Subj: The best breakfast is no breakfast.
Fasting is a simple hack of elite high-performers. Most people will not fast because it’s uncomfortable. Fasting contradicts their idea that you need to consume, consume, consume.
Humans have an instinctual urge to eat. This urge to eat is out of control. Look at America’s obesity epidemic for proof.
The urge to devour food is exploited by smart companies to get rich. Food is plentiful and the food is formulated precisely to make it crave-able. They want you addicted to their product, so you keep coming back for your fix.
They beat the advertising drum to enchant you with their message, telling you it’s okay to treat yourself. Besides, everyone else is doing it so it must be okay, and surely you don’t want to miss out.
I’m always amazed to see a line of cars stacked bumper to bumper wrapped around McDonalds. It’s like this every morning, noon, and afternoon.
Do you think those people waiting 20 minutes to eat trash are high performers?
Unlikely. Their priorities are wrong.
You don’t get anything done with a belly full of bread. Food in your gut does nothing but weigh you down.
Break the shackles of food addiction by fasting. Get leaner and more productive as a result.
Why Would Anyone Fast
Here are a few reasons for fasting:
A) Fast because it’s good for you.
B) Fast as a middle finger to those who want to get rich at the expense of your health.
C) Your own reason(s).
I fast because of it’s many benefits. Fasting is a quick and easy way to burn fat. Fasting also helps increase testosterone levels naturally (meaning you will get stronger and build more muscle mass as a result.)
Fasting keeps my physique in check. I know I’m not going to overeat if I only eat two meals a day. Meaning I can maintain a rock hard six-pack simply.
There’s also religious fasting. I totally see why people fast for religious purposes. One reason is that your imagination gets very vivid while fasting. Your intuition also improves when you fast. Imagination and intuition are a powerful combination.
Your mind will pump out great ideas faster than you can write them down. Fasting gives you the energy, focus and motivation to execute those ideas.
Zig When Others Zag
Don’t follow the herd.
Most people follow the herd, so if you’re like most people I suggest you evaluate your position.
The safety in numbers argument only leads to self-destruction. The sad part is people don’t realize this until it’s too late.
What can You Do? Focus on YOU
When people want to eat like there’s no tomorrow, let them. Focus on you. Focus on improving yourself.
Most people will despise you for trying to help them anyway. People can be fiercely protective of their destructive habits. Not your problem. Be an example and maybe they’ll come to the realization themselves.
Fasting: Less is More
Everyone wants you to add to your routine. They always say you’re “missing something”. Do this thing, do that thing – do more, more, more!
Notice they always want to sell you something?
I tell you to do less. Do less and you will get more results.
It’s paradoxical, but it works.
Try it, and see for yourself.
Sometimes doing less is the answer, when most people think they need to do something new or different to make a change. When in reality all they need to do is eat less often. That’s it.
It’s too simple for some people to believe. But the ones who know, know. And all we can do sometimes is serve as an example and hope people catch on.
Fasting Works Fast
The benefits of fasting are apparent immediately.
Days I fast are much more productive than days that I don’t. Fasted mornings are the best – After my morning weight training session I immediately get to work. When I’m fasting I crank out more work at a higher quality compared to when I eat breakfast.
I’m so much more productive it’s almost hard to believe. The level of focus I have while fasting must be experienced to be believed.
Fasting improves your life in many ways.
Fasting builds discipline. It improves your focus.
It’s a test of willpower. Fasting is an exercise in self control. If you can overcome your urge to eat, you can force yourself to do anything.
Fasting Myths
I can hear it now: “But you need energy from food to focus.”
Not true.
Not eating for 12+ hours kicks your mind into high gear. Why? Because your brain wants to feed your body. Fasting triggers your hunter instincts.
Your senses will be sharper and you will think faster. You will be more assertive and forceful when fasting.
Fat people are more docile as a general rule. They take the easy way, the path of least resistance. Which is why they follow the herd.
Sure there are exceptions, but the numbers don’t lie.
I empathize because I see it in myself sometimes. When I’m full of food I become indifferent. I’m satiated. I care less about the work that needs to be done.
Like Ben Franklin said –“A full belly makes the mind dull.”
And man he wasn’t kidding. Food slows you down and makes you lazy.
Flip the Script and Fast
If you want to kick ass all day, you can’t let food weigh you down. The more you think you need food the more you should resist. People can go weeks without food. I’ve gone 2 days without food. The result? I felt awesome.
Don’t fall for the myth that you need to eat or you won’t be able to perform well. Don’t kid yourself. Herschel Walker was the greatest athlete to ever live and he ate one meal a day after fasting for 23 hours.
I train fasted every morning. I deadlifted 475 pounds while being fasted for 14 hours.
I know what fasting does for me. The benefits are incredible. I’m fasted as I write this article. I’ve already worked out, showered, dressed and walked to my favorite coffee shop to write this article.
The words just flow out of me while I’m in a fasted state. Probably because my body doesn’t have to spend energy digesting food. And because my mind is primed, hungry, looking for the next kill. When you’re full you just want a cat nap.
Sure, my stomach growls while fasting. That’s my inner lion waking up, coming to take what’s mine.
Until next time.
Stay hungry,
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