Subj: The Adonis Belt workout for V cut abs.
What is an Adonis belt?
The Adonis belt (also called ‘Apollo’s Belt) is the name of the iliac furrow at the pelvic region created by the inguinal ligaments. In other words the Adonis Belt is the V-shape lines of your lower abs.
Why is it called the Adonis Belt?
The ‘Adonis Belt’ is named after the greek god Adonis. Adonis represented youth, athleticism, and natural beauty. According to myth, Adonis was incredibly good looking and apparently possessed a striking midsection.
Adonis was so striking in fact that he had goddesses fighting over him. As you might suspect, Adonis was a legendary ladies man – He won over Aphrodite, the most beautiful women in history, with his youthful charm, athleticism, and chiseled physique.
His most noteworthy physical attribute being his V-shaped lower abdomen.
Adonis possessed quite possibly one of the most attractive features one could have: iliac furrows – the grooves under your obliques starting at your hips and tapering down to you pubis bone in a ‘V’ shape. The Adonis Belt can be developed through athletic pursuits, strength training and core exercises. Additionally, one must have muscle density and low enough body fat to have a visible adonis belt.
Although Adonis died tragically in a wild boar hunting accident, his myth stands the test of time.
If you want to level up your beach body here are three exercises that will help you do it.
How to get an Adonis Belt
A good physique has a well defined midsection and a strong core. A strong core is required to have a healthy physique. you need it for balance and energy transfer.
A key to having an Adonis Belt is to have a low body fat percentage. Having low body fat percentage helps to see the abdominal muscles beneath the skin.
Depending on your muscle density and maturity, you probably need to be under 20% body fat to have a visible adonis belt.
A visible adonis belt also requires well developed abdominal muscles. The inguinal ligament needs tension and tone to create the shape v-line of the adonis belt. And the inguinal ligament gets that way with direct ab exercises in ADDITION to an overall total body workout program to create an athletic physique.
That means doing compound movements like deadlifts, back squats and lunges. This should go without saying but if you are generally athletic and spent time training your total body then you are more likely to have an adonis belt.
Depending on your genetics, body fat distribution, and muscular development, you can have an adonis belt even if you have relatively high body fat. This is more typical in people who have been athletes in the past and have spent time in the gym training.
Low body fat and well developed core muscles.
The body fat issue is handled in two ways:
1) Eating fewer calories to elicit fat loss
2) Strength training to increase fat burning.
You develop core muscles by training the core muscle. the core muscles are the abdominal, obliques, and lower back muscles. We’ll get into all that here soon.
How to lower your body fat percentage to reveal abdominal muscles
To get the Apollo’s belt you need a weight loss plan. A general rule is to reduce carbohydrates. Especially sugar and refined and processed carbohydrates. Clean up your diet and you’ll notice your abs start to show through given enough time. Eating clean also reduces inflammation to make your skin appear tighter and look generally more toned.
Top Exercises for V-Cut Lower Abs
There are many exercises you can do to get an Adonis belt. However they are not all created equal. The following are some of the best abdominal exercises to build muscle mass in all the most important areas of the core. These exercises build the abdominal muscles, oblique muscles, and strengthen the connective tissue to create those v shaped muscular grooves you seek.
Hanging Leg Raises – Hang on a pull up bar, tree branch, or monkey bars. Lift your legs up straight in front of you. Your body should resemble the letter “L” at the top of this ab movement.
Try not to swing your legs up. Hold your torso steady like it’s frozen in air, not swaying back and forth. Keep your legs straight while performing the movement. Only have your knees bent slightly as your ab muscles fatigue.
Hanging Knee Raises – Knee raises are a great follow up exercise after hanging leg raises. Since your abs are feeling fatigued. Keen bends make the lifting action easier. It’s a great way to fully gas the abs. For extra credit you can lift your knees across your body, alternating side to side. This brings the obliques into play.
Prone Leg Raises – Lay down with your back on a bench, longways. Hang your legs off the edge of the bench. Slowly lift your legs up until your feet are pointed toward the ceiling. Sloooowly lower your legs back down again. Keep the tension on your abdominals the whole time. Do 3 sets of as many reps as possible.
Side Bends – Grab a dumbbell in one hand. Stand up completely straight. Bend to the weight side as far as you can. Do 2 sets of 12 reps for each side.
Sit ups – that’s right, classic sit ups performed to perfection will help carve a glorious adonis belt. This targeted exercises
Stomach vacuum – a long lost abdominal exercise. Stimulate the internal organs and help improve digestion.
Side Planks – These are great for your whole body.
Pike crunches – This is an advanced exercise. Get in a pushup position with your toes on an exercise ball. Push your hips into the air by contracting your ab muscles to pull the ball toward you. Lower until your body is back in a straight line and repeat.
Adonis Belt Workout
Here’s on of the best ab workouts I’ve found. I have a few go-to ab exercises and I tend to mix it up with new exercises from time to time to keep my muscle guessing.
- Hanging Leg Raises – 3 sets of as many reps as possible.
- Hanging knee raises – 3 sets of as many reps as possible.
- Laying Leg Lifts – 3 sets of as many reps as possible.
- Side bends – 2 sets each side with as many reps as possible.
- Sit ups – 3 sets of as many reps as possible.
- Planks – 30-60 senconds each side
Rest 30 seconds between sets.
Perform 3-5 times per week.
There you have it. That’s how you get an Adonis Belt. I would perform the 3 exercises before each workout. You should see a big difference in a month.
You need enough abdominal muscles to make your adonis belt pop. Get enough protein to recover and nourish new muscle growth.
Adonis Belt Conclusion
Most people can have an adonis belt. Barring some kind of injury or genetic mutation you have all the right parts to have a visible adonis belt. It might take more work for some people compared to other. Genetics play a role in how easy it is to get an Apollo’s belt or how defined or deep the grooves are.
Just focus on building muscle with a total body workout routine. Based with calisthenics and compound exercises like squats, deadlifts lunges, rows, pull ups, push ups and presses.
Train hard. Eat right and before long you will notice two shallow grooves start to form by your hip bones.
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