As a former skinny-fat guy, I know how to eat to go from skinny-fat to fit. The bulk of your diet must consist of all-natural Whole Foods. This article shows you what and how to eat if you’re a skinny-fat guy trying to lose fat.
How to use this guide
I’m here to give you ideas. Consider this article a starting point. It’s up to you to do some research if you’d like to know more about the particulars. But honestly, if you follow this guide you’ll see improvement. Especially if you eat a modern American diet.
Incorporate things you can and improve as you go. This should give you ideas and help you get on the right track. Remember this is a process and strive to be a little better each day.
What is skinny fat?
We’ve covered the basics here many times. But if you want to catch up, here’s an article that answers the question: what is skinny fat?
Nutrition for Skinny-Fat Guys is Everything
Your fat loss journey starts with nutrition. A proper diet is how you stop being skinny-fat.
You are what you eat, after all. If your diet is crap, your physique will be crap. Garbage in = garbage out.
Sure, there are some genetic freaks that eat like crap all the time and they look great, but that doesn’t last forever (plus, they are all very active and young).
If you recall about what causes skinny-fat, you remember that it’s mostly caused by a poor diet. A poor diet is one with 1) too many processed carbohydrates and 2) not enough good stuff.
This article shows you the good stuff.
Why these foods are good for Skinny-Fat guys
The good stuff is all natural. Natural food allows your body to heal. It allows you to have a healthy body composition (ratio of bodyweight between muscle and fat). And, most importantly, a healthy diet rebalances your hormones (super important). Hormone imbalance, such as low testosterone and high estrogen in men is a main factor in the skinny-fat body type.
Skinny-fat guys have a terrible metabolism. Not because they were born with it, but because they eat so bad. If you want to fix skinny-fat, you need to remove the foods causing the problem in the first place. Then replace them with foods that will help you grow lean muscle mass, give you energy and increase metabolism.
All the foods in the skinny-fats diet meet the following criteria.
All Natural Foods
The best foods for skinny-fat guys are all natural. All natural means farmed or raised in a way that is in accordance to the foods nature.
For example, a head of lettuce should be grown in nutrient rich soil with plenty of sunshine and fresh water. And it should be raised without chemical sprays, etc. Organic food is good if you can find it. Or you can grow it yourself. (Not practical for most people, I know, but it is something to consider.)
No artificial ingredients
Artificial ingredients are in almost everything. Artificial ingredients add taste and texture to foods. This sounds like a good thing until you realize this extra taste has a hefty price. Your body can’t digest artificial ingredients. So it builds up in your system as toxins instead. Not good.
No processed foods
Commercialization of food is great because it creates plenty of food for people. But it comes with trade offs. Processed foods hurt your health. Plus processed foods make you feel gross when you eat them.
Processed foods are stripped of nutrition which this further reduces your metabolism because there’s no ‘good stuff’ to repair your body.
Remember your body is in a constant state of rebuilding. And a building is only as good as the material used to build it. (imaging building a skyscraper out of mud.) Avoid processed foods and foods with processed ingredients and you will feel, and look much better.
No seed oils
We’re now learning that seed oils are terrible for us. (After years of being told to eat them.)
Seed oils destroy your metabolism and wreak havoc on your health. Do not eat seed oils if you want to be healthy.
Foods that Fix Skinny-Fat
Don’t neglect the section above about the foods to avoid.. You need to remove the bad foods and replace with the good foods below. The good foods for skinny-fat guys are protein rich, full of satiating animal fat and light on carbohydrates.
Protein and fat should be the bulk of the skinny-fat mans diet. Why?
- Protein builds muscle and other body tissues.
- And animal fat build natural testosterone.
Protein Sources for Skinny-Fat men
Whole eggs from free-range chickens. Eat the yoke – You need the nutrients including the cholesterol to build testosterone naturally. Try to eat 3-6 whole eggs everyday.
Fish is a great food source. Probably one of the best. Focus on fresh cough wild fish from clean waters. Don’t eat anything from countries that pollute because all that nasty pollution ends up in the food. (and in you if you eat it.
All the following can be bought fresh, frozen or from a can.
- Salmon
- cod
- tuna
- mahi mahi
- trout
- snapper
- striper
- sardines
- Shellfish
- Shell fish are fine from time to time. I personally don’t eat them much, but do make a few exceptions.
- Lobster
- crab
- scallops
- shrimp
- oysters
Poultry and fowl
Our feathered friends are full of tasty meat. Turkey and chicken are the most common options but don’t be afraid to try more exotic types as long as they meet the requirements in the preceding section.
- Turkey (~90% lean. 99% is very dry)
- Ground
- whole ass turkey
- chicken
- Whole chicken
- rotisserie
- Ground chicken
- chicken breast
- chicken thighs and legs
- duck
Ah yes the crown jewel of my diet. I eat a lot of red meat. Dr. Atkins would be proud. (Other doctors not so much.)
- Steak
- new York strip
- porterhouse
- filet
- top sirloin
- Ground beef (90% lean)
Fruits and Vegetables for skinny-fat guys
Ripe fruit helps replace sweets
Focus on eating seasonal fruits that grow locally.
- Broccoli
- Asperagas
- Brussel sprouts
- lettuce
- romaine
- iceberg
- spinach
- potatoes
- red potatoes
- sweet potatoes
- peas
- blueberries
- strawberries
- bananas
- mangos
- lemons
- orange
- limes
Healthy Carbohydrate Sources for Skinny-Fat Guys
Ok, I’ll admit carbs aren’t all bad. There are a few left that are fine to eat in moderation.
- Beans – could be in the protein category but better off here if you’re a meat eater.
- barley
- lentils
- chickpeas
Don’t eat bread unless it’s fresh baked bread if your nana makes it.
These foods will take you from skinny-fat to fit.
Grocery hauls for the Skinny-fat Diet
I’m thinking about posting videos of my weekly grocery hauls. Let me know in the comments if you are interested in seeing this.
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