5 tips to be more productive. Get more done with these tips.
Unique Productivity Tips
Here’s a quick overview. Scroll down to read more.
- Delete Social Media from your phone
- NO phone until Noon
- Wear Earplugs (pro tip)
- Plan tomorrow today
- Intermittent fasting (and meal planning)
Productivity Tip #1: Delete Social Media
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tic Tok – they all got to go. Just get rid of it.
What benefit does social media give you really?
You don’t need to know that your great aunt Sally had Olive Garden lunch. Or that girl you went to Highschool with is at the pumpkin patch with her 10 kids.
That’s cool and good for them. But you need to focus on you, king.
Social media is meant to knock you off track. That’s how it’s designed. It sucks you into a vortex of addicting content.
Social media lowers your guard under the guise of connecting with family and friends. But really it’s a war zone pumping nonsense into your lizard brain to get you off kilter. You open your app and 2 hours later you’re fighting online with bots.
Best to just avoid entirely if you want to build anything worthwhile
Annihilate the social media succubus. Prevent mindless scrolling. And get back to work.
The only exception is if you make money on social media. If not, then nuke it. Scorched Earth policy. Hit delete and don’t look back.
I have an addictive personality. 99.99% of the population is susceptible to this. No-one can resist a dopamine rush. But take precautions to fight it. It’s best not to give an inch.
No phone until Noon
This is right in line with the delete social media stuff. Most people wake up, take a piss and scroll their timeline before shaking the last drop.
All this does is pollute your fertile mind with trash. Here’s what I mean:
The first hour of the day is the Golden Hour. The Golden Hour should be protected at all costs.
This is the time when your mind is most receptive to whatever you show it. It’s when you are most creative and energized.
The Golden Hour is when you are fresh and can plan your day ahead, and tackle your most important task. Looking at your phone too soon ruins this.
Don’t ruin Golden Hour. Turn your phone off until Noon. You will be amazed at how much you get done.
Wear Earplugs
Earplugs are a God send. Especially if you are easily distracted or sensitive to sound.
Earplugs block out annoying noise and allow you to focus on what’s important. I wear mine daily. It helps me work.
Bonus points for travel. I was recently on a plane with a SCREAMING child right behind me. I popped in my earplugs and doozed off without much of a care in the world.
I also sleep with them to block out any noise and they work great. You get a better nights sleep and wake up rested for a more productive day.
Plan tomorrow today
Have a plan for tomorrow. Write it down before going to bed tonight. Write down the top 3 things you must accomplish tomorrow.
Set out your gym clothes so you wake up and go without thinking about it. Get your water ready to drink in the morning so you can hydrate.
Waste no precious time deliberating and get straight to work.
Intermittent Fasting
Fasting is a productivity hack for several reasons. First, you don’t spend your most productive hours eating. Second, fasting allocates more of your body’s energy to mental tasks. Rather than digestion, which is resource intensive.
In the same vein you can meal prep each week so your meals are ready to eat when you’re hungry. Saving you time and energy to focus on productivity.
What are your favorite productivity tips?
Let me know in the comments.
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