Meaning skinny-fat people have a high body fat percentage and little lean muscle mass.
People are skinny-fat for three main reasons:
- Hormone issues
- Slow metabolism
- Lack of physical activity
Hormone imbalance
There are many hormones in the human body but the two we will focus on are testosterone and estrogen to keep things simple.
Testosterone levels are plummeting in males worldwide. This is due to lack of physical education, processed foods, and high levels of xeno-estrogens in our environment.
When testosterone levels go down the body’s ability to build and maintain muscle mass is hindered.
On the flip side if estrogen levels increase then the rate at which your body store body fat increases.
As a result, it gets harder and harder to build muscle and harder to lose fat. Yikes.
Slow metabolism
The more muscle mass you have the more calories you burn. Since skinny-fat guys have low muscle mass they burn less calories than the could be burning.
On top of this a diet with too many refined carbohydrates and processed foods results can cause metabolic damage. This is because the artificial ingredients weaken the body, making the body processes less efficient.
Lack of physical activity
First physical education was removed from schools. Next children, adolescents, and adults are inside on a computer 12 hours a day.
Something as simple as walking 10,000 steps per day will greatly improve your health and wellbeing.
As the steps per day fall lower and lower, this lack of physical activity wreaks havoc on your physical and mental health.
As a result your motivation disappears. Not to mention no physical activity means no extra calories being burned.
Normalizing processed foods makes people Skinny-Fat
Here’s one quick example of processed foods making people skinny-fat:
There’s a commercial on television for peanut butter. It’s a well known brand making mothers feel good about feeding their peanut butter to children.
If you look at the ingredient list they put vegetable oil in the peanut butter.
Vegetable oil is metabolic poison. It a cheap filler ingredient to make the product last longer and have a smoother texture.
Vegetable oil also make you, the consumer, fatter. Vegetable oils and seed oils are a major reason the western world is so obese.
Anyway, this peanut butter commercial took a new angle. It shows tough, rugged, ripped gladiators wearing leather armor and animal skins, sword fighting and shooting the shit in the pits.
All the while eating this peanut butter.
This is a psyop. Any young child who wants to grow up big and strong would see this commercial and want to eat that peanut butter like the cool gladiators. The child is too young to know that the ingredients in the peanut butter are bad for him. But he doesn’t care he just wants the peanut butter to be like the gladiator and he bugs his mom until she gets it for him.
I kind of went on a tangent there but you get he idea. You need to see through this. Let’s take a closer look at nutrition before diving into training.
Skinny-Fat Guy Diet Guide
Okay, now let’s get to some substance. As mentioned, priority #1 for skinny-fat guys is to clean up their diet.
Cleaning up your diet will allow your body to heal. Eliminating processed foods gives your body a chance to do what it does best – clear out the garbage so it can operate at the highest level possible.
Clean eating also feeds your body the nutrients it craves. This helps you get leaner and feel more energized.
The processed food you stop eating will naturally be replaced by whole foods. Whole foods provide everything you need for building lean muscle mass, losing body fat, getting healthy, and improving hormone balance.
Skinny-Fat Guys Food Guidelines
To put it bluntly, skinny fat guys need to eat less carbohydrates and eat more protein and fat.
Refined carbs are the mortal enemy of skinny-fat fellas. Skinny fat guys live off of high-carb diets virtually 100% of the time.
Reduce refined carbohydrates to reduce body fat
Pasta, rice, bread, cereal and sweets are the usual diet staples of the skinny-fat body type.
You must eliminate processed foods to allow your body to clean your system. This will ignite your metabolism and give you energy like you haven’t had in a long time.
Skinny-fat guys should eat meat for best results. The higher quality meat the better. I understand that plant based diets are all the rage right now, but animal protein and animal fat are ideal if you want to improve your skinny-fat physique.
However, your dietary preferences and decisions are yours to make and I respect that. All I’m saying is I’ve seen the best results with a animal based diet.
I’ve experienced the benefits of an animal based diet first hand and it works for me.
Animal fat increases testosterone production naturally. And testosterone helps build muscle and burn fat.
Plant based diet can work but meat based diets are is the best option to stop being skinny-fat in my humble opinion.
Fresh thick-cut steaks and chops made up the bulk of my diet during my skinny fat transformation.
A big juicy steak gives you protein to build muscles, healthy fats for long lasting energy, and all the nutrients needed to increase testosterone and build healthy muscle mass.
It should go without saying but processed meats should be kept at a minimum. Beef jerky and beef sticks and other meat snacks are fine if in a pinch. I just wouldn’t rely on them.
Pro tip – The simplest meal plan on earth for skinny fat guys – It’s called the steak and eggs diet and it’s the best fat loss diet on planet Earth.
Enough about diet for now. We’ve covered red the main idea so moving on to the next topic: Training.
How I went from skinny-fat to fit
To put it simply, going from skinny-fat to fit requires just two things:
- Eating right
- Training right
I went from skinny-fat to fit by fixing my diet. This was the primary factor to improve my body composition.
The first thing I did was change my diet. I removed processed foods and replaced them with healthy, whole foods.
The first thing to do if you want to stop being skinny-fat is evaluate your dietary needs.
I also started to weight train regularly to reshape my body.
Skinny-Fat Guy Workout Guide
The diet should eliminate that extra body fat initially, but you’ll just be skinny if you don’t workout.
Plus, you’ll risk getting skinny-fat again if you don’t have any muscle mass to burn up those extra calories.
I’ll start by saying that training is never an easy thing to do. It’s even harder when you don’t know what to do. I’ve been there – You constantly second guess yourself and it can destroy your motivation.
Luckily you are in the right spot to get the knowledge you need to succeed.
Here’s what I did, and what others did to fix skinny-fat too…
Body weight exercises and calisthenics
First and foremost, I built a solid foundation of muscle with body weight exercises.
I did sit-ups and pushups until I had access to weights.
Body weight exercises for skinny-fat guys
Bodyweight exercises like push ups, sit ups, dips, bodyweight squats and pull ups are something you can do RIGHT NOW to change your life for the better.
Once you can do 10 pushups and sit-ups in a row you can begin incorporating weights into your training routine. Go slow and train safely. Safety is priority number one. Train for the long run!
It’s imperative you unlock the pull up as quickly as possible too. As this will pave the way to muscle gains and body transformations you won’t believe until you experience it.
After you have a basic understand of bodyweight exercises. You can move on to free weights.
The Basic Barbell Exercises
I started weight training with basic barbell exercises. I followed a total body workout program to ensure maximum results and balanced development of all muscle groups.
Total body training is important to you balanced training for optimum health, aesthetics and functional fitness.
To get rid of the skinny-fat look and to get the look you’re going for, incorporate lots of barbell rows, shoulder presses, and lateral raises with dumbbells after doing my squats, deadlifts and pull-ups.
These are some of the best exercises for skinny fat people because they give you a wide back and broad shoulders, which is essential to get rid of the skinny-fat look. Overtime you torso will take on a V-shape and resemble an athletic physique.
First timers and people who have been out of the gym for a while should typically start with a full-body training routine performed 3 times a week.
A good starting point for each workout is 4 exercises (2 upper body and 2 lower body) each done for 4 sets, 8-12 reps per set.
The best exercises are compound movements performed with a barbell.
Gradually add more weight and volume (reps x sets) as time goes on and your body gets used to it. And that’s all there is to it, really.
Further reading: Check out The Ultimate Workout and Diet Guide for Skinny-Fat Guys. It’s a monster article packed to the gills with information you need to defeat skinny fat.
In Conclusion
Eating and training. Training and eating. Those are the MAJOR keys to go from skinny fat to fit. I know it’s oversimplified but that’s what matters most.
With the right training routine and nutrition you can go from a skinny fat body to a “WOW!” body. And you can do it fast.
The right training routine is one that trains your total body that builds a strong foundation. In addition to the foundational lifts you add several other exercise that sculpt your body perfectly. Meaning they put the right amount of muscle in the right spots.
Oh, and you must eat well to fuel your progress.
I put everything I know about going skinny fat to fit into a book called The Skinny Fat Solution. It tells you exactly what to eat for maximum results. (You even get 5 tasty recipes to kick-start your gains in the kitchen).
You also get a full 12 week workout program down to the last detail. And a step by step walkthrough of how to execute all the best lifts skinny-fat guys need to do in order to transform their physique. Summer is coming. don’t miss out!
‘The Skinny-Fat Solution’ is the Ultimate Plan for Radical Body Transformation

If you want that makes peoples’ eyes pop and jaws drop when you take off your shirt, you want ‘The Skinny-Fat Solution’. My all-in-one, easy to read and execute training routine and meal plan for skinny fat guys to get fit.
It gives you everything you need to get fit: a full 12-week workout and covers every detail.
Click here to learn more and get started TODAY.
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