“You are what you eat.”
Do you remember hearing that as a kid?
It’s 100% true because what you eat today is what you become tomorrow.
Everything you eat directly effects your physical health and state of mind.
For example, if you eat bad you feel bad.
Poor food choices make you feel ‘off’. You will feel run-down, tired and your thoughts will be muddled (brain fog).
Keep eating bad food long enough and eventually you will degenerate. Your body simply cannot handle the abuse.
On the other hand, if you eat good food you feel great.
Eat good foods and you will enjoy energy, health and happiness.
You will be awake, alert and ready for life’s adventures. You’ll feel strong, confident, content and powerful.
You Are What You Eat
You become the food you eat
The food you eat literally builds your body from the inside out.
Your cells die and are replaced every minute of everyday of your life. This is a natural process.
In fact, if you’re over 18 years old, every cell in your body is different from the cells that you were born with.
Your body goes through a complete ‘cell cycle’ every decade or so. Meaning every cell in your body has been replaced with new cells.
You are literally not the same person you were years ago. You’re a completely new person. Your physical body has been renewed.
The question is – What are those cells built with?
Those new cells are made of the food you eat.
In order for the ‘New You’ to be the best you, you need to eat well.
Everything you eat either helps you are hurts you.
You never stay the same. Every bite of food moves the needle one way or the other, for better or for worse.
Are you rebuilding your Temple with flimsy twigs and mud, or sturdy bricks and beams?
Well, that all depends on the quality of your building materials. (i.e. the food you eat.)
What are you made of?
If your diet consists mainly of fast food burgers and soda pop, then you’re made of sloppy foodstuffs created in a laboratory.
How can that be good for you?
But if you eat a diet of steak and eggs every day you’ll be lean, strong, and your testosterone will be through the roof.
Whenever I eat steak and eggs I’m beaming with energy and feel fantastic.
As soon as I eat something from a box or drive thru restaurant I feel like crap and just want to sleep.
If you want to be happy and healthy then you must eat healthy food.
What is healthy food?
How do you know if the food you eat is healthy?
Food is healthy if it was raised naturally, in accordance with its nature and in its natural habitat.
For meat this means that the animal was raised in an open pasture with room to roam around and plenty of green grass to graze on.
For fruits and vegetables this means that they were grown in rich soil with plenty of sunshine and fresh water.
It also means the food is non-GMO and untainted by pesticides and artificial hormones.
Healthy fish and seafood are wild-caught from fresh, clean, flowing water.
Farm-raised fish are half-dead before they are put in a body bag.
The next time you’re in the grocery store compare the farm-raised salmon to the wild-caught salmon.
Put them side by side. You will notice that the farm raised salmon will be pale (dead looking) while the wild-caught fish will be a deep beautiful pink color.
This is because the wild-caught salmon is rich with nutrients and was a happy fish swimming freely doing what it was meant to do.
While the farm-raised fish was raised as a depressed prisoner eating cheap feed and in a crowded, filthy fish tank.
Eat as Naturally as Possible
You will benefit from consuming natural foods because its healthy properties will transfer to you.
Eating a healthy organism means you get all the nutrients within it that made it healthy in the first place.
Eating fresh steak from a strong and healthy cattle makes you strong and healthy.
Eating factory processed meat from a cow injected with hormones and fed cheap corn by-product as it rots in a stable, getting fat and unable to move a muscle, is not the healthiest beef in the land.
The factory cow is as healthy as an obese human being who spends all day in the easy chair watching soap operas and eating Twinkies.
Healthy food comes from healthy animals and healthy plants that lived a natural life.
Healthy animals are raised in their natural environment and live a happy life the way Mother Nature intended.
Wild game animals are also healthy – they must be strong to survive and you cannot be strong unless you are healthy.
Unnatural Food is Public Enemy #1
Unnatural foods do unnatural things to your body.
Animals that live an unnatural life cannot produce healthy meat.
When you eat their tainted meat you inherit their negative qualities.
Beware of “Health Foods”
Don’t confuse healthy food with “health food”.
“Health food” is a made up term to trick you into thinking the food is actually food. (The truth is that it’s not even food.)
Items sold as “Health food” will not make you healthy, they will make you fat and sick.
Because they are loaded with artificial ingredients.
They think you’re stupid enough to believe that ‘low calorie’ or ‘low fat’ foods mean they are healthy.
These foods are loaded with artificial flavor to compensate for the lack of taste since all the natural goodness was stripped away at the processing plant.
Don’t spend a penny on these foods.
Keep Your Diet Simple
Simple, simple, simple.
Keep your diet simple and 90% of the battle is won.
Eat simple foods with only a few ingredients.
Anything man-made should be avoided if your aim is good health.
Healthy sources mean that the organism from which the food came from must have been healthy prior to you consuming it.
You Really Are what You Eat
The food you eat predicts your future self.
The food you eat effects your mood within minutes, energy within hours and health within days.
What’s you track record?
If you are 30 years old you’ve already eaten 33,000 meals in your life.
Each of those meals either helps you or hurts you.
Your body will reflect the record. No need to explain a thing.
If you’re in a bad mood maybe it’s because you ate a bad meal.
If you’re tired half way through the day maybe it’s because your food isn’t giving you the energy you need.
Maybe you’re sick because you’re overweight. All that extra weight puts a ton of stress on your immune system.
What can you do about it?
You can start making changes right now. Now is the time to correct course. Small changes today will add up to big changes overtime.
Eat the good.
Avoid the bad.
That’s all there is to it.
If you want a good life then you better eat well.
You are what you eat after all.
Much Love,
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