Does Alcohol kill your gains?
Yes. The answer is yes – Alcohol kills you gains.
Not only does it kill your gains, but it also kills you faster.
If you’re hungover it’s because you’re dehydrated and nutrient deficient. Muscle needs lots of water and plenty of nutrients to grow. Alcohol saps your water and vital nutrients thus undermining your gains.
But hey, that’s not going to stop you from drinking is it? Probably not. It’s just so much damn fun going out and getting drunk. So for you party animals out there, I provide 3 low-calories cocktails you can enjoy that won’t make you too hungover.
There’s nothing wrong with it, do what you want. Just know that too much booze kills your gains.
Not only that, but there’s a few other tidbits about alcohol you might find interesting.
Alcohol is one of the most consumed substances on Earth.
Spirits are synonymous with certain cultures. For example, Italians have their wine, Russia adores vodka and Germany loves its beer.
Hell, if it wasn’t for booze, we might not have made it through the dark ages.
While pounding a few drinks is fun it may be killing your gains. So you might want to think twice about proudly sucking down your next brewski.
In this post I’ll shine a light on some of the most common questions about alcohol and its impact on fitness.
Does Alcohol Make You Fat?
Alcohol makes you fat.
It’s called a ‘beer belly’ for a reason, people.
Alcohol has 7 calories per gram. Alcoholic drinks are calorie dense and easy to pound down. One night of drinking could easily cancel out a hard workout.
Now, alcohol itself does not store as fat. BUT alcohol inhibits fat burning.
Your body sees alcohol as a toxin. Just take a swig of your favorite craft beer and, as soon as the poison hits your belly, your body goes to work immediately to get rid of it. It burns off all the alcohol calories before anything else.
Your body shifts into alcohol burning mode and fat metabolization screeches to a halt. It’s all-hands-on-deck to purge the alcohol from your system.
On top of that, unless you’re drinking pure moonshine, there’s a lot of carbohydrates flowing in with the alcohol. These carbs get stored as fat because you’re busy burning off all the alcohol.
Alcohol Makes You Eat More
The drunchies are a real thing.
You can eat more when you drink alcohol. Much more.
Booze makes you hungry. Probably because alcohol is an anti-nutrient that saps vitamins and minerals from your bones.
Your body responds by signaling you to eat. It’s under attack and needs re-enforcments to purge this new threat.
We all know alcohol lowers inhibitions… So your choice of food will more likely be bad for you.
It doesn’t help that Alcohol makes shitty food seem waayyy better. For example:
Have you ever eaten Taco Bell sober? It’s a ‘B-‘ at best.
Ever eaten Taco Bell drunk? You’d think you’re at a Michelin 3-Star restaurant and want to crawl through the drive-thru window to shake hands with the chef. (With my designated driver behind the wheel, of course.)
Everything seems like a better idea when you’re under the influence. So look out, champ.
Does Alcohol Effect Muscle Growth?
Alcohol stunts muscle growth by blunting protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is the process of converting protein into new muscle tissue.
The whole machine is less efficient when alcohol is in the system.
I noticed a huge improvement in my physique when I cut out alcohol.
I went from drinking 3-4 nights a week, down to once or twice a month. The improvement was drastic. I’m leaner, stronger, and more ripped than ever before.
Moderation is Key
I’m no Puritan, and I don’t expect you to be either.
I also realize that not everyone needs to be shredded, but everyone wants to be healthy.
That being said, a drink every now and then isn’t going to hurt you.
One drink a day isn’t that bad for you. In fact, it can be beneficial when you look at things holistically. A drink can help you relax. A glass of red wine a day is also an arguably beneficial practice. It may help you live longer.
A properly prepared cocktail can be a truly pleasurable experience.
A nightly ritual of writing while sipping fine bourbon really does wonders for the soul.
You get the picture.
Unless you’re a competitive bodybuilder, one alcoholic drink a day is perfectly fine.
It’s not going to help you lose weight, but if something you enjoy, go for it.
But, if your goal is to maximize your lean muscle gains, and/or lose fat, I wouldn’t touch the stuff.
Alcohol is Great for Bulking
Drinking alcohol is OK for dirty bulking. However, it’s not going to help your muscle gains, but it will help you gain weight. Even though more of that weight gain will be fat compared to muscle.
I’d stay away from the hard stuff and just drink beer. Quality beer. It’s easier on your system and the carbs will the numbers on the scale go up.
Alcohol is Terrible for Cutting
It should go without saying, but I’ve learned to leave nothing to chance when it comes to getting my point across:
Alcohol should be completely avoided if you want to get ripped.
My perspective on alcohol has completely changed. I used to love it. I’d look forward to and plan around nights of binge drinking and debauchery.
Back in college I drank frequently. I was younger and recovered faster. If I had a hangover, I would drink a glass of Orange Juice and be ready for Round Two.
Now I have three craft beers and I wake up feeling like Chuck Norris round-housed my coconut.
The whole next day I’m dragging ass, feel like shit, and my productivity suffers.
I fight through it and still get shit done, but man, being hungover sucks.
You’re dehydrated, weak, your head pounds, and you feel miserable.
Everyone has the right to live their life how they want. But alcohol was taking more from me than I was getting from it. So I cut that shit out quick.
Remember to Live a Little
Fitness is a life enhancer. It is possible to over do it. If you’re the most physical fit personal on the planet but you have no friends, no family and no job, are you truly fit?
If you neglect those things in pursuit of perfect physique, I would argue no.
Remember to Live a Little
What I mean by that is, fitness shouldn’t control your life (unless it is your life – as in you make a living from bodybuilding, fitness training, etc).
You have work, family, friends, life goals and ambitions. You might want to travel or rebuild a car from the ground up, or maybe spend time with some relatives at a grad party or reunion.
Whatever it is, you should spend time enjoying life. Use fitness to enhance that enjoyment by looking good, feeling good, and having energy to do all the things you love.
Part of having a good life is doing the things you enjoy most. So, when friends ask you to join them for happy hour, don’t sweat it – Go out and have some fun.
Low Calorie Alcoholic Drinks
I’ve put together three low-calorie alcoholic drink options.
These drink keep calories low, and shield against dehydration. (However you should POUND water when drinking alcohol.)
If you find yourself with some time to unwind, here are your three go to drinks with the fewest calories.
ONLY drink if you’re legally old enough to drink – if not, stick to chocolate milk, kiddo.
The Best Low-Calorie Alcoholic Drinks
Vodka & Club Soda
1 jigger (1.5 ounces) of vodka = 100 calories.
Mix 3 ounces of your favorite vodka (I prefer Tito’s) with 9 ounces of Club Soda and you’ve got a 200 calorie cocktail that goes down nicely.
Club Soda has 0 calories. It’s just bubble water.
One or two of these won’t derail your diet, so go enjoy it guilt free.
Toss a lime wedge in there to make it look like you’ve really got something.
Vodka & Water
Vodka and water is just Vodka and Soda without the bubbles.
How to make it: Pour in some vodka over ice and mix with clean, cold water.
I prefer crisp, pure water. Not disgusting sink water polluted with chemicals.
Add mineral water if you’re fancy like that. Stir it up or give it a swirl to blend the liquids. Grand total: 200 Calories + some hydration.
Whisky Diet
Pour 3 ounces of your favorite whiskey into a glass. (Classic Jack Daniel’s or Bulleit Bourbon are two solid suggestions)
Add 9 ounces of Diet Coke, and that equals 210 calories total for the drink.
Whiskey Diet is solid drink that’s low on calories, and is a good alternative to the vodka drinks above if you prefer dark liquor.
Note: Pick the original, unfavored liquor – Avoid the flavored stuff.
This isn’t college anymore. Explore your refined tastes. Plus the flavored stuff has added sugar and artificial flavorings. No bueno.
Add Flavor without Adding Calories
If you need a little flavor in your life, pick up some Crystal Light powder packets.
Put a packet in your (vodka) drink to sweeten it up. Or you can get the Myo liquid flavoring. Just squirt it into your drink.
Whatever works for you.
Crystal Light has almost no calories so you can add flavor without adding pounds. Pick up some portable powder tubes here, Just throw one in your pocket before your go out –> (Crystal Light powder tubes)
Do you know of a good low calorie drink or cocktail? What do you think are the best alcoholic drinks? Share in the comments below!
Disclaimer: Don’t drink and drive. Don’t drink underage. Don’t drink and lift. Use moderation when you do drink. It’s bad for your health.
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