Let’s get right to the point: Poor diet is the main reason people are skinny-fat. And the easiest way to fix skinny-fat is with intermittent fasting.
Because fasting activates your body’s natural healing and fat-burning process.
Fasting also boosts natural testosterone production for enhanced muscle building. Fasting is natures cleaning mechanism. It gives your system a breather from digesting food. And give it a chance to purge toxic chemicals from your body. Toxic chemicals that you have have been ingesting for a long time.
Why am I telling you this?
Because once you clean out the gunk and junk from your system, it’s easier to burn fat. Not only that but it’s easier to build muscle too because you’re heathlieir. Fasting makes you more efficient, like you’re running on all cylinders.
For those reasons Intermittent Fasting is the best way for skinny fat guys to transform their body.
Here’s how it works:
Why Intermittent Fasting is the Best Diet for Skinny-Fat People
Fasting burns fat. It’s as simple as that.
Unless you have an underlying health issue with your metabolism, or other kind of problem, fasting works extremely well for burning fat.
Fasting Increases metabolism
Fasting speeds up your metabolism by making your body processes more efficient.
What I mean by that is when you fast, you allow your body to clean itself out. The only way to get the bad ingredients out is to stop taking the bad ingredients in. And giving yourself time to detoxify.
Once you cleaned out your system, you will be primed and ready to burn more fat AND build more muscle.
Intermittent fasting is great for body recomposition
Skinny-fat is a problem with body composition, and the best way to improve your body composition is with intermittent fasting. Fasting burns fat and builds muscle at the same time.
I can back this up with first hand experience, and the experience of friends and acquaintances who have told me about their success with intermittent fasting. Not to mention all the scientific, peer reviewed research and studies done on the benefits of intermittent fasting. Anyway, my point is that it works.
Again, fasting burns fat (cool), and increases your muscle building potential (awesome).
Lose belly fat fast
Fasting gives you results you can see faster than any other method. The ability to lose fat while gaining muscle makes the muscle easier to see. While making you leaner with less belly fat. It’s a powerful combo that works in your favor to look and feel better.
It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. But it is the best method I know of to get fit if you are skinny-fat. It’s not as hard as other fat-loss methods. And it’s much more effective.
Is it perfect?
No. But what diet is?
You will be hungry while fasting. That’s part of the deal. Eventually you adapt and get used to it and it’s no problem. Your body is trained to expect food at certain times. Therefore it can be trained to not expect food at certain times. And when it’s not time to eat you will be less hungry as soon as your body adapts to your new intermittent fasting schedule.
Why skinny-fat guys should fast
Fasting is well documented as a natural health and healing protocol. Ancient civilizations, religions, and wise men from long standing cultures would fast for many reasons. They did it for the health, mental, and spiritual benefits.
Benefits of fasting for skinny-fat guys
Skinny-fat guys in general have a messed up metabolism. Their body fat percentage is high even though their overall bodyweight is low. This is a recipe for disaster. Weakness, frailty, moodiness, and much worse if it goes on for too long. You can read more about what skinny fat is here.
I’m going to beat this drum to death but – as a skinny-fat guy you need to fix your metabolism and the best way to do that is with intermittent fasting.
Fasting is part of the equation – you still need to eat clean. Clean up your diet and fasting is how you turbocharge your health, body, mind and energy levels.
What’s the best way to fast if you’re skinny-fat?
There are many ways you can fast. The optimal duration is usually 16 hours. I typically fast from 8PM until Noon the next day. During a fast you can drink water with minerals and electrolytes.
No calories are allowed during fasting hours. Except for small, SMALL trace amounts in coffee and tea. Black coffee. No cream or sugar. If you need sweetener, fine. Sprinkle some stevia in your beverage. But it’s better to not have any substances other than water and minerals while fasting.
When you break fast, you can eat pretty much whatever you want as long as it’s steak. Or animal protein with green vegetables. Fruit is okay too.
Parting thoughts on intermittent fasting
Keep your diet simple and clean. And you will become a well oiled machine.
When you break a fast, try your very best to eat healthy, whole foods. Keep your carbohydrate intake on the lower end. Eat just enough carbs to have energy to work all day and to get a pump in the gym. But not so much that you get tired all the time or get puffy and inflamed.
Stay on track, give it your all and keep the faith and you’ll be well on your way to a leaner, stronger, healthier physique in no time.
Good luck and God bless.
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