Subj: Minimalistic training routines for fast, effective training.
Life happens. Sometimes life keeps you out of the gym as a result. These minimalist workouts are great for when you’re busy. A crammed schedule is no excuse to let your training slip. Because when your training slips your health deteriorates. And that, my friend, is a slippery slope.
Not to mention, neglecting your training is poor prioritization. Your body is your most value asset. Why wouldn’t you take care of it? Physical training is how you build resilience and thrive under pressure.
Maybe you’re working overtime on a project at work. It’s Sports season with your kids or your In Laws are in town for an extended stay…or maybe you’re a busy student studying for finals, or a 9-5er starting a side hustle. These workouts are great to keep your hard earned gains and will serve a welcome pressure release during hectic times.
Keep it simple. Train with intension. Two total body workouts a week. Spaced two or three days apart is a smart approach.
What is Minimalist Training?
The goal of Minimalist Training is to provide results as quickly and efficiently as possible. Why spend more time getting in shape when you can get the same results with less time and energy investment?
Minimalist workouts maximize every minute you spend at the gym by focusing on exercises that provide the best return on your time investment.
Maintenance Workout Routine
If you want to get stronger and build muscle, rest longer between sets. Assuming time is of the essence you want to make the most of each rep. So, this workout was design to be effective and efficient at building and maintaining muscle mass and strength.
Focus on Compound Exercises – Squats, Deadlifts, Pull-ups, Dips, Rows, Bench Press, Shoulder Press, and Barbell Curls. Lifts that improve power and overall athleticism are included as well.
Take One Set to Failure – Take the last set of each exercise to failure. The last rep you can possibly do is the crescendo, don’t short change yourself by quitting too soon. You have plenty of time to recover between workouts.
Rest under 1 Minute between Sets – This keeps your heart rate up, so the workout doubles as cardio. It also builds muscle and burns fat much better by keeping rest short between sets.
Minimalist Fitness Programs
Minimalist training routines need to be designed to capitalize on muscle synergy. (Which these are.)
Each workout should take about 30 minutes to complete. One minute per set and one minute rest between each set.
Minimalist Workout Split – Example 1
Just two workouts, each training the entire body. Pick a weight that is challenging. This shouldn’t be a cake walk. If you only train 2 hours a week it needs to be intense, otherwise forget it.
Minimalist Workout A
- Deadlift 5 sets 10, 8, 6, 4, 3 reps
- Clean and Press 5 sets 10, 10, 8, 6, 6
- Bent Over Rows 5 sets 12, 10, 8, 6, 6
Minimalist Workout B
- Squat 5 sets 10, 10, 8, 6, 6 reps
- Bench Press 5 sets 10, 10, 8, 6, 6
- Pull-ups 5 sets AMAP – As Many Reps As Possible. Add Weight once you can do more than 10 pull ups in one set.
Perform each workout in alternating fashion. Workout A on Monday, Workout B on Thursday, then start next week with Workout A again, for example.
Making Progress on a Minimalist Workout Routine
With 5 rest days a week you should notice significant progress in terms of strength gains (as long as you are eating properly). Make it a point to increase the weight each week to ensure your muscles are being challenge and that your gains don’t stall.
When you do begin to stall, swap out an exercise for another one. Rotate an new exercise in every 3 weeks or so. 3 weeks is about the amount of time it takes for your body to get accustom to a training technique. When this happens, the workout may become less effective. If this occurs, it’s time to mix up the routine.
If you have questions, comments or concerns, let me know in the comments below.
I’m assuming we should be adding weight with each set?