Who is Bernarr Macfadden?
Bernarr MacFadden was a physical culture icon famous for his eccentric ideas. He was a prolific writer and honestly a dynamo who promoted a natural lifestyle, physical fitness, and bodybuilding. He was one of the first to promote weight lifting for women. Bernarr MacFadden was a polarizing figure. Many of his theories and practices were met with resistance and massive criticism.
He had some interesting theories about health and physical fitness. Some of his work discussed how to improve your eyesight without surgery, how to rejuvenate your health through fasting, and how to determine the sex of your baby.
MacFadden became interested in physical culture as a boy. He worked on a farm in his youth and was a “strong boy”. It wasn’t until he took a desk job as a young teenager that his health turned for the worse. He became a “physical wreak” due to sitting down for two years straight. It wasn’t until he got back to physical labor jobs that he felt healthy and strong again. He began walking 5 miles a day to regain his health.
His birth name was Bernard McFadden, but later changed his name to Bernarr, because it sounds like the roar of a lion. And he changed his last name from McFadden to MacFadden because he thought it was the more masculine spelling of his name.
Bernarr Macfadden Publications and Physical Culture Magazine
Bernarr McFadden was a media mogul who built and ran a publishing empire. McFadden’s publications created waves in society.
Doctors and laymen alike thought MacFadden’s ideas were too outlandish. Many people wrote him off as a quack. Others thought he was a charlatan but I think he was a showman. A damn good showman.
And he was albe to parley his attention from society into a massive health and wellness empire that helped people live better lives while making MacFadden massively rich.
Two most prominent of MacFadden’s publications were Physical Culture magazine and True Story magazine.
Physical Culture magazine talked about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. True Story was like a tabloid magazine that churned the rumor mill.
Bernarr Macfadden Physical Culture City
Bernarr Macfadden was so dedicated to the his ideas that he built an entire city centered on the belief of pure physical health and fitness.
“Physical Culture City” was free from vices and modern amenities that weaken the body mind and spirit. McFadden bought 18 acre in Englewood, New Jersey and erected an entire town based on a healthy lifestyle. It had a gymnasium, jungle gym, swings, hiking trails,
There was no saloon and no drug store. Physical Culture city had a restaurant, workout facilities, airflow houses, and a lake for aquatic workouts and drinking water.
It was completely livable but folded after a few years as it never caught critical mass. But it did have over 200 residents at it’s peak.
Bernarr Macfadden Fasting
MacFadden talked at length about the miracle of fasting. And how fasting cleared his mind, body and spirit. It helped him reach the pinnacle of physical health. Honestly, fasting could be a big part of how he was able to write over 200 books.
Bernarr MacFadden wrote 4-5 full books a year. Each book was 200-300+ pages. 12 point font. Single spaced. Times new roman. Full, dense, serious books. His productivity was sky high. He was clearly a high achiever. Fasting does make you more productive and mentally sharp.
After you break through the hunger barrier your mind gets sharper, your creativity is heightened and ideas just flow easier. MacFadden claimed he fasted 49 days straight.
While possible to do without food it is likely he was in a calorie restricted state but eating some calories. Probably from nutrient dense raw foods like fresh fruits and vegetables.
Bernarr McFadden family
Benarr MacFadden and his wife Mary had seven children. All their names started with the letter B. Bernarr’s first children were all girls. 4 or 5 girls in a row.
Determined to have a male heir he poured himself into text, books, score, anything he could find to increase his odds to sire a male child. He did just that and had 3 boys in a row.
Bernarr Macfadden Wife
Bernarr met his wife, Mary Williamson MacFadden after she won “The perfectly formed female” competition. The competition was organized and sponsored by MacFadden himself.
Bernarr MacFadden’s notable ventures and pursuits
Opened a restaurant in New York City in 1902 called Physical Culture. Physical Culture restaurant was one of the city’s first vegetarian venues.
Highly recommend a book by Mark Adams about Bernarr Mcfadden if you are interested in learning more:
Mr. America: How Muscular Millionaire Bernarr Macfadden Transformed the Nation Through Sex, Salad, and the Ultimate Starvation Diet
Thanks for sharing, Thomas – will check out the book!