Welcome to Iron and Grit Fitness

My name is Jordan, and I am a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer (#1200527109). I created Iron & Grit to show you how to get strong, get fit, and live well.
My mission is to help you get fit in this modern world. To help you get healthier, leaner, and stronger; To give you the tools you need to feel good, look good, and to keep improving each day. My goal is to Live Life to the Fittest, and help you do the same.
I’ve helped hundreds of men and women across the world get fit with proven training and nutrition methods.
Iron & Grit shows you how to:
- build muscle and burn fat using a variety of workouts and training techniques
- maximize results so you can get fit as quickly as possible
- use healthy practices in your day-to-day life
- make eating healthy easy
About Iron and Grit
IRONANDGRIT.COM is loaded with quality information. It is read by people all over the world. It’s helped many men and women get in the best shape of their lives.
Who is Iron and Grit for?
Iron and Grit is for you if:
- You have a life outside of the gym
- You want to get serious about your health and fitness
- You’re sick of wasting time on workouts and programs that don’t work
- You want more out of life
Fitness isn’t just about how much you can lift or having a six-pack (although it is a nice bonus), it’s about having a strong life. It’s about living how you want to live.
Fitness is about having the will and the skill to live the life you want – To live it your way, and live life to the absolute fullest.
Why Iron and Grit?
Iron and Grit represent my fitness philosophy.
Iron represents the tools and know-how to get fit. Iron is a raw material with unlimited potential to build and create.
Grit represents resolve, determination and toughness required to improve, take charge, and succeed.
1. a strong, hard magnetic metal used as material for construction.
2. a tool used to build, create or improve.
3. a symbol of strength, toughness, and resilience.
bravery, courage and resolve; strength of character.
The combination of Iron & Grit gives you everything you need to succeed in life’s endeavors.
With Iron & Grit you can:
- Lose 30 pounds of fat in 12 weeks.
- Build a body like a Hollywood action hero.
- Get the discipline you need to win.
- Create confidence and self esteem.
- Absolutely crush any goal.
- Get fired up by opportunity and face challenges with a smile.
Iron and Grit Values
At Iron & Grit we value: Courage, Strength, Optimism, Determination, Willpower, Independence, Creativity, Competition, Progress, Positivity, Tenacity and Resolve.
You are blessed with one body and one mind in this life. It’s up to you to make the most of them. You have the right stuff to reach your goal. You just have to realize it then learn how to use it.
The Iron and Grit blog
Here you’ll find:
- Workouts to get strong, healthy and fit.
- Nutrition guidance for maximum energy and wellbeing.
- Tactics and strategies to build a powerful mindset.
- Practical tools to get fit, eat well and have fun doing it.
- Unconventional wisdom to give you an edge over the competition.
- Product reviews
- How-to articles demonstrating exactly how to perform exercises for the desired effect.
Popular Articles
These articles have been read by 100,000’s of people from all over the world. Here are a few articles hand-picked for you to get started.
Top Articles about Weight Loss, Burning Fat and Getting Ripped
- The Skinny-Fat Solution: The Workout and Diet for Skinny-Fat Guys
- The Old School ‘Steak and Eggs Diet’ for Fat Loss, Increased Testosterone and Boundless Energy
Top Articles about Training Routines, Lifting Weights and Working Out
- Herschel Walker’s Insane Workout Routine (how to become a BEAST with bodyweight training)
- Vince Gironda’s 8×8 Workout for Maximum Muscle Fullness and Definition
- The Serge Nubret ‘Pump Training’ Routine (how to build muscle with light weight)
- Frank Zane’s Workout Routine and Diet for a ‘greek god’ Physique
Top Articles about Nutrition, Meal Prep and Supplementation
- The Meathead’s Meal Prep Guide: How to Cook, Eat Well, and Live Better while Saving Time and Money
- Liver Tablets: The Secret Supplement that Builds Muscle, Boosts Strength and Skyrockets Endurance
Diet, Nutrition and Meal Planning
I’ve curated a list of grocery haul videos that show what I actually eat over the course of a year to build muscle and keep my body fat percentage low.
Iron and Grit Amazon Storefront
The Iron and Grit Amazon Storefront is a curated collection of products I use regularly to live better.