Fix Skinny Fat for Good.
Go from Skinny Fat to Fit with The Skinny Fat Solution
The Workout & Diet Guide to transform your body from skinny-fat to lean and strong.

The Skinny-Fat Solution shows you how to FIX Skinny-Fat at the source.
It contains everything you need to...
Learn exactly how to fix skinny-fat and get real, lasting results.
Let's get right to it: You are here to transform your life for the better.
You're here because you want to be healthy, strong and fit. You want to feel good about yourself. And you want to like what you see in the mirror.
You're here because you don't know what to do or where to start. Or maybe you're here because you've tried to fix skinny-fat yourself without success, and now you don't know where to turn.
Well, I have good news for you my friend. I have the solution to your problem.
You will see that the only way to get results is to fix skinny-fat at the source. Until you solve the problem at the source, you will waste precious time and energy spinning your wheels going nowhere fast.
Believe me, I know...
I wasted a TON of time trying to reshape my body. I spent countless hours in the gym with nothing to show for it. I made no progress for a long time, even though I was killing myself in the gym.
I was frustrated and felt helpless...
That was until something clicked in my mind and everything changed.
Just when I was about to give up hope, I had a moment of clarity. I finally had a clear view of the real issue for the first time, and I went to work on the problem right away.
Equipped with this new knowledge, my physique changed almost overnight. I could feel the difference immediately. I made progress faster than ever before. After working away for a while I began to resemble the Ancient Greek statues of the greatest warriors in history.
The Turning Point
What was this incredible discovery?
Skinny-fat is a complicated problem with a simple solution...
I'll give you a hint, the skinny-fat problem is three-fold:
1) Skinny-fat guys have a slow metabolism
2) Skinny-fat guys train using the wrong workouts for their body type
3) Skinny-fat guys' hormones are completely out of whack
All three issues must be corrected in order to transform you physique. You can and will gain muscle and lose fat if you follow the path laid out for you in The Skinny-Fat Solution. This is no easy feat, but nothing worth having is ever easy.
The Skinny-Fat Solution shows you exactly what to do and how to do it, so you get results fast.
I struggled for years trying to build the body I want. After a lot of pain-staking trial and error I was finally able to do it:

“I help skinny-fat guys get fit. I know I can help you do the same because I have the results and client transformations to prove it” - Jordan H., Founder of Iron & Grit and author of 'The Skinny-Fat Solution'
I've put everything I know about fixing skinny-fat into The Skinny-Fat Solution to show you how to lose fat, build muscle and look and feel better in the shortest time possible.

The Skinny-Fat Solution helps you:

Become a Fat-Burning Machine
Build muscle and rev-up your metabolism to torch fat and keep it off forever.
Eat All You Want
I'm dead serious - And the meal plan couldn't be easier to follow. It even comes with 5 delicious recipes to get you started. Never be hungry again!
Get & Stay Motivated
Life is a mental game. Transforming your physique is no different. Learn powerful motivational techniques to stay on top of your game and give 100% in the gym.

This is Jaden (@jp_in_sd). He wanted to get ripped before his girlfriend visited him in Guam. He applied the principle in The Skinny-Fat Solution and got shredded in a matter of weeks.
Needles to say his girlfriend was very impressed with his chiseled physique.
This is why The Skinny-Fat Solution is so effective:
- Teaches you how to perform the most important muscle building exercises. (It’s impossible to build a great physique without these exercises.)
- Learn exactly what to eat to build muscle and burn fat. (No guess work – I’ve even included 5 of my favorite recipes to get you started.)
- How to boost testosterone levels naturally (Testosterone levels are plummeting in men worldwide. You need to increase your T levels or suffer the consequences - critical!)
- Tips and tricks I’ve used to burn fat and build muscle fast.
- You’ll learn the best ways to track progress so you always know how your weight, strength and physique change over time. (And how to keep moving in the right direction!)
- And last but not least, I’ll show you my secret motivation techniques to get you fired up and ready to crush your workouts!
Here's What You Get with the Skinny-Fat Solution:
You will get instant access to "The Skinny-Fat Solution" on all your devices - Desktop, laptop, tablet and phone:
This 68-page eBook is loaded with everything you need to build an athletic and aesthetic physique.

Everything You Need to Get in Great Shape.
Delivered right to your phone or laptop instantly.
All for only $19.99
Don't put it off any longer - Start building the body you want today.
Get Instant Access Right Now!
Click the button below to get The Skinny-Fat Solution sent directly to your eMail.
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Here's a Look inside The Skinny-Fat Solution
You will get a full 12-week workout plan with exercise tips and how-to's, Plus a diet plan with 5 recipes to get you started
That's the The Skinny-Fat Solution.
Get the Best Workout for Skinny-Fat Guys
The Skinny-Fat Solution shows you exactly how to perform each exercise to perfection. So you have the confidence to know that you're training correctly.
Each exercise comes a photo-tutorial and a detailed explanation about how to execute it flawlessly, safely and in a way that maximizes results.
Each demonstration includes my top tips for improving your technique and making the most out of each workout.
Below is an example that shows part of an exercise tutorial:

Here's part of an exercise tutorial from The Skinny-Fat Solution.
There are over a dozen exercise tutorials in The Skinny-Fat Solution. How to execute each exercise is explained in great detail.
I even sprinkle in some of the best tips to make the exercises MUCH more effective.
Technique is critical when performing exercises. Technique makes all the difference in the results you get from training.
Complete Nutrition Guide and Meal Plan Made for Skinny-Fat Guys
The Ultimate Nutrition Guide for Skinny-Fat Guys
80% of building a great physique is nutrition.
You have been lied to about what foods are healthy and what foods are not. The Skinny-Fat Solution sets the record straight. Learn what foods to avoid because they are steal your energy and make you tired and weak.
You will also learn what foods to eat for energy, focus and health. Eat foods that are perfect for energy, strength, focus and well-being. People report feeling better than ever after following the diet and workout of The Skinny-Fat Solution.
This book boils everything down in an easy to digestible Nutrition Guide that you can use right away.
5 Delicious Meal Recipes to Keep You Satisfied
The Skinny-Fat Solution contains 5 tasty recipes that are so simple anyone can cook them. (And so good you will want to eat them again and again!)
- Each meal is loaded with wholesome goodness.
- Each meal has a generous portion of protein to fuel new muscle growth.
- These meals will leave you feeling full, happy and energized.
Below is an example of a recipe you will find in The Skinny-Fat Solution. Each recipe is fully detailed and complete. This is just one part of it.

Here's just a taste of the recipe section.
What Makes The Skinny-Fat Solution So Great?
This book is a complete fitness guide that contains everything you need to get incredibly fit:
Simple Nutrition Guide: No counting calories, tracking ‘macros’, or trading ‘points’. Just tasty foods that builds rock-hard muscle and melt away fat.
Exercise Tutorials: Photo tutorials that show you exactly how to execute perfect reps for maximum results.
Intelligent Workouts: Thoughtfully designed workouts to maximize muscle mass in the shortest time possible. Build total body muscle and strength while adding muscle to the right places. That's how you look impressive.
Fixes Skinny-Fat at the Source: Follow the plan to reset your hormones and reclaim your vitality.
Hyper-Efficient: Build a better body in 3-4 hours a week.
Stay Motivated: My tips to stay motivated and hit the gym hard every time!
Accountability: Tips to stay on track and deliver on your promise to yourself.
Muscle Building Recipes: 5 delicious recipes that will keep you nourished and satisfied. I prove to you that diets can be delicious.
Don't waste another day in the gym or eating crap that won't help you. The Skinny-Fat Solution removes all the guess work. All you do is follow the simple step-by-step plan and watch your body transform.
Most fitness advice on the internet is not for skinny-fat guys. You could waste YEARS doing it the wrong way.
Don't miss out! Stop wasting time trying to figure out what to do and just follow the blueprint laid out clearly in the book.
Summary of What You’ll Get...
All this for just:
This is the best value you'll find anywhere. If you're a skinny-fat guy, this will be the best $19.99 you've ever spent. You won't find a deal like this anywhere else.
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Here is Some of What You Will Find in The Skinny-Fat Solution
This book is loaded with information you won't find anywhere else.
The Skinny-Fat Solution is the most complete, thorough and results-focused program for skinny-fat guys on the planet. This is a must have if you want to radically transform your physique.
This book is as direct and to-the-point as possible. Easy to read. No filler, no fluff. It's meant to get you the most value as quickly as possible so you can get results ASAP!
*Images of before and after photos used on this site represent exceptional results. As every individual is different, there is no guarantee that you will have the same or similar results.*

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You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't see results in 60 days, just email and we'll send you a prompt refund.

"I'm so confident you'll see results I'm offering my product at no financial risk to you."
- Jordan, Author of 'The Skinny-Fat Solution' and Founder of Iron & Grit Fitness
From the same Team that brought you the world famous blog post The Ultimate Skinny-Fat Workout and Diet Guide that helped transform the lives of men all over.
Skinny-Fat Solution FAQ
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
How long is each workout?
Do I need a gym membership?
Is the diet vegetarian or vegan friendly?
How many workouts are there per week?
Do I need supplements?
What's included in the The Skinny-Fat Solution eBook?
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