Subj: How to get 6-Pack Abs without starving yourself.
I’ll keep this article short and to the point because beach season is right around the corner.
Dudes want to have a 6-pack. Girls want dudes that have a 6-pack.
So, how do you get 6-pack abs?
Obtaining washboard abs is a two-part formula:
#1. You must have muscular abs +
#2. You must be lean enough for your muscular abs to show through the skin.
To get muscular abs, you must train hard. To get lean, you need to eat right amount of the right food.
Training should be a combination of total body plus targeted ab work.
The best part is you can have abs show all year once you build enough muscle and learn how to eat properly.
The 3 Part Solution to Develop 6-Pack Abs
You’ll discover that diet is the #1 way to get diced. You must eat less calories than you burn each day in order to lose enough belly fat to expose your glorious abdominals.
Below is a combination of three things I use to get a six pack.
#1) Intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting is quite possibly the fastest way to get 6-pack abs. I prefer the 16/8 intermittent fasting method where you fast for 16 hours and eat with an 8 hour window.
Within this 8 hour ‘feeding window’, I usually eat 2 meals and have several snacks.
Within days of intermittent fasting I notice improvement in my abdominal definition.
Be sure to drink a lot of water while intermittent fasting. I drink over 2 gallons a day. I fill my Nalgene bottle with water and drink it constantly throughout the day. Usually, I’ll drink a gallon before noon. It curbs hunger, flushes your system and helps metabolize fat.
If you want to jumpstart your fat loss, try the steak and eggs diet for two weeks.
#2) Eat clean
Eating clean is easier said than done. It starts at the grocery store – Only buy clean foods and you will only eat clean foods.
Meal prep is another trick to ensure you eat healthy.
Have healthy snacks like almonds and nuts on hand at all times incase hunger strikes.
Eat beef, chicken, fish, eggs and green vegetables for 80% of your diet.
Go low-carb. Pasta, rice, cereal and breads are off limits or to be eaten in small amounts. Most of this stuff is garbage anyway. Personally, it makes me bloated and lethargic. I love pasta and bread but I feel much better now that I don’t eat it (often). It’s easy to ween yourself from things once you see and feel the benefits.
#3) Train hard
The best way is total body training using heavy lifting.
Squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, and barbell rows are must dos.
Train as heavy as you can safely. Training heavy with these exercises guarantees you have a strong core or else you would buckle under the weight.
6-Pack Abs Workout
I rarely train abs directly. I developed abs primarily through heavy squats and deadlifts. I also keep my abs and core tight during every exercises. This braces the body and builds the abs.
So, you need to get aquatinted with basic barbell training if you aren’t already. It’s the only way to have a 6 pack all year without depriving yourself of food.
Ab Exercises
The best ab exercises are weighted cable crunches, leg lifts on a bench, and hanging leg raises.
Make it a point to do 4 sets of one of these exercises after every workout and you’ll be trading in that keg for a 6-pack in no time.
Weighted cable crunches can be done by setting the pulley as high as it goes then picking a weight you can do 10 reps with. Perform reps slowly and eliminate all momentum. Crunch abs hard at the bottom until it feels like they are going to cramp. then slowly raise up.
Hanging leg raises are more advanced and you may have to work up to these.
Dead hang from a pull up bar, take a big breath and flex your abs hard to curl your legs up while exhaling. Try to bring up your knees as high as you can and bring them as close you your body as you can.
Leg lifts are a great ab exercise. Lay down on a bench with butt on the edge. Stick your legs straight out. Keep your legs straight and tighten your abs to lift up your legs. Hold at the top for maximum contraction and slllooowly lower your legs back to the starting position. Hang your butt off the edge for more challenge.
Getting a 6 Pack is a Methodical Progress
If you want to be extra diced, just stick to the program for longer
Now, if you want to keep your abs without starving yourself, you need to build more muscle mass. Muscle burns so many calories it’s not even funny. I can eat 4000 calories a day and not gain an ounce because my muscle burns it all up before it can store as fat.
So, keep building muscle! 2-3 intense total body workouts a week is all you need to trigger muscle growth. Eat well, sleep well and enjoy your ripped physique.
I’ll dive into more detail in my upcoming book.
Over and out.
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